Who does Sup Forums main?

Who does Sup Forums main?
Also general Overwatch thread


Only faggots "main" anything. Good players play whatever the team needs.

I flex when I need to, I can play a good Mercy Ana and Zarya, but I've been honing my Tracer skill since I got the game

Junkrat is my fave, but Lucio, Soldier, D.va, etc are all good stand ins when the team needs them.

Lucio main but have been playing him less and less. Mostly Roadhog, Zenyatta and Soldier now.
Been putting some time into Ana and Tracer lately as well, any tips for budding Tracer players OP?

Imo Junkrat is only good as a Reinhardt counter, unless you're extremely skilled

only casuals play trashmouse

So basically all of the no skill cancer heroes?

Absolutely. Practice your tracking while aiming, know where every single health pack is on every single map and play around them, try to use your recall as a very last resort, when you go to flank make sure your team is behind you so you have somewhere to fall back to.
There are tons of advanced player guides on YouTube, I have probably watched 50 of them.

You probably play symmetra and mei too, right?


Also, Overwatch in 2017.

>hanzo main spotted

i mostly play what my team need so it often turns into Roadhog but lately i've been playing a lot of Mercy, with Lucio in Koth and Ana as 2nd support

Widow cuz muh 360 trickshotzzzz

mercy, rein, ana, soldier, and junk rat, mostly mercy tho

Nah, tank main. Reinhardt and Zarya are my favs.

OP here. I eat widowmakers for breakfast. They always try to go where they think I can't get to.

You are a saint. Mercy mains will forever be immune to salt.

Thanks, I always find myself exhausting all my abilities when engaging multiple targets, leading me to fear engaging multiple enemies. Just so used to Roadhogs insane health pool

nice get, master chief, also i play a lot of widow in quickplay, shes fun as fuck, but not a good pick, so only ever in quick play

You are cancer. Eat shit and die.

Yeah, that's a thing that I do sometimes too. Tracer does some mad burst damage (up to 480 with all headshots), so focus down the squishies. Also it's so easy to bait roadhog hooks.

Seriously. You might have a few go-to's and others that you stay clear of, but you should usually see what fits the team and counters your opponent.

My Go-To's are: Junkrat, Soldier 76, Lucio, D.Va, Symmetra

Situationally, I'll swap into: Mei, Reaper, Roadhog, Pharah, Torbjorn, or Widowmaker

I want to get better at: Reinhardt and Hanzo

I never play: Genji or McCree - I really suck at pin-point aiming, more than I suck at Reinhardt.


Someone Sup Forums can PL me on ranked ? x)

Torbjörn main here



>still playing overrated

tfw when you play Junkrat in Competitive, have gold Elims, Damage, and Objective time, and your team harasses you because Junkrat isn't the meta

Yeah I'm a Roadhog main so I know exactly when to zip away from his hooks and scattergun shots. Imo Tracer almost feels like a Roadhog counter because she can disrupt him so much

lol that shitty game sucks

The trick with rein is having a team built around YOU. You can't have a team full of assassins and brawlers and expect to do anything with rein. Get good at leading the firestrikes. Only charge short distances, DO NOT charge into their team or long distances. Earthshatter key targets like healers or tank killers. The main thing though is realizing reinhardt's main purpose is just being a giant shield and protecting your teammates, not trying to be a killer.

It's not the most complicated game in the world, but it's fun to pick up and play a few rounds

What's your zarya strat? Mine's to be in the front lines and literally stand right in the line of fire to charge my shield. Reinhardts fear me.

Fuck the meta. Last time I checked, 95% of us aren't in the top 5%.

>what is trash damage


Not many know this, but Zarya bubbles extend past a Rein shield so if you give him a bubble while he's being shot at, you'll get charge

Well, not our fault you suck a Overwatch, I'm in top 5%

only if they aim right at him though, if they aim even slightly toward the edge it wont charge you


>when youre support and reinhardt does his death charge through the enemy team while yelling about healing

Used to play Mercy only since nobody wants to be a healer. It was fun until they ruined her

Holy shit I never thought about that. I usually just take a step in front of the shield.

The meta is only useful insofar as knowing that you should probably make your team balanced, and knowing which characters are good on which gametypes (i.e. Symmetra is less good when pushing a payload than Lucio or Reinhardt)

If you're harassing someone for playing a character the meta thinks is weak though, like, get a life.

Lmao it's what separates a good rein from a bad one. Timing those charges is everything. Even I am guilty of it from time to time, especially on Anubis point B attack.

Thanks for the tips!

How do you deal with your shield draining quickly? I always feel like my shield is in a state of almost breaking.

herp derp ima heal this guy over extending and putting himself in danger while ignoring my team.

Remember to not constantly use it. It needs to recharge

That's what the offtank is for, someone like Zarya or D.v.a. to protect the team while you let your shield charge. Avoid taking damage from junkrat grenades or pharrah rockets unless they're going to land in the middle of your team.

>ignores the elims and objective time

In that game where I was getting super bitched out about it, it wasn't because our team was losing - the guys on mic were freaking the fuck out because we (a team of Golds) got matched with a Diamond Tracer-main.

I swapped to D.Va, and continued to kick ass.

Thanks for the tips! I'll have to dick around with him a bit more in Quick Play


I main soldier 76

Want that skin


Elims mean nothing, you can deal 1 point of damage to someone and still get the elim for it, i.e. junkrat. If a junkrat tries saying "b-b-ut I have gold damage and elims" I automatically ignore him. Obj time as junkrat is bad, he is meant for more of an artillery role. Junkrat is noob tube.


By time played currently. Soldier > Zarya > Tracer.

SR Season high : 4364, currently : 4233, haven't really bothered playing after i got top 500.

time played current season : 73 hours, i duoq-d with my friend since it came out, felt like he was holding me back so i started to solo-q. Got top 500 in about 3-4 days, although i probably played x3 during those days because before he'd just leave after we lost couple of games and i never bothered to play solo(had rank anxiety, was afraid i'd drop lower).

Tips to get up that high? Also what platform?

Fuck off with your overwatch bullshit
Go to another board

PC, don't really have tips though, i've just played a lot of FPS. If you're good enough and feel like you can improve then play soldier and zarya.