New draw thread possessed doll edition

New draw thread possessed doll edition

Other urls found in this thread:

There is 2 breads

Not for much longer

werewolf rape for user

Anyways... Desert Princess from that roll sheet.

It has a snout

Oh no

Oshit das PERFECT

Two threads.... heck

(putziger weenie)
I mean, if your bones break then it sucks, yes. But once you cut your veins open, you'll die. Unless you're an lucky loser like me

Oh heck!! This must have hurt ;-; How did this even happen?
And sure, if it is alright for you

>tomatoes on pizza
HECK YES!! doesnt accept water
BREH. How can you not like water? It's like liquid air, it's good

Here it is! I'm sorry, I totally forgot to deliver it

This is so great, bun.

Words can't express how satisfied I am.

Oh i though you ment like a hell hound
Ok dude disregard

>Oh i though you ment like a hell hound
Feel free to do that too, if you want.

Lol i cant draw sorry to disappoint

i aim to please

You ever go to /monster/ over at 8 ch? Im sure out tastes are the same we could use more people like you if you ever want to moonlight

Okay, okay. I didn't know that the magnesium wasn't a pill. Thank you for the analysis of THE pill though. kek

As for the magnesium, it's nice to hear it has helped with the tremors, but do be careful it doesn't eat away at all your money.

>BREH. How can you not like water? It's like liquid air, it's good
Well my tap water tastes weird as fuck
So I basically drink milk all the time
I swear to god I'll fly to Germany, fellow you to your school and make columbine look like a fucking joke with my shotgun if you don't stop calling me a weenie.

>I swear to god I'll fly to Germany, fellow you to your school and make columbine look like a fucking joke with my shotgun if you don't stop calling me a weenie.
Jesus Christ dude
Chill the fuck out.

the butt is taking a simple request, right after I jack off.

Thoughts on this?

that'sa good cat


Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs:
Rukia refs:

Hey guys heard back from doll user Emile really like the drawings you guys made of her so tanks again for making those for my bro

i can't say i've ever been, but i'll check it out

i've been meaning to learn to draw nonhumans anyway, this would be a good opportunity

put some pants on

oh fuck yeah, I'm trying to ditch that name because I don't want to get sued by the actualy company... "Pason Systems"


It's OK! What new name shall I call you then?

They actually have a stickyed thread just about that kind of thing!

You all know each other. I feel like an extra here. *Woooooosh*

bunny what happened today

im disappoint

I don't know fam ;-; I think ZeroDino is a name that hasn't been taken, after doing a quick google search. I've gotten a bit better though, ic told me the proportions are off so I'm fixing those later. How have you been man? :)

That feel when fifth wheel
Dont be discouraged you belong here



Pretty good! Do you have a Tumblr, BTW?

Hey peppermint.

Play the world's smolest violin.

Doing requests tonight?

Almost I just have to wait 22 more days, it's a long story I might make a DA until then. I'm pretty sure you can post porn there.

Deviant Art does not allow porn uploads.

Thank you! I'm glad it is good enough

Water has a taste? I must be dumb then

kek come at me brah, just do it

whatever happened, it shouldn't matter now. It doesn't belong on here anyway

So much for being deviants lol

Hey pepper

expect to see me there soon, then~

don't worry i'm new too

why'd you start drawing? for me it was naruto ocs, donut steel

>I mean, if your bones break then it sucks, yes. But once you cut your veins open, you'll die. Unless you're an lucky loser like me
Listen. If u like me talking to u, u better keep those veins safe.
>Oh heck!! This must have hurt ;-; How did this even happen?
I was drunk and I hit something concrete.
>And sure, if it is alright for you
>>tomatoes on pizza

can you draw this pepper?

Do you still have your old e-mail?

We'll be waiting
Ps go for the monster girls stay for the feels

Youll know what i mean after a few days

that's bullshit... I only like drawing hentai and porn.. Commission any good artists from here lately?

fuck off repeat requester

Would you be ok with drawing a non lewd ghost girl?


Money's been a bit tight for me lately, but I did commission a couple of artists. Do you still have your old e-mail?

Oh shit trips

is the doll guy here


I'm not going to insult you, I'm not going to insult you. *deep breaths man* *deep breaths*

I'm not that same user, ok.

And MORE trips!

Oh shit quads!

i seriously can't color dude, this tablet's not responding the way i need it to. but here's the lineart at least.

Ghost girls are so cute, of course.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I've had to pick up extra shifts because I'm buying way too many steam games. XD Maybe, I forgot the password but I have it written down somewhere.

All right. I think I tried sending you an e-mail during Christmas. Be sure to try & check your e-mail sometime!

not the OR, but damn, this is amazing! It reminds me of an old art pieces in poem novels. Modern because of the anime eyes.

>kek come at me brah, just do it


oh shit, yeah, I swear I'm not blowing you off. I'm just not super into email. I know you can make a "talk to me" or "ask me something" tab on tumblr, I'll add that once I can.

Thanks ill post it right away in the other thread doll user and Emile have been over joyed to finally see some art of her being made
Then ill post the description i got from doll user like i did before if anyone else want to make some art of her it would be much appreciated

She is white, pale white. Like she had never seen the sun before. Perhaps that's why if she ever gets a new "body", she wants it to look slightly tanned. Her hair is bright red like some extremely bright or neon shade of rose, and her hair changes between lying on her back down to her rear and wrapped around her upper torso like a scarf. Her eyes are yellow, like the crayon shade and not a natural, darker one. The eyes also look like a feline's eye over a person's. Her nose is petite and can be described to be cute as a button, her lips are dazzling red and seem to be able to give off some feeling of relaxing warmth by just staring at them.
Her body is slender, almost like an actual doll, funnily enough and she usually stays around a B-cup at most. Her clothes are typically a light blue sundress that always seems to be carried by an unseen or felt wind, since the lower skirt is never hanging down but floating in-air. She does have shoes sometimes, but mostly goes barefoot and has some glittering jewelry on her left ring finger

hey user
tablet is still very broken and im not good at traditional. I came to chat tbh onii desu but if you dont care about paper quality i guess i can take requests
Can i draw pepper?
hey at least its a cute request please dont bully cute requests

All repeats are okay or none are okay. Double standards are for children and idiots.

I didn't. I started painting. A close call to a felony charge made me quit. I then picked up a pencil after starting to get into anime.

All right. I'll try & keep an eye out for you them, ZeroDino!

yeah you're right, it was wrong of tana to say nigger is a bad word while she blatantly uses faggot in the same video like its okay somehow.

Thanks user!

Na thats alright i dont want to stress you out hope your tablet gets fixxed/you get a new one soon

The veins are safe!

Heck... I feel bad for you and your smol hand ;-; Please take better care of it or else I will fight you

>R I P
crawlinggg inn my skinn

>Double standards are for children and idiots.
I kek'd. Do you honestly believe that?

oof, and look a little old me drawing it anyway, what a rebel
fight him anyway
lil babbys first feminism video and hes ready to label everything he doesnt like as a double standard

Just like Chris does.

i tried, i suck at posing.
yw, you should def draw more!

>The veins are safe!
Yeh. They better b.
>Heck... I feel bad for you and your smol hand ;-; Please take better care of it or else I will fight you
Trust me I'm taking care of my hands just fine and theyr not that smol u weenie.
I definitely don't want to wear another half cast with a pin poking out of my hard for months straight.

Haha dont be if you want to do a request you can do some line art of Emile
Im sure her and dollanon will appreciate it

>crawlinggg inn my skinn
Like a meth head?
If so I got some yellow meth right here.

Thats just frozen piss isnt it

>oof, and look a little old me drawing it anyway,
Ha, thanks pepper you just brightened my day a bit.

>i tried, i suck at posing.
Looks good to me.

Art fariy believes in you draw friends

Kek anons these days am I right

Shhhhhhhhhh user
You wouldn't want to end up in a bag and trown down the river.

muh moth fairy OC thing promised for last thread
ayyy ty, those're my favorite kind of illustrations.

Delishus blait, would bit again.

Because im a good op ill post something useful

owie owie!! But is it fixed now?
And I thought my leg was awful

sir, I don't do drugs, no thank

I can't because I'll die

Very cute thank you again!!
Moth girls are best girls

But busty goat ladies are better

doodle doodle doodle

Now way moth fluff + fluffy wings = best girl

ye i'm warming up to them tbh. though i wish i knew design techniques that would break her out of the typical moth girl look.

That's pretty damn adorable