Shia labeouf livestream thread

Shia labeouf livestream thread.

Lets all brainstorm ways to fuck with the livestream cuz why the fuck not?

My proposition. Wait for a time when the camrea is really crowded and have 50 or so anons dressed in ushankas, gasmasks, and track suits waving around bottles of vodka shouting in russian overthrow the camera and start a slav squat competition and dancing to polka music.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shia is cool you faggut, he is 1 of us

Poopflower here.

That idea is lame.

When someone comes say that Shia just posted this on some random social network, that he is coming and in the meantime he wants to troll the nazis by massively chanting TRAPS AREN'T GAY.


yo poopflower what thread are you guys on?

When is the stream? someone should smash glass over someones head and start a riot

just keep typing "HE WILL NUT INSIDE US!"

Covertly jack off underneath your coat and nut on a bitch without her knowing

this one u fucking homo

Scream he will not divide us in Bane's voice

this wop is a faggot

yell fuck tha police

Get a can of spray paint and paint over the camera then dip

honestly lets just superglue hentai all over the wall.

Squat for the camera

This Shit right here



tell him to squat

finally someone interesting
tell them old man

just smash / spray paint the camera.
Season 3 sucks.

>get a large shitty, low quality sticker
>press the sticker onto the camera, covering it entirely
>when someone tries to tear it off, it'll leave annoying leftover white pieces of paper still stuck on the camera

don't forget to wear a mask or something

based slav someone pls record

Boiz squat for the camera and say "He will not divide 'these'".



ITT we are triggered trumpcucks

why did shia lick that guy's face? I don't understand can someone explain why he like licked him in a creepy sexual way? Is shia mentally unstable or something?

you monster



"Uhh yeaaaaah"


suck your own dick, faggot.

this would actually be pretty funny

This is what Sup Forums has boiled down to, we went from catching animal abusers to failing at miserable attempts to troll some libs

This place is pure cancer.

Can someone show their tits please?


Fuck off

Vodka Man

Ponytail is the most insufferable faggot I've ever seen

play this shit you wont

those FAT lips. Roll em boi

Don't get deported ponytail faggot

Still better then trap threads.

50 dollars in bitcoin if anyone cuts off the arabs ponytail

>baw oposing opinions in my safe space baaaaaaaaaaaaa

butthole cocaine = more energy

Op, if you could organize that type of action you wouldn't be a lonely basement dwelling neckbeard.
Shia is a man of action
You are a cuck

Squeeze your tits and say "He will not divide these"

hey spicc, suck Titos Dick.


make a swastika out of a bagel


SWAT them

try harder cunt

This is some weak ass shit

Flash tits please



am i witnessing the death of Sup Forums?
the amount of unique ip has gone down by 40% the last 2 months

is this what a death of a meme looks like

did they leave?

Good Night B

Welp looks like they left. What cucks

Yeah. That ever happened like what? 3 times?

it usually picks up around 11PM east coast time

faggots right to the end

wtf is that car

Hi manager

it's always been this bad. the idea that Sup Forums used to be better is the oldest meme.

its shias mum

You mean Shiat Thegayoaf.
He is one of the pretentious I am famous, and therefore intelligent crowd. Or Planet Moronathon Hollyweird bunch. Just shut up, and go make another bad Transformer movie.

can we send him a beer or something so he would get less anxious

I do hope people don't report it as suspicious

>I am famous, and therefore intelligent crowd.
dont talk about drumpf like that!

I'd give him one but shit dude thats a 5 hour drive

Are you legal?

I'd do it

I dont know, I feel like Sup Forums from 2009 or so would have been all over this

How can he not care about politics, its what everything else depends on



Just ask for boipussy.


Poopflower here.

We are just refueling and then going back to fight the nazis.



Mr. Illegal, how do you feel about Trump

bump af

underage edgelord faggot detected

The best way to fuck with him is to have autistic fucks show up and renact all of Shia Labeouf's acting. Starting with Even Stevens just fucking acting out the other roles and he is supposed to do his lines.

With a constant stream of retards interacting with him on the meta level that he resents will eventually break him. God speed user

WEll boi get on this thread

He is not as lame as our expectations are high

play this

ponytail is less gay than pursefaggot

I'm only asking because I want your thoughts on the wall.