RuneScape is the greatest game ever created

RuneScape is the greatest game ever created.

All other opinions are wrong

You couldn't be more right

Then it all went to shit with the creation of EoC. Old School is where its at.
Pic related, look at how shitty the AGS looks like on RS3.

The new Godswords on RS3 look nice as fuck but they look more like something out of WoW than RS

Been working on my stats for a while


Stopped playing when they fucked up the wilderness and that grand exchange shit. Also EoC that was gay, had some good memories and fun raids on friday/saturday nights when I was young. Good times.

How did the fuck up the wilderness? By adding more content and keeping it alive?

And on the note of keeping it alive, the game would be dead if The GE was never added. Assuming you're talking about OSRS and not what happened way back in 2008

The removal of free trade and PVP restrictions in 2008 made most people quit

Then EoC was the final nail in the coffin for the vets tbh, but Oldchool is still going strong

Rate nubs

>be about 15 or 16 years old
>been in this clan for years, think 3 or 4 years at this point
>part of this veteran council that is just below the leader but the highest rank among 4 others (basically guys who been in the clan for years)
>have our own website
>have admin privileges
>be me on a saturday night bored af
>was watching some naruto on youtube where itachi killed his clan
>go on clan website bored af
>decided to fuck up the site
>can't use my own account they will know its me
>change password of some new nub on the clan and grant him admin powers
>go onto part of website that has a bunch of codes
>proceed to have autistic seziure on my keyboard and delete a bunch of shit.
>website is all fucked up codes and glitches everywhere
>holy shit
>go to sleep
>next morning go on website, mass panic
>clan resorts to runescape forum as base
>everyone talking about website got hacked
>i grin as i read the posts
>clan leader and a good friend of mine is wondering who would do such a thing
>i admit i was the culprit
>clan leader is a girl so she cries
>y u do dis user
>*grins and tips fedora slightly*
>teleports behind her and whisper
>nothing personnel kid

>leave never to be heard from again

The game has long since recovered from that bro

Yeah, they lost a good amount of people from that but when they added everything back in around 2011 (or 2010? not sure), the numbers almost instantly went back to how they were before. Pre-EoC was the golden age of RuneScape.

rs is amazing

>over 2k total
>not an nmz prod/splasher
>not a pure/skiller faggot

Lol what a faggot, your name is Mentoes


I should clarify, by recovered since then I mean until EoC.

I knew what you meant, I could swear rs had far more players in 07 than pre-eoc though

Although pre-eoc was dope as fuck

I started playing OSRS a few months ago, I've already gotten pretty much as far as I got back in high school
loving it so far

Stats as of right now. Recently sold some odds and ends in my bank to afford a sgs. It's soooo good on slayer tasks. glad I bought it

That's the filename it was given while taking a screenshot with Gyazo, and then saved on the computer.


>nmz prod

Sorry but old school is trash for fags that cant get with the present

RS3 is for whiny faggot ed8rs/Noobs who wouldn't rebuild their accounts on Oldschool

Your game is shit and the numbers show, fuck off back to the RS3 circlejerk on reddit



show me a clip of you soloing telos at 100% enrage or arraxor and then call us noobs.

But no, old schoolers can't because they're incapable of any combat mechanics beyond clicking and waiting

>the numbers show
...That OSRS has more bots.

olol and you can't even deny this. RS3's bot detection is far superior to OS that's the only reason your player count is higher. Remove the bots and you lose a good 30%+ of your playerbase

>playing runescape for the combat mechanics
and I bet you read books for their amazing soundtracks, right?

Oh so you're a toxic pvper.

Enjoy getting ddosd and raped by clans

Runescape just lost its fucking charm. Have so many memories from this game when I was younger..

meant for Also if you don't play osrs for the combat, what the fuck do you even play it for? the graphics are shit

Are you fucking retarded? Maybe leave your ed8 hub and you'll see how many bots are on RS3, OSRS does ban waves every other week compared to RS3's every 3 months, and they use the same anti botting system.

OSRS is bigger and better, and they have a team 1/50th the size of RS3. Deal with it nigger.

I play OSRS to relax. When I want a competitive game I'll go play a real one.

>Tfw I'm a pmod on rs

I play it because the world is well made, and the interactions between skills and the environment are top notch
the combat sucks, yeah, but I don't really care about the combat, its just a means to an end
and while the graphics aren't great, it has an appealing aesthetic and still manages to look better than the confused mess that is RS3 graphics

hurr durr HAY LOOK GUISE i can press buttons and click away at the right moment

Try OSRS raids, you'll get Olm's big dick right in your ass.


i looked at that for like 90s on twitch

not my cup of tea

Your anti botting staff consists of 1 person who has weekends off
lo and behold every weekend your playerbase skyrockets because he isn't there to ban any of em

Give me a fucking break.

Also, you're just plain wrong about it having the same anti botting system.

Anybody is OSRS want to trade me some gold for a folder full nudes from my big tittied ex?

I'll be lurkin'

>server traffic increases on the weekends
>surely it must be the hackers!!!
some people have these things called jobs that limit their play to the weekends
believe it or not, when people play on the weekends, the player count goes up on the weekends

1 person and yet still more bots getting banned than on RS3, your mods care so little about your game that they'll literally allow bots to hit 200M Ranged XP at aviansies.

And, both systems use Botwatch, developed by Jacmob. Read up and then talk RS3 cuck.

>RS3 Raids
>Took people about a week to get the first kill

>OSRS Raids
>getting soloed after 3 hours

But yeah what do you expect... All you have to do is pray against everything and take NO damage lmfao

tbh you can't really do much mechanics when all you need to do is left click the boss to kill them

it is still good?

I stopped playing regularly when Clan Wars and Soul Wars went dead and then quit when EoC came out. Played OSRS a bit but I don't have time anymore.

OSRS is better than ever, RS3 is mediocre at best.

Honestly it's lost the gameplay charm but the new lore is pretty cool. I watch quest play throughs even though I quit runescape.

>rs3 gives away exp lamps for being members that gives you level 60+ from level 1 in a skill
>rs3 gives out 1 shot darts that kill any monster in 1 hit
>double exp all day

>More bots getting banned than on RS3

>both systems use Botwatch
Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about.

You think botwatch magically worked for OS after it's conception? No idiot. It had to be integrated into the system. And OSRS being years behind meant that is is less sophisticated

lol im playing right now. just unlocked invention finally

what lamp is that lol i would love to know.

And you don't have your precious Jacmob anymore. He is to busy making cheat clients for most of your playerbase that want easyscape mechanics such as 1 tick prayer, mouse keys, barrows minimaps ect.

>RS3 requires a certain number of people to even enter a raid
>OSRS raids were made with the intention of being able to be soloed or scale with the number of people in it

You're essentially comparing doing a WoW dungeon to a WoW raid.

Also, your claims that it took a week for anyone to get a kill in RS3 raids? Lol? What?

You RS3 kids are delusional

Newsflash: You don't have Jacmob either.

>OSRS most of the playerbase got max melee and magic without even playing the game
Top fucking kek. And I thought we were supposed to be easyscape...


I'm just sitting here enjoying chopping yews
Why can't we be friends and enjoy our different halves of our grindfest game

I agree

Peep my shitty stats

>???? item name????
>Instant kill darts only happened twice ever
>Double xp only happens twice a year

I started playing right after RS2 came out, and quit playing after a few years of RS2. Think the dude I sold my character to got it banned. I was like 123 combat level, and 96 or 97 alchemy, that was my only top 10 skill I'm pretty sure.

I was in the guild DI for a long time as well. Used to love fucking around on vent/TS with those dudes.

Does zezima still play?

We can't be friends because RS3 cucks get triggered at the mere mention of Oldschool

If they wanted to have an actual discussion about the game rather than just spewing their usual "hurhurhur u could afk in nmz ur ezscape not us LOL hurhur ecksdee"

And then they try to act like we're the toxic ones when we don't even think about their shitty game until their salty asses show up.

it was a couple years ago, you got to choose 3 instakill darts, 3 exp lamps and something else
its a fucking exp lamp thats its name. i know because i used it for summoning and i never trained summoning. it was around 2013-14

Does rs2 = oldschool now? is RS1 still available?


This is the problem with the game, it takes itself too seriously now. What the fuck happened to the light hearted game I played back in 05 as a child?

Thats a High construction level nice!

Rate me?

Yeah, RSC is still available to play, although nobody does aside from people who just bot it 24/7 because they don't ban bots on there anymore.

And I guess you could say OSRS is RS2, but it's not really. There's a lot of similarities to the game Pre-EoC, but the graphics are still 2007 style

sizzling summer, that's what it was called. they gave out 1 million exp. cuckening.

What's everyone working on now? I'm currently fishing in Prifddinas.

It's literally the same game. Raids is end game content.

that would be about when I played probably. 2004-2007ish

also wtf is up with rs3's shitty art team? it looks like fucking ass on the front page, even clash of clans has better art

they've actually added a good amount of new content, most of it 2007scape exclusive
Now's a great time to get back on it if you're interested at all

I bet u didn't play any other game than runescape.

The lore is definitely the best part of RS3, the writing for the quests and the detail they put into the stories is just astounding.

dirty nmz stats

it went from having a unique artstyle to being fantasy pixar knockoff #500
which is unfortunate, really, it started off so well

I never played runescape, its worth playing the oldschool runescape?

If you've never played the game at all, I'd recommend trying both the games out, despite the fact that I don't like RS3 at all, they're very different games.

Play the live game.

nmz prod
dat hunter and rc level
go do some skilling lol

depends on what you're looking for, it is a very different style MMO than most
you'll spend most of your time running around the world and doing pretty mundane shit until you learn what the fuck to do with your time
there's a lot of utility/quality of life upgrades to earn, lots of quests that have more depth than fetching X amount of Y, and lots of skills to grind
Overall its a fun game, but not for everyone

Yeah give both a try, but in all honesty OSRS is so much better

Brave fencer musashi would disagree, nigger

Unsure which one of your two opinions is right.. Guess it's the second one, making your first one a rake o pish....

Gave all my shit away cause I wanted to quit, now I keep getting mad withdrawals.
Fuck this game.

Nigger what?

The bots made it seem like there were more players

Nice man! How long did that take you?

Would you mind telling me if I should keep training def? I want to pk and most people at clan wars say to not go over 75 def or to max it (Def 74)

just get 75 unless you like capes then get 99

Cool! ty

pre v83 maplestory was pretty fuckin great


Ive been playing since summer of 2015. Idk what the rest of your stats are but if you want to pk I suggest just making an account dedicated to it. Super easy to afk train the skills you need for it and that way you don't have to limit your main account :)