New boybutt thread

New boybutt thread







oc dump cuz horny



Okay I am, here.


Why do you choose to be gay?



Cause i like it, no mystery there


more oc



hey sexy

I'd smash

Hey OP, y are the same from the previous tread? Remember me?



Not the same op but i was in the thread, how you doing?


Anyone have his webms/gifs?
I lost them all :'(

Hey, Pretty lonely, Want to chat?


why does his gooch have a red line down the middle.
Is he secretly two people sewn together?

Why can't qt bois live close to me?
I want some qt boi friends to hangout with :(

What's the biggest thing you've fit in your butt?

i'm lonely, horny, yeah i wanna talk

Some guys have that on their sack and some don't. I don't personally but its quiet common.

naw man, you look like a lunatic

Qt from the last thread

How the fuck do boys get so smooth now?

I'm an old homo (was young in the 80s so it's a fucking miracle I didn't catch the bug) but never in my life until today have I seen asses so smooth. Either boys are taking shaving way too seriously (I can't imagine the fucking irritation) or that hormones-in-the-water shit isn't as fake as I thought.


To be honest user,sling. xD I am serious.

yeah I have one. It's weird.


Most boys nowadays don't have hair. Especially 15-25 y/o

I know personally I don't have any hair like these boys but I've got tons on my head. Its probably the same for them. Some shave tho.


you don't like gooch line?
>Is he secretly two people sewn together?
well, sort of. part of the sequence of male genitalia forming in the womb involves the fetus' proto-vagina fusing closed. some people have a ridge of flesh left over afterwards.

light or very short hair doesn't show up that easily on phone cameras because the quality is too bad, that's at least one factor

If he hadn't gotten the extra chromosome it would have been a vagina.

True story. All guys have one, but it's more pronounced in some than others. Why, I don't know. Maybe it's an indicator of faggotry because it always seems more pronounced on flamboyant twinks and trannies.


Sure man

oh shit that is the one. will you marry me?


Its all good, I know some us have it and it doesn't make a difference anyway. You're a qt bro! We look about the same age but idk forsure, I'm 19. Wbu?

What are your thoughts on rape?

Well I cant feed y, but I can maybe do something else. Do yu have some email?


Where the brown boybutts at?


yeah timestop85420 at yahoo. ive got everything you'd want to munch on babe

I wish that was me buddy. My butt is fucked with strechmarks and brown skin discolorations in the center ;_;

Anyone here have bad dragon?
And if so, post pics of you using them

Do y have email?

When I was 16 I spent all night once slowly accommodating a large orange - probably a bit larger than a baeeball. That was a long time ago though (8 years) and made me realize that I prefer girth and stretching to length and penetration.

damn...still them legs and booty. i'd worship that body forever.

thank you :3 and I'm 21

Mexico. Go there and don't come back.


Aw thank you for saving my pics baby!!!

Well i mean, with a butt like that it's kinda hard not to honey

That doesn't make a lick of sense. I remember my friends and I sprouting like damn gardens at 14/15. I had a full chest, as did most of my friends, by the time we were ~20. If you mean to tell me that boys are legitimately not growing hair I'm gonna seriously consider that there's an external factor causing it.

Tbh, most of you will undoubtedly be younger than me and have way more experience with contemporary younger guys. I never saw an ass that looked smooth, and I've been doing gay shit since I was 17 in the 80s.

I don't exactly know what the sitrep is on teens today, seeing as I'm not exactly in that market (and am happily married) but is this a common thing to see now?



Ohok so you're older than me
I wish I could find an older qt boi to befriend but sadly I'm an autist that can't even talk to regular people.

That's one adorable ass

less talking, more ass

I'm not joking, most boys nowadays are smooth like these guys, I don't have any chest hair, back hair, barely any leg hair and arm hair, nor any ass or ball hair. I never shave and I've been like this my whole life. Idk why most of us are like these and I've noticed it too, that most boys born after 90s are pretty hairless. Idk what's going on but I guess its genetics evolving away from wilderness kind of stuff to more modernized body types.

Most boys nowadays are pretty feminine. Maybe its what were being fed, idk.

Anyone like, or to twinky

Words cannot describe how much I want to lick that.

From the gooch all the way up. Drives me wild. Fuck.

Any better quality pic?


So uh, how about you add me on snapchat or something like that? If you don't like it you could always just block me

don't worry. Everyone's horny. you'll find someone some day.

I dunno about snapchat, but my Kik is OwO_TvT

Sorry for bad quality.
And no I'm a little limited on pics


Go take some new ones then, your ass looks good, but I would like to see it better

Hey, and I am 18, still here. Want to have some chat? :




Fuck your faggy ass sissy panties/stocking wearing bullshit. Boys should be boys - that's what makes jerking off to and fucking BOYS appealing in the first place.


Now I'm just conjecturing out of my ass, but do you still have a lot of fine vellus hair? I'm curious if what we're apparently seeing is the body not having follicles modify from producing vellus hair to producing dark hair (essentially, what happens during puberty).

I don't know why this is such a strangely fascinating topic, I guess because it really is odd. I suppose i feel happy for my younger fag brethren who don't have to wade through a sea of pubes with a razor just to look presentable, but I'm also concerned that if this has anything to do with hormones in the water or that other Alex Jones/CoastToCoast type stuff we could see ramifications down the road?

Aside from that, though, I can't wait for a surplus of nice ass shots. Cause hot damn the boys in this thread are looking good (aside from initially setting off age alarm bells in my head)

My fuck buddy twink bottom is coming over tomorrow, can't wait to use his boy butt

>Fuck your faggy ass sissy panties/stocking wearing bullshit
this omg

Pics or it didn't happen

Yeah that works

You spent a lot of time creating that useless post.


I'm in both categories



Sorry its not easy to get a good angle in my situation