Does my vagina look weird b?

Does my vagina look weird b?

no its fine, very lickable.

Jesus fuck put it in a cage and sell tickets to see it

nope, very nice, now let us rate your boobs aswell

I cannot see it properly, take other pic


yep, very lickable... how about ur ass?

cant tell have to spread it

fake post but i liked it

No, your pussy does not look weird. You have a beautiful cunt. I love that you shaved. You look great bald. It allows everyone to see your sexy cunt. Kinda like when a man shaves vs. full beard. Your clit and labia are pink and fresh. I think you are a pretty girl! Thank you for allowing to see, enjoy, and talk with you about your cunt!

always those who ruin the fun, man.

Is that a Hello Kitty mirror?

Wtf, you creep

Thats not even yours. Fuck you


Hello Pussy


tits or GTFO

Only thing weird about it is its not pressed against my face

Porn star tier.

The "I just got into porn and can pass as a teen" type. Not the "I spent a dozen years pounding the fattest dicks of all time and can no longer feel anything from the waste down" type.

Nude timestamp or OP you just plain gay

Thank you my man
Timestamp too wench


fucking murdered.