Sometimes I consider killing myself

Sometimes I consider killing myself.

I've done nothing to contribute to society, and probably never will.
I'm a fat nobody with no friends, and have no one that'll care even if I do off myself.

My mother and father try to encourage me, "We're still proud of you, it just takes time to get going", it's been nearly a year.

I can tell that they loathe me, that they don't want me around.
Why would they?
I just take up needless space, and I don't help them pay rent.

My mother forced me to see a doctor, to which he gave a prescription for Xanax (20mg).

Maybe I should just drive to someplace quiet and down them?

If my parents were telling the truth that they're "proud" of me, I'd rather not break their heart when they see their son dead in the living room.

Honestly Sup Forums what should I do?
I know there's going to be edgy replies and such, but I don't care.
What should I do?

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You should probably take that drive.

It's called being a faggoty teenager, it'll pass. Get over yourself.

Go to a hypnotherapist

Mental illness is real. Go get some education faggot

Maybe, better than my parents coming home from work seeing me dead.
I'm in my twenties

Just get home from school?

>sons a fat loser with no friends
>let's give him hard addictive drugs

you have xanax you fucking idiot theres nothing to be sad about anymore if they gave me a xanax script i wouldnt be a fat useless mfr ur just lazy and not worth a fuck ig

Yea man I'm in your shoes. My life is fucking shit. I have no more options left. Once you realize meds are just a meme what else is there to lose. Go to a hypnotherapist so they can fix your problems. If it doesn't work you lose 300$ and you feel worse. Idk what to tell you after that becasue hypnotherapy fails for me im done

No one gets prescribed Xanax for a dose any more than 2mg. not 20mg. Get your facts straight. The LD50 dose is around 3400mg, but it multiples the affects of alcohol 10 fold. therefore it's easy to OD with Xanax and alcohol. I'd say if you've got 20 x 1mg tabs, you would probably die if you drank a bottle of spirits and took all 20. You'd just fall asleep, have shallowed and laboured breathing and eventually your heart would stop while you were asleep. I wouldn't suggest it though.

Doesn't really work, all it really does in knock me out.

Learn a skill

You're right, bottle says 0.25mg

this lol

Don't take the fucking drugs
Start eating 1200 calories a day.only drink water and get to fucking walking,get a job and eat healthy and you'll start feeling better

Well, for sure an overdose of Xanax is pretty fucking useless, as are all or most pill overdoses. You don't really know the quantity to take to do the job, and you're most likely to end up in a coma and come out of it brain damaged. You think you have it rough now? Imagine yourself in a fucking wheelchair or in a bed as a vegetable for the rest of your sorry life.

Buck up, user, hit the fucking treadmill. No gym nearby? Lose the weight the tried and true way: eat less calories than you burn. Go for walks. Buy a dumbell set to use at home. Stop watching TV. Read books. Enroll in community college. Learn a skill or trade.


Gonna act out of character for a second and be serious, it does take time to get some people going. It took me 26 years of fucking around and being worthless to finally realize what I enjoyed doing and start doing it

What do you do?

then break them in half and take. if you can't feel good from a xan then I don't know what to suggest since you seem pretty hell bent on feeling poorly. There are ways to genuinely improve your self/life but you've got one of the best damn ways to hide in your hand.

I guess I could try to lose weight, but most of the time I fall off the wagon since I have no self control.

Is that important? I took up programming as a hobby and started studying math with a specialization in artificial intelligence

>you seem pretty hell bent on feeling poorly
Don't mean to come off that way, sorry

yeah, minimum lethal dosage of Xanax is something like 1500 pills. good luck with that.

>Is that important?
Was just curious, nice to see you did something with your life though

Don't be a faggot.
>I've done nothing to contribute to society, and probably never will.
You don't owe society anything.
>If my parents were telling the truth that they're "proud" of me, I'd rather not break their heart when they see their son dead in the living room.
If they're telling the truth, you lazy bastard, then you better give them a good reason for being proud of you. You don't have to act fast. Take your fucking time 'cos patience is the most underrated virtue, take your fucking time and you'll end up giving them a good reason. What the fuck man. The world is your home and you only feel out of place because you know hardly anything of it yet.

Well I'm still working on it. But the point is I gave a huge middlefinger to what all other people my age did, working shitty jobs, raising a family, shit like that. And now I'm a bit of a loner poorfag but I'm doing something that is fucking awesome and blows my mind every day

If you're going to do it, don't post on the fucking internet just man up and throw yourself off a bridge while high asf on some of that good good.

All the moral fags
Do this OP

Losing weight only by eating healthy is fucking hard as tits user. You need something to fight for, something that makes falling of the wagon hurt as hell.

I'm not in anything like your situation, but working out until I feel sick makes me feel great because I don't just cut something bad out of my life, I add something better.

send me the xanax

go out and shoot up an antifa rally make your death mean something

So true.

He has no vision for himself, it sounds like he doesn't work out, not working toward anything...

But, fuck it. Throw highly addictive pills at it. This doesn't even scratch the opiate epidemic. My wife went in to the ER for sharp pains in her uterus, which turned out to be just totally normal, though I'm sure uncomfortable (lolwomen). They asked her if she needed anything for pain, and being in it, she said yes. They came back with fucking morphine. I stopped them. Ibuprophen 800 would work fine, you fucking maniacs. Morphine?!

Christ, is there any fixing this mess, user?

Legalize cannabis. That's a step in the right direction, providing a non-harmful alternative to big pharma. Other than that, I have no idea how we can turn this mess around.

Oh, and also, OP: Don't be stupid. Find your purpose in life. Go fucking live. Find what matters to you, and you'll see the reason we're all here.

-A guy who came close to putting a gun in his mouth in 2007, now is married, kids, happy, and alive.

But he's chugging it all


kys faggot, wasted dubs

0.25mg is 1/4 of a bar (the image you posted)

You aren't going to die. You probably got about 30 pills in your prescription bottle right?

That's only 7 1/2 bars.

When I was abusing the shit out of xanax I would take about 8 bars daily.

You're not going to die. You're going to fall asleep and end up in a coma or you're going to wake up days later. Don't bother.

Go out and socialize. Trust me. There are plenty of people on this planet that feel the same way you do. Go be miserable together.

Or befriend somebody that can encourage you to become a better person and lift up your spirit.

You sound like a typical case of depression. You know what I did when I was depressed at rock bottom? I TRAVELED. I got a shitty front desk job at an airline and employees fly for free. I saw the fucking world. Every airline offers free travel for employees. Take advantage. It'll change your perspective on life.

I had a twin that took tons of xanax and put a plastic bag over his head.

My parents were bummed out for awhile but got over it. I didnt really care tbh, he was annoying as fuck and did H as well.

OP do not complain, analyze your issues and envelope them through an easy to assess list going frpm difficult to easy or vice versa. This will ultimately help you coordinate your assualt onto a productive and much jigher frequency paced living. Its all about time, dont froget to induce yourself with your already intelligible self! GOoD LUCK!

Just go do productive shit, get out of your comfort zone
.What's worst that can happen? You already consider killing self.

trying and failing is better than giving up. (unless its suicide then failing = vegetable)