Solve this

Solve this

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Do your homework all by yourself

No, fuck you.

here it is

fuck, you were faster


X=30 dipshit look at your angle location it's a real set of infinite numbers {x|30|(infinite,30)}



Here faggot

don't tell me what to do

bump, interested in how it is solved

don't think there's enough info to solve it

Yeah, it's definitely 30°.

Just haven't figured out why yet.

Draw it out and start filling in any angles you can.

Probably will end up solving an equation.





Now tell me an actual real world purpose for this.



You're probably wondering "I can guess that, but *why is it 30"?

>you are very lazy.

Coming to a correct answer involves not just looking at each angle individually to see what will fit, but to look at two angles added together, and logically arguing what could possibly work.

For example, the answer x is easy to see (after my working...) because 180 = x + 110 + 40.

We can see that the angle I figured out to be 110 was obtuse, simply by sight.

Basically, I'm not going to hold your hand to show you exacly how I figured the answer. It is clear that you have not been paying attention in class. I suggest you *heavily* revise geometry and angles.

How did you get the 60 and 100 degree angles on the top triangle?




buildings and shit

So I don't think you can get there just by adding angles to 180°.

I think the key is to somehow find these similar triangles within the figure?

But I'm late for class.

Good luck user.

You reckon the two triangles in the middle are a mirror image of each other, champ?

>b-b-back to the drawing board.

I hope you are trolling.

this one is correct op.

God is this babby's first attempt at social engineering? I told you to revise pahjeet, now get to it, before you have to explain to your parents why you are stupid.

God, just imagining the angle on the right side as 90 pains my heart.

Only correct answer in this whole thread. Nice job, user.

these images normally arent drawn twith a protractor. its the (correct) math that counts.

140 and 130 should be red, since they're accurately calculated from previous red angles. I'm still having trouble how you concluded with the other 4 blue angles, but I'll keep looking at it

>I wonder if this retard even started looking at the isosceles triangles yet...tick tock pahjeet

I'm the one you posted to. I've been checking it out, but can't really focus on it right now. Will probably check it later.

No. Your blue 60 is supposed to be 80, making x=30


I got everything but the 70/60 and the 90/50 angles. How did you solve for those? it's been like 20 years since i've taken geometry. How did you determine those four angles?


thank you that makes much more sense

This, I can't figure out how people are getting those angles either.

here's a hint for the kiddies who think they can just use "add to 180" to find the answer.

There is nothing directly telling you in which values you have to divide the 130 and 140 angles, you only know you have to divide them in 2 parts and that they have to add up to 180 (when counting the 50 and 40 respectively), it has multiple solutions.

look at fig. 22 all the way at the bottom, look at the content of the chapter, and tell me this isn't a troll thread.



X = 55°

Ooooh nice solution!

Also, fucking kek, you got me


> problem can be solved without trigonometry
> uses trigonometry anyways

Don't go for your math degree, you won't get far. I recommend engineering instead.

an answer is an answer

Damn, I was had

Exactly the words of an engineer.

I also don't recommend physics for you.


recommend away, i already run a physics lab

The best part was he went through the trouble of making an entirely valid proof

> Run a physics lab

I am impressed.

they are all here

You assume the two 65 angles are equal. Why?

Its actually very lack luster, compromising non stop to get grant money. Applied physics is fairly heavy on engineering, you need solutions which can be easily managed with variables, so there is little use for elegant math. Sad stuff really.