I'm just wondering, why are some people against gay people? I don't really want to have an argument over it...

I'm just wondering, why are some people against gay people? I don't really want to have an argument over it, but I'm curious. Is it just a natural disgust, or for some other reason that has "logic" behind other then religion? TL;DR Why you hate gays?

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why are people so obsessive about jews?

people like to hate

Anything that goes against manly values is to be shamed.

because they come and shitpost things like this on Sup Forums

you're a faggot OP

>I'm just wondering, why are some people against gay people? I don't really want to have an argument over it, but I'm curious. Is it just a natural disgust, or for some other reason that has "logic" behind other then religion? TL;DR Why you hate gays?

Disgust, unnatural and counterproductive for the society.

However, more gays = more pussy for me.

fuck those degenerates

Nobody is "against gay people." People are against being gay. Having sex with someone of the same sex is a sin. The only people "against gay people" are like the west boro baptist church. Most religious people don't give a shit if your gay they just don't want anything to do with it or you, like any other sinner. Also some people might just think its gross, like me. But I'm not against anything.

What could be more manlynthan dominating another man sexually? Especially a relatively masculine man.

But if gay people fuck each other now it means we breed all the gay out of the system by default.

And... how do gay people affect you exactly?

I dont understand how it would ever come up in conversation. If I were gay, no one would know except the dude with my dick in his ass.

OP it's 99% religion related or some guy thinks its emasculating to be called gay so they'll use it as an insult or they'll think gays are less than them because they think gays are less masculine

Gay people are shown to be quite womanly in all the media, thus the image in MOST peoples' heads is the fact that homosexuality = womanly.

if you were gay youd know why people hate us

Everything iin the universe effects everything else, that's just basic physics m8. :^)

No disgust, it's just not the norm in society.

The media's image is completely retarded btw - I'm gay but you'd never know as I look just like your "average joe", not some kind of major drag queen

So no one is against gays, just feminine gays?

This honestly, I am baffled about how or why someone would make being gay a part of their identity.

They can probably tell by the dong in your butt

>breed all the gay out of the system by default
Being gay isn't genetic tho

I don't hate gays, but I do feel like their ideology is being shoved down our throats suddenly and rapidly

Sex is to make babies, gays can't make babies, gay sex ain't making nuthin work, is bad.

Possibly, femininity is usually a sign of weakness or submissiveness so yah
Seriously can't stand those gays that scream it when it's not even needed, like say you're gay and get on with your life
Darn it forgot about that


Yeah, I mean the human shortage is a real problem.... Wait....

user: "hey m8, wanna go see a movie?"
Fag: "nah m9, I'm busy"
user: "doing wat?"
Fag: "um, uh, something that's not supposed to ever come up in conversation"
user: "fukin wut?"
Fag: "I mean, uh, meeting someone"
user: "who?"
Fag: "uh, um, uh"

I have nothing against them. I was taught how to suck a cock by one. I have sex with guys and girls. Its nice to be in a 69 with my girl while a guy fucks my ass.

Can't speak for everyone else, but it's not the gay part that bothers me. It's the dressing like the opposite sex and the making up of genders that piss me off.

crossdressers are a really small part of gays and not every gay believes in that 76 gender bullcrap, saying because am faganon

Gay =/= Faggot, The only difference between the two is if you tell everyone you're gay.

I always enjoy Ted talks, but come away with a strong skepticism. I don't think kids are born straight or gay. I think people just find their preferences as they get older.

I for one didn't come to the realization I may be bisexual until I was 18. If you asked me to watch gay porn at 17 I may have thrown up, but now I watch it regularly just 2 years later.

Probably the same reason so many center their identities around fucking lots of of girls.

yeah I'm really sort of skeptic about this "born this way" kinda shit, i think it's a mix of everything tbh, nature nurture personaility upbringing etc

Then it is something that can be learned? Great, that means therapy is a thing...

what is contextually inherent reproductive nonviability
what is an age-old instinctual reaction

we hate gays because they post faggot pictures in threads like Sup Forums and probably every other thread. Stick to /lgbt

I'll admit fags are generally cool, although being complete pussies, but it's the odd fabulous faggot, the kind that wants the world to know they take AIDS infested cocks up their arses, that you meet that gets the ovens firing up in your mind. And rightfully so.

I think it's similar to how some kids knew what they want to be when they grow up at a very young age. While some people in college still don't know what they want to do.

According to the TED talk some user posted it is genetic. I'm not buying it 100% but I see some truth to it.

What is the female equivalent to that?

dykes who want you to know they're electricians.

There aren't females that want to be pozzed up by AIDS infested cocks. It's just a gay thing, AIDS is a faggots disease.

Caring about things, any things, needs a constant flow of energy. The default is "couldn't care less" about nearly anything, but for example the PTSD brain is extremely wired in a certain way that some negative thoughts have tremendous amplifying effects on the whole body.

People who "hate" just got used to the feeling of "hating", whatever it is, because that is where they decide to put energy in. There are method, similar to those with people who have very strong fears for like spiders, that you can retrain you brain not to hate. Or not to have PTSD.

Hot, that was all, I dont give a shit about what these homophobes have to say...

I've never heard of anyone saying they want to have sex with someone knowing they have an STD. Ever. Not even as a joke.

One of my best friends is gay, was gay, will ever be gay. He says that there is a confusion about gender and gender identity. One thing is scientific verifiable thing, for example by brain scans and psychological analysis - and the other thing is just made up.

90% of the "new genders" mostly self applied by females are "redefinitions" of lesbianism and behaving promiscuitive without the social ballast that comes with the other loaded terms.

But what about the meaningful and insightful discussion.

Bible thumper alert......

There was this guy at my high school who used to anonymously offer blowjobs in the bathroom stalls, we took to calling him the phantom phaggot. There was graffiti and everything. Nobody I knew would admit to sticking their cocks under the stall wall, but SOMEHOW everybody knew somebody who had, and pp got a reputation as giving better head than any girl at the school(and some of these girls treated blowjobs like they were the only job skill they'd ever have, so that's saying something). Nobody seemed to have any idea who he was


I wouldn't say I hate gay people but do kind of dislike their company. The problem is that almost all of them have this way of throwing their sexuality in your face, it's like they constantly try to find ways to remind you that they are gay, it's almost narcissistic.

I'm not against gay people or anything, my brother is gay ffs, but goddamn do I hate the gays who prance around like faggots and have to make it apparent that they're gay. Also the crossdressers, traps, and other subhumans like those, are just fucking gross to look at. Pic not relevant.

Reproductive argument is dumb. Anyone who has a problem with gays are the same people who don't want them to be able to adopt kids or have biological ones anyways. So it's not actually relevant.

Plus who the hell complains that they don't like gays because they are not contributing to more overpopulation.

if you're gay, cool whatever, stay away from my ass which you probably don't want.

if you're gay, and dress up to be gay, and tell me you're gay, and talk like a twat, stay away from my ass, which you probably do want because you're a desperate cunt, and never come near me gain.

i get picked on by gays i cant do or say anything to them or ill look like the bad guy.

Only a small number of gay people are like that though. Most gay people, like straight, don't have a distinct sexuality from just talking with them. Kinda like confirmation bias, Because everyone that you can 100% know their sexuality either has a girl on their arm is is being flamboyant.

The more older brothers people have, the higher the chance of being gay. Makes evolutionary sense too, stops population explosions to an extent, improves the carer:child ratio.

I think it's partially, genetic, partially environmental. (Plus epigenetics, culture etc. etc.)

Also, ENVIRONMENTAL =/= LEARN/UNLEARNABLE. Can you learn how to regrow an arm that was cut off...? Mental states are physical states. They can be just as complicated, permanent, harmful or benign as physical differences can be.

You are aware that for many species of mammals it's natural to have homosexual tendencies right?

I dunno, it just feels like a lot of them base their whole personality based on their sexuality, it's creepy.

>> unnatural
No, its not. Homosexuality is common in mammals.

An argument from emotion also doesn't speak well to validity.


Because for a population that rejects religion on the basis of "logic", to believe that homosexuality is normal is complete stupidity and illogical.
There are scientifically 2 genders. Evolution created two genders, and an anus is for shitting.
If it was for fucking natural selection would have created a safer way of naturally having anal sex.

Fuck religion, but dont be fucking illogical and hypocritical.

They do that because if they were just quiet about it they would still get killed for going to gay bars.

I wouldn't say they do it any more than straight guys who act like studs. But i agree that your sexuality shouldn't be your personality

The problem is how homosexuality is portrayed nowadays. It's just shoved down people's throats. I'm gay and I don't talk about it, it's just a detail. People know about me being gay but they don't care, just the way it's supposed to be.

i literally have nothing against gays, more women for me if anything. the flaming in your face ones are annoying but so be it. marriage on paper of the same sex im against just because i believe legal marriage is man and woman, but gays together otherwise i have no issue

fucking this m8

safer way of having anal sex ? wut.

its pretty safe to suck a dick then stick it in. never heard of someone dying because anal sex.

You know that "normality" is a social construct? A group of people once decided, that hanging someone whose ancestors where forced on boats just because, is "normal". If you can change the length of a skirt, you change what is considered normal. Also, having anal sex is quite normal in many cultures, especially where the girl has to be a "virgin" when she marries. That is "normal" for them, for 1000s of years.


anal sex is safe with lube, only way issues arise is unprotected sex that way because the skin is more likely to bleed and tear spreading diseases like HIV faster than vaginal sex. thats about the only issue

Same reason as Asexuals, people who refuse to have sex, and people into being Cucked.

You're going against the sole reason for your creation. Your life was created so you could have sex and continue our race. Faggots choosing to not have sex with women are literally holding back the human race as a whole. They're completely unnatural.

fucking degenerate

I would rather give two nice gays two kids, then a married pair of psychos who fight all the time, she can't get pregnant because she rejects him deeply and then pay 100.000s of dollars for expensive treatment that will never work. Because they are people who should not have offspring and die silently off.


Then you have to research about fetal contamination in blood.
Or the UTIs that a guy can get from sticking a dick in ass.

There's a lot of papers in the subject... Just Google :)

Enumclaw horse sex case

>Evolution created two genders
No, it created two sexes. In our species. Some species don't have sexes.

There are no gay bacteria.

Plot twist, PP was actually a teacher at the school.

Or, nature has fail saves for people who simply should not procreate. Nature has no problems with having defect variations born. They will die out.

>However, more gays = more boipussy for me

Normality scientifically you dumbfag. I'm not talking of social norms.

Just by scientific logic all gays would select themselves out through natural selection by not procreating.

Anybody contracting infections from anal sex would die off. Or become unable to reproduce. Etc...

You can fucking make murder and stealing socially acceptable, but when science is involved homosexuality nor transexuality is normal.


We are talking about evolution here, not things us humans created to make the unnatural possible.

They're controlling cunts, religious issues, disgust.

Probably the main 3.

I don't give a fuck what you stick your dick in, as long as it isn't me, my kids, my wife, or my pets.

Don't parade it around the street like you're special or more oppressed than any other group in America either, that's just fucking retarded.

This guy gets it. Normal isn't real and someone else's actions behind closed doors is not anyone else's business.

it obviously a very small problem, if even one in the grand scheme of things, because straight and gay people would've stopped many centuries ago if it was likely to lead to life changing medical problems.

Im not saying it doesn't happen because it obviously does.but its like the chances of contracting HIV form a needle is like .2%

The difference here being gay people can have children. and even "if" somehow being gay was defective their kids wouldn't be likely whatsoever to be "defective"

Animals do gay shit. Our ancestors did gay shit. People now do gay shit. The idea that only a man and a woman should be fucking is unscientific itself.

>g spot in anus

Unless you think it's natural for all living things to have sex solely for procreation, and you only ever have sex solely for procreation, your retarded argument means nothing.

Also what this user said.

There are hermaphroditic species.

Scientifically, gay sex isn't even the weirdest thing any species on this planet does.

And again


If they would self select themselves out of existence why are there still gays? You think its a new fad or something?

implying people who are gay are genetically different from you.... i think you just proved yourself the dumbfag.

Because most people ignorant bigots who are terrified of anything that they don't understand our can't relate to. Mostly I think people hate homosexuals due to religious principals (Christianity) even though it's a sin to condemn others by their own beliefs and Jesus prieched tolerance and living compassion. Fuck Christians.

It's because two dudes fucking is gross. That's it. No deep unsolvable enigma... Dudes fucking is gross.

lol, wut?

No homo


You'll hear all sorts of excuses but it all boils down pretty simply.

It's because there's a social stigma thanks to religion and the people who are most vehemently against it are people who spend nights wondering if cock is delicious.

Tldr; closeted people. That's what's wrong. With a 1% boost from people who take sections of the Bible too seriously.


