Once and for all - size MATTERS

Once and for all - size MATTERS.

Woman like to assuage the guilt of men with small penises by saying

>"big dicks hurt!!"
>"Size not important, only what you do with it" >"as long as a man is confident and dominant in bed it doesn't matter"
>"I can't cum from penetration anyway...it's ok honestly!"


Woman want to be FILLED. It is impossible to give pleasure to a woman that will achieve orgasm without a penis large enough to generate friction to stimulate the nerve receptors on the walls of the vaginal tissue.

Stop kidding yourself DO something about it, stop living a lie to yourself and your friends but most of all STOP conning these poor women who are lulled by your impossibly transparent and foolish charm in the hopes of receiving pleasure.

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares?
Women are just holes for my dick.

>nasty floppy pussy.
keep it.

Having a big dick has its negatives, too. My poor ex couldn't deal with my 7+ inch tool. Thickness was the real deciding factor, though.

Also, you're about two inches of slippage away from 18 years of baby mama support, Tyrone.

Why are you so mad about your tiny dick?
Why do you have to annoy us with your shit to compensate your mini wiener?

My dick is supposed to please me... who gives a fuck about the bitch... she can just like it, or deal with it....


>insecure nigger detected

Whats it like having a below average cock Jamal?

Says size matters. Posts skinny dick. Thats a nigger for ya.

>pleasure for the woman
They're supposed to just enjoy the possibility of baring my children, aren't they?

Says 7 plus without realizing thats the median size. Most of us are 7 plus, idiot.

Kek, worldwide average is 5. Sup Forums average is probably 2 considering how many fatass limp-dicked neets hang out here.

Do something about it?
You act like that's a decision people can make and it will happen.
Fuck this thread.

Sure I'll listen to what some neckbeard on Sup Forums tels me, insted of trusting actual studies

You dont understand the difference between average and median do you?

score trips and nigger op dies

Average a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean

the same fucking thing you tard.

If you try to tell me that the average OR median cock size on Sup Forums is 7, you're lying to me and yourself. Unless you're talking centimeters, you're just arguing semantics.

Very big dicks actually do hurt and are more trouble than anything, not very pleasurable

Size matters, but giant dicks are just painful, big but not too big are the ideal

Also I cum mostly from clitoral stimulation, being filled as well does feel nicer, but I prefer a guy who can use his hands and mouth and has a below average dick to one with a big one that has no fucking idea what he's doing

ITT: neckbeard turbovirgins talk about what size benis women prefer based on their careful observations of porn.

Not the same at all. Statistics major here.


size matters but anything above 7 inches is excessive

ok but is there sauce tho

My aunt killed herself and her "mixed" baby when the father left for a titted gorilla,glad that trash is dead.

Median is a type of average stupid nigger

Keep your mudsharks


In a Gaussian distribution (as is the case)... yes, they are equivalent. Go back to high school kid.

fucking keeeeek

He's not even going all the in. Perhaps an inch is being wasted

>dick that big
>isn't even rock hard, tons of squishyness

Why the fuck do you care

>implying white women want blacks and non-whites

>pic related

Only fag, ugly, land whales and stupid white sluts date and fuck niggers.






Anyone else who thought this was scat looking at the thumbnail?

I know this is a troll post and for the life of me Idk why someone would spend time spamming. Here's some POV from a real porn star

Even if this graph is bullshit, I'd love it if a Native American qt hit on me. I'd be fucking diamonds over that.


watch this WebM


That's what I thought.. you have no source because you are wrong.
1) women don't know what "big" even is.. many think 6inches is big when you shove it in their face. The exception is of course massive sluts who fuck guys every day

2) it really does hurt them
3) you're an idiot trail
5) 1/10 bait for getting me to reply


he's right

>big dicks hurt is bullshit
Even medium dicks hurt some girls, virgin. Sex is different for everyone.

>men have to be dominant in bed
Go back to the 1950's.

Hows that job hunt going?

so much effort into complaining about your little dick
y'know others can have a big cock without being black

alot of women i know want the man to be dominant
alot of the men i know want the woman to be dominant
i call lazyness on both sides

Kek at turbovirgin

Yeah, that looks really pleasurable, not uncomfortable at all

>nerve receptors on the walls

stopped reading because I am educated in sexual health.

can't even put it all in.

You too can have a big cock, just fuck a small girl

>this nigga knows

My gf is 5" so she's tight as fuck and my average cock looks huge

shut up jidf

size don't matters

fuck off