How could i kill myself and make it look like an accident...

How could i kill myself and make it look like an accident? I thought about joining the army but combat roles are so rare. Dont want it to look like i just offed myself, i want people to respect me when i die.

If you're concerned about the "respect" of a bunch of morons and assholes, who probably don't give two fucks about you when it comes down to it, you're likely not prepared to kill yourself in any manner.

Slam into an overpass support beam at highway speeds. Preferably with an old small car like for an even higher chance of death

Oh so if i want to retain a basic level of dignity then im not a cool depressed kid like you? Damn, i feel real excluded. Fuck off if you dont have a suggestion.

Drink and drive

Off yourself in a very public place like a school or a police station.

also curious, have been struggling with the exact issue

go to Africa,whatever the reason (charity, tourism, need to help a prince, meet you internet love) stand outside until night, profit

with that attitude, just kill yourself already, you're the accident

>i want people to respect me when i die.
If you care about people's respect then your concern is still in the land of the living. You don't really want to die.
A real desire to die means you lose all connection to the world and just want it over with as soon as possible.
That's why so many suicides and murder suicides are so miserable and lonely.

This. Make phone calls before to all your friends and family and appear all joyful and jolly and just reach out to everyone you know so you're fresh in their mind when you crash. It will be more sad and tragic this way and people will remember you as a good person not as some pathetic faggot who shoots himself or overdoses

Congratulations, you make ME want to end it now. Never thought about it that way.

plan a "roadtrip" to a dangerous place and jump in some deserted area, people will be looking for you thinking you desapeared for years

If op truly cares about what others think of him when he kills himself he should not do this there's no getting over that for a long time there is always the hope that the lost is still living

Kurt Cobain yourself pussy

OP are only halfway there. You're free now. You have no fear of death. Ask a girl out, call a nigger a nigger to their fucking face, rob a bank, you can do anything. Worse case scenario you get your wish and get offed in some back alley.

stupid child go snort some more adderall. you're a joke and a coward. hopefully you meet a violent death at the hands of an abductor.

If you're really committed then save save save save save your money and get a plane ticket to an isolationist country like Nepal and shoot yourself there. Tell your family you're leaving to pursue happiness and never will return.

Do it. Join the military or police. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to prove yourself and do something heroic. And if not, maybe in the time it takes you to join, you will gain a renewed sense of purpose. I told myself if I was ever going to kill myself (unlikely ever), I would do this.

>kill myself
>want people to respect me.

If all it takes is for you to die for people to respect you then sucks to be you.

Freeze a block of ice on the handle of a knife and set it on the floor pointing upwards and jump onto it