Setup rating thread

Setup rating thread

Pic related, it's mine.

Other urls found in this thread:

bad taste in peripherals my man


That monitor setup looks inconvenient as fuck

What's the point of the multiple monitors/computers? I never understood what the actual purpose was. Can someone explain?

So you can do more things at once

gay as fuck apart from the desk

So you can have one thing on one screen and others on the other screen, it's just more convenient overall.

>spending that much money on a desk
I wish it wasn't borderline required. Fucking hate how expensive and hard it is to find simple desks.

But really the ability to multitask without alt tabbing or moving windows is quite fantastic.


what kind of desk is this?

that hurts user

u like black dick?

love the foot rest /B\

>> 721657331

i don't mind it but im really only into feminine guys.
blacks are the only ones who can pull off the masc look though.


my bob li bits gone blue as gone blue

and hard

>>>>dear chattist

>this whole site is autistic
you have some things to realize buddy

whats the name of that logitech mouse?
is it good?

its a trap thread?


(OP here)

That's the Logitech G502

It's decent but too heavy IMO, if you don't play FPS games it should be fine tho.

no, i havent seen any traps so far.


where's the rig fury boi?

Logitech G502 - Proteus Spectrum

Its pretty good, I dont have much to compare it to, but I like it very much:)


here ya go


You realize all your shit is made in China?
Nothing against patriotism, but in this context the flag looks pretty sad.

>Anonymous 02/07/17(Tue)11:38:23 No.721657690 ▶
so what fag
made in china but designed in america

what dafag powers your pretty screens also since you had me reply tits



ew no

so gtfo


Paint your fucking walls, there's marks all over your horrific textured wallpaper.

not my walls
shits rented
im not gonna put the effort into it. ill move eventually

>guaranteed replies.

get rid of that fucking faggot flag

Something wrong with patriotism faggot?

>love america
>too many headphones
Dwarf amerifat

Got to have your dildo on the desk huh?

thats literally where i keep it
i dont just put it there for pics

You attention seeking trap faggot. No-one gives a fuck about your 'look at me' positioning of dildos and collars. Get a fucking grip.


this fucking trap is replying on every single battlestation thread

kill that trap with fire

I dont think ive been in one of these for weeks

They are like cancer
Get use to it sadly enough..

they dont even have a impressive rig
they just want to 'show off their body'

>MF Doom Nas Wu

Mah nigga

nigga i bet my setup is 10x better than yours
also who the fuck uses the word rig


check out quasimoto though

Why is your tail unattached.


Stop it with the cringe.
Just stop.
You're just showing off screens

my entire setup is in the picture you sperg.

post yours

Nice organisational skills, but low attention to detail- poor cable management, and sound proofing tile falling off (top left).

Looks nice at a glance, but do not want.

So that's what the last one was

Mah nigga x 2

I had dun built it

...why the hell aren't your keyboard and mouse on the same level?

Because I am used to that and that is why I build it that way.

Not much of a battle station, more like a FOB


21:9 is pretty much the best. 10/10 m8.

This is mine r8. Forgot to put in the text.
also shit i got trips

Razer $80 mouse pad. what a fag

I do find traps sad
As most are introverts who are stuck inside often depressed with little interaction toward others
Hence why they share pictures and write with everyone mentioning them, especially here on Sup Forums it seems, as it makes them feel better

Headphones over the monitor is bad for it bro. Please stop doing this.

i bought 2 and just used one for my feets


too much lighning, you can disable that razer logo btw in razersynapse so it stops glowing.

dont understand how people can use only 1 monitor !

having mouse and keyboard not on same level is bad for your wrists and also not very practical ! retarded move

I don't understand how people can use several tiny ass screens instead of a big one.

doing it for almost a decade that way. No wrist problems.


Is that a Keycool 84???

its a noppoo choc mini.
keycool 84 is better though

Rate please.

>american flag
>foot warmer

I am in the UK, I would have to pay like £90 for one including it being imported here but I really like it.

i like the contrast ! but myb u could buy anything to hide the cables etc :) btw which programm you use for the bench ?

For multiple purposes.

Have you heard of window tiling? That's what I do.

I was thinking of putting some green in there somewhere

your neck must hurt

yo i actually have a second one with gateron blacks but i fucked up the backspace on it while soldering.

i could fix it though

Your back must hurt.

Where do you live and how much you want for it?

Post a pic of your computer, how much did that all cost?

razer mouse and keyboard could do it :D if its not to expensiv wait for a sale

I am already in love with my mouse and keyboard
I'll have you know I'm doing posture exercises

i live in sweden.
i guess i could charge like 50£ or something since its kinda fucked
