Do you think this had anything to do with the movie being shit?

Do you think this had anything to do with the movie being shit?

Nah, they just didn't make a good movie.

Ghostbusters was commercial success or not?

it was kino

it was written and directed by a mancuck. blame that fudge pusher.

>Do you think this had anything to do with the movie being shit?


Crew photos for good to decent movies tend to include everyone that was on set that day, regardless of gender, and are not snapped with the purpose to push any specific agenda.

yes but not because of a lack of ability to make a good movie.

>whiny pissbaby

Yep, checks out.

Why do Americans care about how much a movie makes rather than the quality of the movie itself? Who honestly talks about movies and brings up it's Box Office takings at all? Money is the most irrelevant thing to bring up.

>yes but not because of a lack of ability to make a good movie.

Women know how to make a good movie: Be a member of a majority male team.

How is feminism about equality when a picture like this exists, making sure that no men who helped out make this film are not included so all the women can shine... I just don't get feminism.

that's not even necessary. It's just that the picture in OP is only indicative of a lot of misguided steps that the people behind this movie made.

>plasma fusion reactor
that didn't build up on anything curie did or anything

Name a good female director

Rachel Talalay

Kathryn Bigelow

We know it's shit already, but we want stuff like this to flop so Hollywood stops making shitty remakes.

>Marie Curie

they were more interested in pushing an agenda, than putting work into a product of quality

The Wachowski sisters.

Leni Riefenstahl

Even the original cast couldn't recapture the genius of Ghostbusters.
It was folly

if that was the actual production cast I would have to say yes.

not trying to be edgy or anything, just women are "nicer" in a genuine and in a fake way, if something was bad or going wrong none of them would have spoken up in case it hurts someones feelings, so they all just laughed and clapped along and cheered for girl power

>Fat whale woman (i.e. "funny" skit)
>"Do I look fat" (i.e. haha babymen virgin ghost shoot it in da dick o lawd")

The butthurt is real.
>Marie Curie was a fraud because some fuckless user on a Finnish religious discussion board says so

Sony are the worst. Everything they do is horrid.

There is nothing anyone of any gender could do to somehow make a another lame reboot interesting.

Unless of course who ever behind it was willing to try something radically different with the property, I don't mean a new gender/race for the cast either I mean substantial changes to the ideas and concepts of the original. (like the difference between The Thing From Another World and John Carpenter's The Thing. Two films with some elements in common but overall two very different works)

But frankly that shit doesn't happen anymore, reboots are no longer made because a film maker has a new take on an old idea they're passionate about, they're made solely to make money so they stay safe, boring and as broad as fucking possible.