Why are people mad about this movie when the original one was also dog shit?

Why are people mad about this movie when the original one was also dog shit?

Not wanting to see it != mad.

because muh nerd culture


nobody's mad. but that's pretty much the pretense of that ridiculous marketing campaign

Because Goobergabbers needed a new thing to sperg about.

4/10 bait family

It shouldn't even be that high but I have a special love for the original.

i only liked the cartoon desu

i like Kristen Wiig

>nobody's mad
what are you fucking blind?

this desu, I honestly think most people haven't really heard of any of them before this and just assume they're all horrible.

Your SNL cast is niche as fuck and only you know them

Exactly what I wrote

he was being ironic you incredibly dumb fuck

Of course I know that you retard, but the implication was that I thought that SNL cast members were obscure when in fact they are not. I still think that most of the people screaming the loudest about how much they hate these women have not really seen them in much.

Oh and I forgot, so was I, and so is your post because of it.

>he original one was also dog shit


Because they liked it when they ere growing up and can't help but view it through nostalgia goggles..
I liked it when i was a kid. It doesn't hold up though

I don't think anyone is mad except for the feminists and Sony Pictures. Everyone's gotten over this and just decided to watch the original again or something else.

the original had a lot of charm, laughs as well as interesting characters. this has none of the charm and has badly written cliches as characters.
i didnt want to bring this up but if people want a good example of female leads then why praise a movie with such badly written female characters?

Anyone else find it hilarious that in the same day the leftist public is condemning Melania Trump for plagarism - they are also defending Leslie Jones from Twitter abuse concerning the new Ghostbusters movie?

Leslie Jones also committed serious plagarism. Sony had to fucking threaten to sue Bill Murray if he didn't help them make this movie which is a blatant copy and paste of a past film under the guide of "reboot" which is a phenomenon sadly all too expected in the modern age.

Jones gets up on screen and acts as a racist caricature from the 1910s and then is surprised that she receives racist abuse? Please.

>badly written cliches as characters.

>bill murrey's character was interesting and not at all 1-dimensional

You done goofed son

I love this meme

its a comedy not a serious drama. the first film had charm and funny lines unlike the new one.

>It's a "classic movie gets a bad remake and user pretends that the original was never good" episode

Sure. But if you think the lady's man, the socially inept nerd and the straight man are interesting characters then you need to wake the fuck up

they were funny

So were the new ghost busters.
Turns out humour is subjective. Not what i'm calling you out for.

I find it hilarious that you described the new ghost busters as "badly written cliches" while the originals were interesting without any apparent sense of irony

Like i said. You done goofed

im just going to assume you're underage now

I'm just going to assume you have no ability to defend your embarrassing position and are forced to resort to buzzwords.
lol off you go then...

Nobody is mad about the girls but some Sup Forumstard.

It's a shitty movie from a shitty license and the people producing this shit can't accept that. The mad thing is mostly a marketing plan.

Ghostbuster is shit, 1, 2, 3. Deal with it.

So with that logic, why wouldn't people be mad about this piece of shit if the first was a piece a shit?

>racist caricature from the 1910s

What even would that be? Would that just be a shit poor person working on a farm?

I've never seen the old one but I do love trolling feminists

>all these damage control.threads

Sony and sjws on suicide watch.

The movie loses it's schtick when you cast females as the ghost busters.
They're supposed to be like pest exterminators but for ghosts.
I ain't ever seen a female pest exterminator nor have I ever seen a female wear coveralls unironically.

This. Im loving how all forms of entertainment just tell these dumbass kids "Ewww that things old it can in no way be considered good" and the kids just eat up. This new generation is hysterical.

>im 12 and heres my opinion


Sup Forums hates it because they see it as femenazi propaganda, not because they care at all about the original

>theyll never bring up all her shit talking on twitter
>"shes a victim please go see ghostbusters please!!"

This is just too funny.

Shittalking is fine but people were hacking her account and threatening her and shit, that's basically just throwing the game.

You are mistaking online shitflinging with being mad about the movie, no one is seeing it, because no one ever gave an actual fuck about the movie, including the SJWs.

>Sup Forums hates it because they see it as femenazi propaganda

Which it is.

The movie is a $150 million documentary about how fucking threathened Paul Feig feels by basement dwellers.

>Sup Forums hates it because they see it as femenazi propaganda and because the original rocked


Or maybe it's a shit movie

How much does Sony pay you btw

>It's a Sup Forums neckbeard's being contrarian episode

The new one is dogshit, the first one was an entertaining film (the second one was also).

>Jones gets up on screen and acts as a racist caricature from the 1910s and then is surprised that she receives racist abuse? Please.
>if a person plays a racist caricature he deserves racial abuse, regardless of the context

So RDJ should've been shot to death by liberals for Tropic Thunder?

Do you guys not see how hypocritical you come off with stupid posts like this?

The first two are movie tier you complete and utter fucking mouth breather

When she iss physically followed or attacked thats crossing a line. A bunch of people saying bad stuff on twitter isnt remotely wrong.

>Sup Forums hates it because they see it as femenazi propaganda

Everyone sees it as fucking feminazi propaganda because feminiazis are constantly blogging, tweeting, crying in the streets about it.

>hacking her account

No, they edited the page to change her tweets and idiots thought she was hacked or somebody made a fake account that just so happened to be hers with the exact same amount of followers and everything.

Post the bill murray cameo so I can wipe this from my memory forever afterwards.

autism 101: caring about the difference to the point you have to use the hyperbole 'complete and utter'

You're the type of pretentious faggot who only watches a film on a projector. Kys

because they're reddit meme flicks that pander to quote unquote "nerd culture"

>No, they edited the page to change her tweets
Not him but I just want to clarify -- it wasn't her who typed some of those posts, ie. when she called Milo a faggot, so what's the difference between her account getting hacked and other people using her account to say shit?

Someone post these tweets, were any of them savage?

autistic response, senpai

Even internet threats is crossing the line from shittalking and bantz. If the other side kept it to bantz that would have been fine but that line was absolutely crossed.

Redditor spotted.

see heres one of them now
they absolutely hate being called out

Good humor is funny in a vacuum.
SJWs only laughed during this because they felt vindicated

trolling 101?

good god

also, she should of brought that up with feig if her character was 'stereotypical'
in that case all of the actresses should have made complaints/comments to feig about movie/characters during the 'cold' reading of the movie.

There's literally no such thing as humor in a vacuum. Meaningless statement. "lol I can relate to that!" is comedy 101.

I agree, only Redditors don't like the original film.

I see you've taken Response 101.

>bill walking meme man murray
>80s trash
>new york
>meme humor
Why wouldn't they love it? This is pure reddit sensibilities

Everyone saying that ghosbuster was shit should fuck off
you don't know shit about movies
It is protected by the National Film Registry for fucks sake

>use it as propaganda for feminism
Gee i wonder why people get mad

Greentexting and referring to things as "meme" is pure Reddit behavior, Redditor.

He is a walking meme. Even in movie's where he is relatively non-memey, it's still unwatchable since you know that every redditor watching is thinking about how amazing it is that their upvote actor is giving such a dramatic out of character performance. Resulting in the non-EPIN MEME performances actually being the biggest memes to praise of all.

Jim Carrey in Truman Show and Murray in Lost In Translation are the ultimate examples of the memed up non meme performance.

>He is a walking meme.

Redditor response 101

shut the fuck up and go back

>i'm an imbecile but i still have to put you in your place!

lol cute

Why was Bill Murray's character a dick in this movie?

>the original one was also dog shit

I love how every closet redditor itt is calling you reddit. Bill Memery is one of the biggest reddit actors there is. Reddit hipster cucks love their ironic bill murray tshirts.

Responding to your own post won't make you look less like the Redditor you are.

The media itself is inherently "MEME". I could have spent the last 50 years living in a cave in the jungle with zero contact with humanity, and if you had shown me Ghostbusters then, completely divorced from any kind of external influences, I'd still be trembling with rage throughout the entire 2 hours because of the meme nature of the film itself.

Well meme'd, senpai

haha nice tumblr gif my dude!

Want some honesty? I didn't like the original Ghostbuster movies much. But at least they never got preachy and political.