Why don't we ever have a Sup Forums meet up? Honestly whats the worst that could happen?

Why don't we ever have a Sup Forums meet up? Honestly whats the worst that could happen?

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Anyone who shows up gets blown up

By who?

Damn Mohammad is it that serious

By any of the Trump loving supporters that populate this site? They are amerifags after all.

Say we get one thousand particpants, I 'd give MAYBE 10 of them will be from the same state or within 200 miles excluding New York, and people from small countries. You gonna buy a 200 dollar two way plane ticket to anywhere to meet likeliest the sinkyest, least socially proficient, and most asshole people on Earth?

Get Lurnt

where ya from?
soc does meetup threads constantly kinda different crowd though

Sup Forums meetup, lol.
Out of 10, there'd be 5 pedophiles, 1 nigger, 1 white supremacist, 2 IQ's below 80, & 1 quasi normie who'd be terrified the entire time.
Sounds like hella fun fam.

Chicago and fuc /soc/ i want Sup Forums

That actually does sound fun

because it is an anonymous board, not your secret club retard, I bet you would ask for a pic and put it as fb cover picture

Do you think you are somehow cool because you visit Sup Forums?
>where you going son
>a meeting
>with who?
>I..I cannot tell you, there things from my life you must not know
>tips fedora

That's how retarded you sound, what honestly do you expect to happen? I bet you would bring in the iPad your mom bought you and show your dank memes

>hehe look! I wish there were no new fags damn Sup Forumsros, let's make a YLYL thread!!

if you do make the meeting, please let me know so I can go and beat the shit out of you, that way you will remember all your highschool days getting beaten to the ground and made to drink toilet water, fuck I cannot belive how low Sup Forums has fallen to have fags like you show up and make this kind of bullshit, if it was up to you I bet you would like to start a snapchat user interchange, hoping to land some cutie nerdy girl who is into morbid-obesity, fuck you

Mass shootings

Dayum son, you've got issues.

It does sound fun. I'd do it in a mall, that way we can all scope each other out 1st. Blend in with the crowd and leave if we don't like it.
Houston, Tx here.
Where are my fellow b/ros @?

Dude you don't have to be a dick i waa just wondering because i don't have many friends and i spend a lot of my time here

Thats just a joke here no one here is actually crazy

I'm in Florida , if anyone wants to meet up in Orlando

I am

There used to be meetups, ~10 years ago.

It was always the same 6-10 people in NYC.

It doesn't happen because it's not worth it.

No you're not

Then get on Meetup faggot. I found some cool groups based on my interests(board/card games, geeky stuff, etc.), and I assume you have hobby.

Kek. This. OP Is fag

Sup Forums does have the same intrests as me

there have been meet ups, theyre just shit

Your mother didn't raise you right

Then we'll just have to have a good one

like 10 next top school shooters show up and barely talk to each other.
this is not the place to improve social skills..

I don't want to improve my social skills i hate normies

Because it would look like this. (Vid related).

>Better to just stay in the basement, eat Doritos and lurk Sup Forums.

*Forgot Vid.


I've got 2 good freinds from Sup Forums
Fucking six hour drive tho meet up twice a year

there's one IQ below 80

set up a meet then, see what happens. its awkward as fuck.

Only awkward if you make it awkward

I can't imagine the combined Essence of a large group of anons
Makes mustard gas

You are one to talk, you probably smell like Cheetos fat boy

Such an intense concentration of fedora wearers would cause an implosion of reality, creating the universe's first autistic blackhole...

It's ok she will be raped by Robbie rotten in her sleep tonight
>got you back bro

nope theyre just awkward and they dont last more than 20 mins before everyone fucks off home

Keep in mind more than half of b is retards and neckbeards that have no social skills. Its happened before it just failed miserably cause they were all too pussy to talk to each other.



Actually I have battled with anorexia for five years so your "fat boy " is invalid
Also most of the people who turn up will be underage like you for instance

who would ever want that

Just drop a gs of speed in the chocolate milk

There have been multiple meet ups through out the years OP. Usually it involves 10 dudes awkwardly sitting in a park or cafe unable to make conversation and browsing Sup Forums on their phones together. Although I remember reading about a /k/ meetup which a lot of dudes went to and one user made brownies mixed with his cum. So maybe that sounds appealing to ya OP?

Damn captcha

Everyone wants friends

Yo OP, if we're gonna meet up, tell me where and when. I got the mustard gas covered.

bear in mind the age range of anons, from teens to 70's, that could be either weird, or very weird

I met up with someone from Sup Forums to buy mdma. We met the first time at a movie theatre, he was chill, drugs were good, and i actually grabbed from him many more times.


I think the best place to meet up would be a mall or a park. Everyone is weird so idk why most people wouldn't try to make friends. One of my best friends is a Sup Forumsro.

A meet up with anons

>meet at a Burger King
>look for other anons
>see a smelly fat fuck sitting there
>more smelly fat fucks appear
>everyone sits down together, maximum 5 Sup Forumstards
>start talking about memes in reallife
>people around wonder what the fuck they talk about
>''Nigger, loli, traps, Pics you shouldn't share, mlp.''
>people stare at us
>(insert horrible internet inside jokes here)

I dunno, sounds like a great idea

People from new York are sad anyway. That's not surprising.

Dunno why but this made me loose my shit

New York
>fucking Jew york more like

Sorry, let me help you find your shit

Since Sup Forums fights about everything, we'd probably form two rival gangs, the Dubs and the Trips, and talk shit to each other until one of you fucks whips out CP and we all run away.

Like 2% of people on Sup Forums are autist the rest are normal. Why do you all act like everyone here is shitty, fat and deformed

It would most likely end up in blood shed, so I say let them meet up, less people fucking up Sup Forums

Sup Forums meets have always been cancer throughout the history of you wouldn't know newfag.

wutz rong wit niggas bitch. you does know we wuz kangs n shieet, aight?

I met someone off Sup Forums for the first time and it was to buy drugs. I think I'll keep it at that.


My sides have left me.

If only you knew kiddo.

there was a Sup Forums meetup, moot arrnaged it. moot didn't show but got someone to film the pathetic dregs that did show. it was lols

i saw a bunch of fat people in fawkes masks outside CoS on tottenham court road once. I guess that was you fagets

Since you scardey cats probably won't ever want to meet. How would you try to meet someone from here? Walk around saying memes until someone notices or what? Interested because I kind of live in a small town.

that part about obese girl made me hard though

the one time I went to a Sup Forums meetup three years ago it turned out to be a furry convention and now I spent over 3 grand of furry art, 2.5 grand on a fursuit and now my life is fucked

pic releated, it's me

>Still using kikebook

try on another board. Sup Forums is full of shitheads and edgy underages. You'll find nicer people on the other boards, real people.

I bet you'd have more friends if you spent less time here :^)

I can see how you'd get those 2 confused

Oh God, no offense, but furries seem like the most cancerous type of people. I knew one irl and wanted to stab him.

People don't really like me

it was basically the same thing. everyone drunk, wearing masks, dealers selling porn, drugs (not in the public eye but they were there), poor people wearing ears and tails, cringe lords wearing fedoras.

some of them are pretty cool

You do realize that anonymity is the thing that gives Sup Forums that edge, right? Not a single Sup Forums tard is edgy enough to do the shit he does online in real life

You'd be surprised :^)


kill yourself

I've met maybe a half dozen Sup Forumstards irl.. 5 were seriously fucked up.

I've got an addiction to disturbing content and freaking out normies with the shit I've saved.. But these fuckers live it.

1. Genuine autistic ponyfag.

2. Degenerate trailer trash that has multiple kids he never sees and as many teeth as a jack-o-lantern.

3. Introverted artsy cutter girl. Actually pretty tallented, but is ruining herself over time.

4. Guy who dresses exclusively in red and legally changed his name to his in game avatars name.

5. Fat fuck that vapes like a nuclear cooling tower, and talks/behaves like he's 15yrs old despite being twice that.

I'm here for the jailbait, breaking scandal bullshit, and lulz. Mostly because my 9-5 supervisor jobs have all been easy as fuck, and thus boring.

A meetup would be awkward as fuck for Sup Forums

I would love to do a Houston meetup. It's such a shame most of them happen only in the north east part of America

That's true, I might be (^:

arrange your fucking meet ups there

once again

>still using kikebook

>arrange your fucking meet ups there


only a normie saves "freak stuff" to scare other normies

Lmao that sounds about right. There are more "normal" people here though. I think.

Too much spaghetti

>A meetup would be awkward as fuck for Sup Forums

there's no denying that. But I still want to go to one for the experience

Any of you guys in Arizona?

In OP's mind:

>meet up
>hot girl who has a thing for nerds shows up
>serial killer who wants to be friends with him
>Secret goverment agent who has top classified info gives it to OP
>gets recruited for cicada
>becomes Sup Forums famous

>only 2 fat fucks show up at their burger king meeting
>they order food and shake when trying to say hello, so they chat through kik instead
>go home and his mom yells at him for being a 35 year old MLP fag who has no job

Some of the shit I've saved is never shown to normies because I'm reasonably sure it's illegal to possess.
I'm not going around and showing it to just anybody.. Normie exposure to Sup Forums content is like anal, you need to ease into that shit.


Sounds good I'm in stc

oh sod off calista

Fukken Saved!