Saaayy Nigger!

Saaayy Nigger!

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The nigger word is racist

Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy.

He is a legend for this. Tana deserves to lose everything for being the fake, CUNT, that she is.

The one on the right? Pretty loose

Itt: edgy high school kids

This is shifty self advertising, Pyro.

Look at his face. Aha he's playing with himself he's so proud. Lol delicious

>out of high school

kill yourself

why does niggers call other niggers niggers if it's an offensive word for niggers?

I am really glad that this entire thing started because some brain dead 18 year old decided to open her mouth on twitter.

The system really does work.

She looks like Yoko Ono got face fucked by the Incredible Hulk, the fuck do you mean cute?


28 years old and live in a flat with my mum in the South of England. I laughed at this stupid shit and i'm not even depressed anymore, i actually kind of like my pathetic life.

Idk, but I find it interesting that niggers can call white people crackers, ghosts, or anything implying white people and it isn't racist. I will say nigger if I want to and it will not be racist.

That's not how that shit works dog.

I've been out of high school for three years and got a career going. kill yourself faggot

wow im 28 and thought my life was shit but at least i dont live with my mum, or in south england


Also nigger hate threads are always sweet.

My life is chilled out.

Get out of my chan underages


>chilled out
do you and your mum just watch reruns of 90s daytime tv

Nah man, I work in town and spend my money on long weekends in Europe and hanging out in London and Brighton.


hold on. you work and you live with your mum?

dude you live in England staing at home masturbating qualifies as long weekends in Europe

That's right. I've had my own place before and it's expensive.

ahh i see. you are 12 and work as a paperboy, occasionally going to europe and brighhton to visit your possible dads

Got me.

underage b&

He actually dissected her. The video is a work of art.

ITT: newfags and edgelords

dear god, stop.


who the fuck is she anyway? some youtube blogger?
regardless, i love seeing hypocritical cunt crahs and burn and i hope she does

>Someone who thinks his opinions are complete and unarguable facts.

Who's the real edgelord?

>I'M LE Sup Forums HACKER xDDD

>>Someone who thinks his opinions are complete and unarguable facts.
>Who's the real edgelord?

Did he state this?
Did you bring any counterarguments?
Do you really think using big words you don't understand makes you look smart?
Are you older than 15?

unarguable is a big word for you huh? or do you just think that because when its typed out its the same lenght as ur dick

Ad hominem, wouldn't have expected more from an underage individual like you.

How old are you?

Its nearly the designation of these creatures because they all originated from the same spot less the 14k years ago.
a place called niger.

Every nigger is from there, this is why they are incredibly inbred and genetically unvaried.

18, but why does it matter to you?


Its all racist and that is okay.

Racism: inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement

Look at this niggerfaggot

Filthy frank is unfunny garbage but idubbz is a pretty cool guy, he promotes intellectual honesty, living a clean lifestyle, freedom of speech and the importance of good monetary decision making

somebody's jelly

i'll be 13 next week. My grandma is going to throw me a cool birthday, i think she is going to let me invite 10 of my friends over. My granddad died last year so i think she enjoys when my friends come over. I found in the history of the computer i share with her that she had been researching painless ways to kill yourself, and she has also bought a high powered shotgun so i think she is going to kill herself.

has she done porn or nudes yet?

So do you have some nigger fetish that you enjoy staying there?


Ayy he took the intro philosophy course


I see how the housing/rent cost go up.
Why do you brits let yourself be pushed out of the way by niggers?

I'm not sure if English is really your thing. Maybe you should try drawing or maybe hiking, just try activities that don't require you to use words at any point.

We don't have a bad scheme for first time house buyers, so i think the idea is that young people buy houses rather than rent. If you can get over the fact that it's pretty embarrassing living at home into your late 20s and assuming you don't get a girl pregnant or anything then you can save up and buy a house in your early 30s and never have to deal with extortionate rent prices.


>implying the majority of Sup Forums users aren't also reddit users.

You sure showed them.

So its geared to muslims who can get interest free loans.

i hope not you fucking faggot.

No it's geared to people with a job who save up enough money for a down payment on a house.

How is it geared?, also what dont you understand about a interest free loan

Where do these interest free mortgages come from?

I think the best thing he said was how idiot liberals elevate the word nigger to a level of such high esteem by making it hated and by forcing people not to use it for fear of being called a racist.

He's totally right when he says that if people just use the word all the time it'll eventually lose all its meaning and become just another sound.

It sound like brit user is gullible enough to think he could save up enough money if he just works.

No one mentioned mortgages, learn to read.

Good on you, m8! How tight is your mum?

It's you that doesn't have a clue how shit works.

any fakes of Tana?

loved that vid

Yes it is. Back to plebbit with you, cuck.

I was first talking about not renting and the fact there are good schemes for first time buyers in the UK. You can back with something about niggers, and then you said something about the system is geared towards muslims who can get interest free loans. Are you moving away from the topic of property here, or are you saying they get a interest free loan to pay the mortgage out right?

You are an enormous nigger faggot retard.

(Who else got that?)

So what you are saying the only cost effective way in britain is to buy.

You cant buy so you are living with your mom.
Then muslims get interest free loans and buy all the houses 10 years before you can
And you still think you would be able to buy a home after breaking your back at work whilst prices are sky rocketing because the ever growing population and decline offer of homes to buy.

Everyone who replies to this and claims different is a high school fag.
This reply is somewhat included.

Playing the intellectual on Sup Forums to impress kids. What a faggot.

Is there any evidence to support muslims exclusively having access to these magical interest free loans? I mean they would have to be pretty huge loans too to be able to either buy land and build or buy out property in large quantities.

No evidence is needed, observe trips

Oh please. The hype is built up around the word "nigger" and the fact that Ian has the balls to say it on cameras. Nothing else. He didn't expose her or roast her in any way that will harm her career whatsoever, and he didn't teach anyone any important lessons. Not defending Tana, she's a cow, but you guys need to stop glorifying Ian so much.

Whoa, what a good fucking argument. I am convinced. Thanks for sharing, shit for brains. You sure changed my perception on this matter.

>B U Z Z W O R D S

Reminds me of every 14 year old in CSGO I come across.


You are dumb and not worth the time, yes Muslim get interest free loans.(SA backs most of them look it up)

kinda strange you know so little about so many people in your country.

Btw they are taken the housing away if renting is boned like you say it is, hence you ended up back living with your mom.
>take the country back you faggot.

Dude, she's losing subs by the second. Ian is legit making youtube a better place

>living a clean lifestyle

But she didn't know nigger was a slur! It's unfaiirrrr

dark brown skinned person of Nigerian decent

Back to lolcow with you bitch

i think it was Thailand where some Buddhist monk was fighting the muslims because they where taking over everything getting a monopoly over the people.

Muslims do this stuff all over this is how they where able to conquer Egypt etc as well.

it is a financial social demographic conquest system they use and it is backed by massive amounts of funds and support.

>living a clean lifestyle


That is not a rebuttal.

Get out

South of England is cool

From my understanding, as far as the mortgage loans go, a Islamic friendly loan system has been set up which is in compliance with Sharia law and isn't interest free. The bank buys the house outright and essentially rents the house out to the muslim who took the loan with the current interest rate included in the price, with the final payment then meaning the house is owned by that person. They aren't gaining anything it's just some stupid religious shit about them not being able to pay interest, so it's more a religious loophole to get away from making their God unhappy rather than getting interest free loans.

>The hype is built up around the word "nigger"


The content cop brand itself so much bigger than arbitrary racial slurs said in public. She opened her fucking mouth on twitter without doing ANY research hoping to exploit the situation to gain more Youtube revenue and got fucked in the most glorious fashion for it. That's where the hype is.

>and the fact that Ian has the balls to say it on cameras

Anyone can say Nigger on camera. The persona he built over the years and his ability to clearly express his thoughts is why it's impressive.

>He didn't expose her or roast her in any way

Did you not watch the video? He shown her past use of the word and exposed her to be a huge hypocrite, at the very least. That alone makes your statement incorrect.

>and he didn't teach anyone any important lessons

"Either all of it is okay or none of it is."

I guess it's hard to keep track of facts with your head this far up your ass.

>Not defending Tana


>but you guys need to stop glorifying Ian so much.


>From my understanding, as far as the mortgage loans go, a Islamic friendly loan system has been set up which is in compliance with Sharia law and isn't interest free.

How does this sentence happen in a thread about idubbbz and some dumb ass 18 year old?

Also, check'd.

yeah that's true, kind of got caught up in the whole thing there. Still pretty interesting reading into this shit.

The thumbs up was the icing on the cake

Your quads are nice and all.
But Muslims get inters free loans, sure there might be some sceme like you said which is weird to have in the first place and how do you know this is not benefiting them.

Do you know the interest rates?. im sure they are lower then what you would pay.

They are still buying away all the homes.

increasing the price of them before you have saved up enough to buy one.
Muslims still get interest free loans which they use to buy houses outright making it impossible for you ever to own a house.

So you will be renting and paying a arm and a leg whilst living with your mom and still working 40 hours in a week.

>enjoy life