So you think I'm cute or nahhh?

so you think I'm cute or nahhh?

Nah, but would fuck

but a lot of Sup Forumsros have different tastes than mine

You're alright

nahh, but would fuck if you were at my place naked

fuck off with this facebook cringe, you supremely lonely 14 year old spergs


Well show how you look naked then we can judge

Indeed, would bang :)

what happened to tits or gtfo?

You sad faggots might be legit retarded. But you wait here.



read the fuckin rules newfag

So, some socially-stunted 14 year old kid posts a single facebook photo of a girl he's never actually spoken to, and you spend the next 45 minutes screaming "TITS OR GTFO BITCH!!!".

...and I'M the newfag. Right.

Like I said, you wait here.

do you even know what board your on? this is the retard bin. why are you here?

>I only bang 9's cause im a cool kid

Yep, I'd whiten your teeth

I'm sure she can't wait to have your cheeto-stained fingers fumbling awkwardly over her body.

Also, stop saying "you" and "your", you fucking tardpockets. You're not talking to the girl in the pic, ffs.

I don't like Cheetos. And Sup Forums basically revolves around roleplay.

have you ever spent more than 30 minutes on Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums without being triggered?

>Sup Forums basically revolves around roleplay

