When you hear Bohemian Rhapsody, do you think of Wayne's World or Suicide Squad?

When you hear Bohemian Rhapsody, do you think of Wayne's World or Suicide Squad?

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ITT: age filter

What an ugly bitch

I think of aids

Wayne's World

If SS has a memorable scene with the song this might change.

i think of queen tbqh

shit taste

That's what your mom said when you were born.


Man just look at the entire soundtrack.
Mike Myers should definitely make a guest appearance. Maybe just as a mook who gets shot down.

I do not like that song very much

>Mike Myers
>being in a movie in 2016

Sadly, not going to happen.

waynes world always makes me think of this pic

Good, those Shrek movies were fucking awful. Plus, he's BFFs with Deepak Chopra.

I instantly think of reddit.
There is probably not a single song more reddit than Bohemian Rhapsody.

What about Dana Carvey? Is he still alive?

>There is probably not a single song more reddit than Bohemian Rhapsody.

Yeah, he has a new TV show.

Not after what I did to him.

You sure know an awful lot about Reddit for somebody who claims to hate Reddit. Where you on the night of the third?

>not knowing what is reddit and what not
Hi dideli ho, summerfriend.

Found the 14-year-old.


what happened there

kid got smashed for robbing his friends house a few weeks earlier

18 not a kid really

Neither because I don't listen to faggot mercury

wat's boheman rapsody ?

I think of Queen because that's how I heard it first.

>Wayne's World

Hands down.


I always think that Queen is overrated




I think about Muppets


I think of ballroom blitz