So my girlfriend send some fucking guys nudes and cheated on me. She's sending everyone she trusts nudes...

So my girlfriend send some fucking guys nudes and cheated on me. She's sending everyone she trusts nudes, if he asks nicely. Problem is it's easy to get her to trust you.
I even forgave her. And she just got in a relationship with another guy.
I was helping her like she's a goddes. But she treated me like shit. That other guy wanted even to share her nudes with the internet and i helped her. And she still treated me like shit.

I want revenge. I want it so bad. Anyone has an idea?

send the nudes to her dad

shit in her mailbox

>So my girlfriend

Here's where your story falls apart.

pic related?

You're a fucking genius.
Nah, her dad is some kind of psychomaniac. He would literally beat her up till she's in the hospital. That's so harsh..


but does anyone reallly really really care if shes on the verge of dying?

think about it.

>Wants revenge
>Asks Sup Forums how
>Too harsh

Nigger, that's not even a 3 on the scale of what you should have been expecting. Why are you here?


I see. Ex-girlfriend of course. I should just forget girls completely lol

Nah, just a random google pic

> Sends Nudes > Cheating

.... that's cheating? If she's sucking someone elses dick or fucking them yeah but shes literally just showing off what you have. IDK that's just me. I Don't consider sharing nudes cheating.

Give us her sc

If it's so easy give us some contact info so we can can get in on that. Also post her nudes here.

this obviously

Yeah. Kinda forgot i asked Sup Forums. Maybe i should just show him the pics

inb4 cuckolding

Just post her nudes faggot

Since she loves sending them. Show her this thread. Also, never seen natural tits perk up like that laying down

Get Aids, fuck her raw. Congrats. Every guy she fucks now has a chance of dying a horribly painful death.

You're actually dumb and a cuck. If she's sending nudes she has the intent to fuck and clearly expressed it

Who cares if she sends out nudes don't you want guys to think your gf is hot? Get over the monogamous married with children and a dog and never even think of other people. That's bullshit. We're a horny fucking generation and the sooner you accept it the sooner you'll be happy in a relationship.

Nah, she sent nudes AND cheated.
But i think showing off what you have with a boyfriend is still bitchy and fucking disrespectful to your boyfriend.

I think i'm just going to show her dad the nudes

All cucks should be exterminated

show us the nudes faggot

Well that's stupid. I don't want anyone to look at my gf lol
Especially because this is a horny generation

just tell her you just got your AIDS test results back as positive.
Better : tell her new boyfriend first.

I like that idea. But she probably won't believe me

The only person you should be upset with is yourself.

You forgave her, helped her share nudes while she was in another relationship (who the fuck does that?), and made yourself the doormat.

Cut your losses. Doing anything else at this point is going to completely ablate any dignity you have left.

He isn't posting the nudes... Abandon thread

You fucking retarded cuck she's sending nudes out because she wants to fuck em

Stop being a beta cuck and send the nudes to her dad. Also post them here, you faggot.

OP is a puss of course there aren't nudes

get aids, fuk her dad, then cut your dick off and shit in her mailbox

lol. Trust me she will.


Just slip some alka seltzer in with their Ritz crackers what's the big fuss

I am upset with myself. She tried so often to sever all contact with me and i wanted another chance lol I feel so dumb. But she didn't even tell me she was in another relationship. She always was like "Yeah, I still love you"

m8, been exactly where you are. Just cut ties and move on. I stopped being such a faggot after I realized I spent my time obessing over some chick

I've been there, dude, but you have to fake it now.

It gets easier. Be strong. Take pride in yourself and say fuck bitches get money.

Thanks, dude. That's what I'm trying. But now it just feels like she won and I'm the loser (I probably am)

You're boring bro. She may like you but doesn't care about you enough to put you before her. Let her go and post her nudes.

there's no revenge you could do, best to just move on, you were stupid to compromise to begin with so take it as a lesson learned in the future. The best revenge is success for yourself.
>tl;dr move on faggot.

"relationship with other guy" still call her your girlfriend? Be free of her and post her nudes

Never realised Sup Forums is so fucking horny lol

wtf fuck off winter fag

You will only be the loser if you let her keep doing this to you. Trust me, this happened to me like 8 years ago. You will hate yourself for at least 8 years if you don't stop now. I cringe even to this day...

Bash her head in with a fucking rock

Yeah thanks. I told her to fuck herself and never call me again. Just wanted to ruin her day again.

Good job, now stick to it. Hang out with bros and shit. Play some vidya. Just remember if you fucking fail you're a pussy.
It's not about ruining her day, she doesn't matter anymore. You got shit to do

Okay, got it. She's like dust to me. Well looks like i have to delete all the nudes. Even if i still think she looks good.

dont be a faggot

send them to dad and leak them

Do it nigger

Nooooooooo dump them broo000

Does she douche? Add shrimp juice to the juice. Shrimp is the answer to nearly everything. Shrimp juice in her shampoo. Shrimps dropped behind the faceplates of wall sockets will make her bedroom stink for moths on end. Shrimps behind the door panels of her car will do even more. Shrimp and the juice of shrimps anywhere and everywhere she uses her nose. Raw shrimp is the absolute best revenge. Shrimp. Thats all you need.