/s/ ride?

/s/ ride?

/s/ ride.

Other urls found in this thread:





These endless threads are beyond boring, but then I realize that some asshole has to be DRAWING this crap content day and night... that's really disturbing...

Hey, glad you showed up, but I wanted this to be a girls only thread.

If only that were true. It's the same pictures over and over again. One tread dies, they get reposted in the next.



Ooky ;(



didn't mean to make you sad


I like both sexes


Not that I ain't open-minded or anything, dudes just don't do anything for me.




iiz okay


like shorks?



does anyone have her skype?

I love a girl who know's how to work on stuff.

More like this.








Good afternoon everybody.



Wah! *pomf*
Wh-what are we gonna do on the pelt?

hello, how's your day been?

nap... ;P




just droppin by real quick
should keep cleanin
but breaks are good


Yeah I'm on break too. Should probably eat lunch, but I had a craving to check up here instead.








Been good. Thinking about going to the gym soon. How about u?



Longing around applying for a few jobs, nothing too spectacular. Gotta clean my house today too. Anything fun or exciting going on?




hell yeah, I fucking love sharks, can we get some more!


Nothing exciting, just Fast and Furious clips on yourube. Thinking about buying a car.

What kind of job you looking for?


Watching Apocalypse Now for the first time...

k, back to cleanin'...

Anything really, but I'm interested in food service. I've already worked ever position but management in retail for the last two years and food service is something I think everyone should work too. Hopefully host or server though. what kinda car you looking into?



I love that kind of stuff


Maaaaaan.. I've been a waiter before. That was a hard job. I liked the tips though. Not gonna lie.

I've pretty much decided on a Miata, but I'm kind of thinking about doing something stupid like getting an RX-8.

The best

Hahahahahaha, I posted almost all of those!

I got more where that came from.



haha this is retarded

who drew this

Plenty more where those came from :P


Hey if that asshole earns 500€ out of it and I had the talent I'd do the same




Wow, that image takes me back like 10 years

good or bad?

Good. It was back when I lurked on windows XP and discovered furry porn. Glorious funny-games.biz

God.. Windows XP, I remember windows 98 from my childhood. The sound of a dial-up modem still calms me down.

I was running NT in the 90 days.

God, I'm old.

Aaaaaaaaaand I played 40K back then.

Too young for anything like that. But the older I get the more I miss what used to be.

Gotta enjoy the time we have now though. I bet I'm going to miss these times with Windows 7 just as I miss the comfyness of Windows 2000 and Winamp now.

yeah, but you didn't have to worry about viruses in the commodore days.

I like old cars.... they started to suck after the 90's they just keep getting worse.

Motorcycles on the other hand are progressing faster than smart phones!

Some things are getting better.

I want an old car body type, on a new engine. If I could get on in electric that would just be perfect.

Electric is the future. Too expensive and impractical now, but they're just going to keep getting better and cheaper.

I saw a video of a Tesla P98D destroying a 600cc sport bike.. which is hard for any card to do.

I want a 50's style car really, those aerials make me question how sexually attracted one can be to a car. :D

I think in 20 years, we'll think of gasoline the way we think of film from cameras.

And that's coming from the type of oldschool gearhead that won't touch a FWD.

You're making me think of Mad Max
