This movie should be required viewing before voting this November

This movie should be required viewing before voting this November

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How anyone can vote for shillary in good conscious is beyond me. Doesn't mean you have to vote for trump but goddammit Hill dog is slimy

This movie should be required viewing before voting this November


Well well well if it isn't reddit

Agreed, people deserve a winner As a president

God you Drumpfsters are retarded

>the two candidates for the highest office in the world are a lying globalist shill who laughs at the notion of murdered soldiers and a joke candidate whose entire political platform is based on making vague shitty promises like any other politician but is praised as being "honest"
>one of these two idiots will be granted the ability to fire nukes
>we will never have a military coup to oust these retards
Does anyone want to go halfsies on a fallout shelter? I'll bring Yahtzee


>listening to that fucking lying British shithead
I immediately ignore any pundit who tells me to vote for someone because of their gender

>1 American dies in a warzone in the middle of a civil war and faggots act like it's the biggest deal in the world and there must be some sort of conspiracy surrounding it

Keep them (you)s coming you stupid Drumpfsters
The last president was picked based on his skin color
The next one will be picked based on her genitalia.

>mfw I live in France where we're swarmed with immigrants and people are getting mass killed in the street every 6 months
>I still pity the americans for the shitstorm they are about to live for the next mandate

>acting like it's perfectly ok to elect someone to the highest office of the land when they have endangered American lives abroad during a period when their only fucking job is to protect American interests abroad

>acting like it's perfectly ok to elect someone to the highest office of the land when they have endangered American
That's what being a president is all about, the fact that she did it before she was even elected into office means she's already got some experience and will be better than Drumpf

There is hope yet

Do you really think he has a chance to win? I don't know shit about the US internal situation now so enlighten me please

not to mention she's completely incompetent

Do you have any idea how the Presidency and the military works or are you just popping off like a loud mouth retard? The President is literally Commander in Chief of the armed forces and therefore every time they authorize a military action they are "endangering American lives" which is sort of the very nature of military conflict you fucking idiot

Recent poll has him at 40 to hrc 39

>people actually tweeting, "If you've seen Michael Bay's movie and are still voting Hillary, I don't even know what to say."

Just say out loud, "I'm letting a Michael Bay film decide the leader of the free world." Say it with confidence!

Me, I'm waiting for Transformers 5 to make an informed decision about the auto industry.

Of course. Are you still disillusioned that the world is not crazy?

>leader of the free world

it's funny because the american president is not an actual leader, nor is your country free, nor is it 'the world'

>If any soldier ever dies in a warzone in a random unexpected attack then the president is evil

>leader of the free world
>americans actually (for real) (as in, not in a joke kind of way) believe this


You should watch it cause John Krasinski is fucking hot.

still gonna vote for Hillary. You can't change my mind with this right wing crap

Well well well, if it isn't a Sup Forumstard getting butthurt over a small joke about Trump.

hillary could have prevented this, she could have saved them

you mean this one right?

>Just say out loud, "I'm letting a Michael Bay film decide the leader of the free world." Say it with confidence!

We can buy one in colorado springs

Ill bring clue

Well well well if it isn't reddit

hi jenna

Do you actually think it would of been better with Trump the guy who spent years of his life trying to out Obama as a Muslim,the guy who wants to bomb oil fields, the guy who believes vaccines cause autism and that Global Warming is hoax?

Not really. The movie is hardly political.

This could have been Bay's masterpiece but he decided to insert a boat load of cliches and repetitive scenes to make it 2 and a half hours long.

realistically congress wont let him do anything stupid as they will block him at every turn

meanwhile hillary will be able to do whatever she likes aka war with iran within 4 years

>Running towards an incoming mortar
United States of America's """special""" forces everyone

Hillary Clinton have been clear of any wrong doing in Benghazi. Yet conservatives still use it as a boogieman because conservative people are stupid and wont read about it.

>le benghazi meme

Fuck off conservicucks

>Implying a war with Iran isn't what conservatives want.

Fucking Bay, jerking off to himself with this shot in every fucking movie.

Implying the average conservative's IQ allows him to understand more than one populist sentence at a time a la Trump

>le right wing is evil
>le left wing can do no wrong
you fucking children
i seriously hope none of you are actually old enough to vote

This year's election happens to coincide with me being able to vote.

if you ask any Libyan they'll tell you they are much more upset with the french than the usa/bengahzi episode.
Nearly no one in the us knows that. Of course not, there's been no movie about the french in Libya.

I was going to vote for Bernie but then he lost so now im voting for Hillary. Almost done watching this movie and I have to say. The only real victims of american colonialism are moderate muslims. If we never went and attacked their land this would never happen. Islam is peaceful. Fuck Donald, im off this shite site. Back to my Hillary subreddits.

it's what the entire american establishment wants and trump's your last chance at avoiding it

if you think right vs left is real you're a good goy, look up all the countries bill clinton and obama bombed

>whine about muh proaganda
>say people should be forced to watch media to sway their political opinions
>a mike bay movie no less