Landwhale thread, especially thin-to-landwhale pics cont

Landwhale thread, especially thin-to-landwhale pics cont.
last one hit the bump limit







How many here would fuck a landwhale?

those dubs are the number of landwhales I'd fuck




I have a couple of her vids

more of this

going to post the huge panties in 20 mins

guys, i'm going to fuck a landwhale tonight. whats the best way to get deep into a landwhales pussy with your tongue? too much fat in the way whattai do

Girl I've been fucking for a few years now.

easy if you lift her fat up. have her suck your dick. big girls give better bjs


show ass pls






More! She's cute I like her attitude




Forgot pic







I have, will and do fuck them .... It is fucking awesome...







Nice belly close-up.


keep posting. love fatties

yum. any more?










Actually not that bad I would get hard staring at that pussy and tits.




like anyone asked you OP what you thought of her looks....




Thats the greektown casion hotel.



waifu claimed



Nothing better than nasty fat whores

Any more of them?








They look like proper, well-fed, breedable pigs.










> wondering whats up with the one stocking
>not sexy medical condition
>boner plummets to floor
>hardwood floor
>its been snowing lately
>dick now soft
>uncomfortably wet



my god can you imagine the smell in that room


shes going to give you a downs baby..


echo is fucked up. she's basically immoble, and all her fat is going hard, she's going to die within a year if she doesn't change at least a little bit.


