BvS Honest


Honest Trailer for BvS is here, and it's brutal.

>fake eggs
>Lex's conveniently working """plan"""
>everything else

DCucks, once again, and possibly for the final time, BTFO once and for all.

Other urls found in this thread: trailers avengers

>Not stating how the email attachment logos match up to say 4U CIA
How could they not say this?

>One part Arkham video game
haha nice


is not understanding the "I thought she was with you" line a meme now?

Bruce obviously thinks he's some kinda time-traveling, or immortal, super-human (metahuman). It doesn't matter that they've met or that he emailed her the JL files.

>my hero is stronger than yours!

ahahaha cape shit

As much as DCucks deserve it, at a certain point it feels like making fun of a orphan in a wheelchair. Haven't they had enough?

DCucks will never recover hahahaha
omfg BTFO

>people care this much about the details in a comic book
tony stark looked at a model house and invented a new element
comicbooks are inherently retarded

>Admitting you're too stupid to understand a Marvel movie

>mfw i live on an era were Zack Snyder is way too smart for the audience.



Can't wait for the Ghostbusters one where they spend the entire video attacking non-existent man babies

Kino thread?


>Superman had only 45 lines

Is Snyder going to recreate the silent era?

Lets try to red pill these marvel faggots.

DCfans have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just marveldrones. An imitation of a low levelled simpleton. Can a marvelcuck write a symphony? Can the Russo brothers turn a... canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?

I can do those things

mfw in dutch silent films are called stomme films = stupid films

wew lads

What's the difference? Honestly?

When you dont find the difference between these two it doesn't mean they are the same, it means you should grab onto your white cane you blind fuck

>Disney bribes yet another meme youtuber

Fuck these guys are salty

We're in the loud era senpai tbqh

>Haven't they had enough?
No, we had enough. Enough of them spamming threads every day, every night.
It will never be ogre til i say it's ogre.

>le disney pays everything off



>disneyshills STILL this mad

loving every laugh


it's so funny that Dkeks lose and rage this much :3


>Implying a Disney shill would even be mad

i cant believe i dont have a banestew reaction for this

Fucking kek, DCucks got a shitty movie, that underperformed, while we have our precious MCU with the movies we want, and they are printing money, please

oh boy wait till i tell all my freinds on leddit about this!


Critising BvS is unacceptable.Screen Junkies are marvel shills confirmed.Make sure you leave a dislike on the video guys(if u watch it).i already did.

>three buttmad as fuck free (you)s

No need to be insecure bros, I'm sure the next marvel flick will be good

>babbys first director

don't be so angry anymore, SS looks okay. trust me I know. I'm Marvel, baby!

Are you afraid of being forgotten, Dkek? Of being in ashes?

Keep feeding on (you)s, you sad user

That is genuinely quite worrying though.

I dont know why I gave them a view.

How do any DCEU fans explain away the fact that neither BvS or MoS have made a billion? Clearly they underperformed


because honest trailers, unlike cinema sins, is god tier.

Why would i feel need to explain anything to somebody who equates the profitability of a movie to its quality?

People are retarded and only want movies you can take their children to. The most infantile you make the movie, the most money you're going to make


I liked the movie a lot and thought they did a fair job. Made me smile.

Only thing that really made me think "they don't know what they're talking about" was the part in the extended version where they say Rebirth is a reboot of the comic line.


>le hate everything or else you're reddit xDD

suck a dick

>trusting RT after ghostbusters


then again marvel and sony are basically the same thing so I guess it makes sense

Everything is Reddit

>guardians of the galaxy
>91% fresh

Fembusters flopped tho.


ghostbusters has a 50 from top critics on RT, and a 60 on MC.

ghostbusters got what it deserved.

I feel for you DC fanboys

it must be a hard life after Nolan left.

not everything
just shitty normie stuff that reddit does actually love
like honest trailers

Batman v Superman is so bad DC may have tanked their entire cinematic universe already.

You can bet your asses WB Exec's are fucking terrified that Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman might flop. Batman v Superman's gross was frontloaded as fuck and dropped HARD, only meeting the absolute bare minimum of box office expectations. It was entirely sold on hype and goodwill from fans, and the movie was complete shit, and everyone knows it. Everyone saw that Sad Affleck meme video, and the cultural consensus is, by and large, that BvS sucked. Is anyone really excited for Suicide Squad or Wonder Woman? Even fucking Justice League? Do normies know that movie is coming out? They're already a billion in the hole for this franchise, and it's not taking off like they hoped it would.

I'm kinda excited for suicide squad mainly because of all the meme possibilities


fake eggs


>why is aquaman holding his breath underwater



Will DCucks EVER recover?

We live in a world where conflict and loss are looked down upon and are avoided as much as possible. That's why feel-good Marvel movies that end in either a neutral or positive setting are vastly supported and movies that present difficulties and fallout from a character's actions are viewed in a negative light.

I thought the internet had turned against this shitty video series, what happened?

>DCucks deserve it

DCucks don't deserve shitty movies, no one deserves shitty movies.

>People are comparing Doomsday with the villain of eight years old Marvel movie.
>T-t-these movies are forgetabble, r-right?

They took a dump on Ghostbusters 2 just to send the message
>This was already bad, why do you dislike the reboot you misogynist creep?

HT has been tumblr tier for at least 2 years now.


Honest trailers make fun of most movies though, even the marvel ones.

>channel that makes fun of all movies
>makes fun of DC movie

Name one Marvel film they made "fun" of trailers avengers

They have a ''Honest trailer'' for every single MCU movie, even for Agents of Shield.

Are you asking him to link you to the MCU Honest Trailer's they've made?

>actually urionically watching honest trailers

please kill yourself

And every one of them praised MCU to no end, to the point of outright telling MCU can make shit and people will eat it in the GotG one

>honest trailer
Nigga, they are all satires.

I forgot that DCEUfags have been too busy getting offended and triggered at every single negative DCEU opinion.
Don't worry, call everyone a shill, and someday people will stop disliking it.

They also praise moments of BvS in this Honest Trailer but the fact of the matter the writers, and most of the general population, thought BvS was mostly bad.

attacks a movie they hate
>wow based, so fucking true

atacks a movie they love
>hes just fucking around, its not meant to be taken serious

which is it hypocrites?

>MCU can make shit and people will eat it

That's not praising, you know

>honest trailers
wait so marvelcucks are openly reddit now?

Brings a whole new meaning to marvelcucks
Bow down tic tac

>better costumes
>better screen play
>better cinematography
>better script than civil war

What went wrong?

These all came out before ghostbusters numbnuts.

>he watches gay porn to shitpost



Lel name one good marvel movie that isn't cringeworthy and is somewhat coherent in its plot. Fucking marvel drones all over the place.

user I love you

>outright telling MCU can make shit and people will eat it in the GotG one
>this is what DCucks catalogue as "praising"
No wonder you use "kino"

No they love marvel ones, they are all guaranteed plebs and Marveldrones.

Dr Banner I'm Asgard

Every Marvel movie you hate.

because you didn't post it on reddit