"You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a Corona."

>"You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a Corona."

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


He meant "We only have Coronas"

the budweiser was all his and you have to drink the coronas because you cant drift a toyota supra at the sufficient speeds to steal the money and are 33 years old still living at your moms house

So he's got a load of Coronas right? He can have any of them, ANY of them.

He got the other guys though and they basically kissed because they other guy touched it with his lips. But Dom was on beer duty that night so he made the switch.

Because of the Henry Ford quote "You can have any colour you want aslong as it's black"

He still has 4 IPAs in the corner of the fridge that were letty's that he hasn't thrown away yet.

He meant that corona gave a lot of money to the production of the film so their product can be featured in the movie.

Is this the correct way to hold a beer bottle?

Isn't Corona technically the same shit as Budweiser since everything big below the border was just the same company going down there to avoid Prohibition?

''I have no taste dude lmao''

Probably what he meant

Corona goes well with go'za 2bh. NY'za not so much.

Piss water like all mexican beer.

If you have manlet hands, yes

Nah, the only thing that goes well with go' 'za is a rustic wine. NY'za on the other hand can be complimented with a craft beer of your choosing.

What's the deal with him lifting the Lykan Hypersport up in Dubai?

The car itself is 1400kg, although it is R/R so most of the weight you be over the rear axles, however we're still talking a few hundred kgs.

Was the joke that Dom is super strong?
Was it just a joke about the movie itself, like "yeah hey look he's just lifting up the fucking car with his hands"?
Was it implying that in the movie universe the car was super light?

hold where the liquid is not and it won't warm as quick

an effort wasted on mexican water.

Naa Bud has a yeasty taste, Corona doesn't

is von petrol a manlet?

Like all American beer as well

>rustic wine
>with 'go'za

goddamn you must be a Bernie voter. this is a no-cuck zone. you'll have to go back

i think Budweiser owns corona

I wouldn't really argue that. I prefer imports and microbrews obviously myself. My fav is old rasputin imperial stout.


only good beverage for a hearty 'za is a ice cold jug of root beer

there is no debating this, this discussion is over

he's 5'7

>big vinheiser is 59 years old

that surprises me and puts me into a situation where i feel caught off guard

is this you?

>what is craft beer

seems youre still stuck in the 80's dude

>refuse to drink budpisswater tier shit
>get called a hipster

Shut the fuck up you hipstercuck


neither is good drink liquor like a real man

He's 49

I didn't post the response faggot. Drink your shit beer I don't care.

Cant hide the branding can he

If by beer bottle you mean dick, yes.

If you are not some skinnyfat 23 year old virgin faggot that marathons Lord of the Rings every weekend and defends Man of Steel and Batman v Superman on the internet 24/7, yes it is.

>you're a big guy
>corona brew

I dunno, where I leave only girls and pussies drink Coronas so maybe it was a fag convention or something.

did I trigger you budpisswater drinker?
or I can just have both

>A Mexican movie character that loves Mexican fermented piss youtu.be/mUfQTR76QRA

>Mexicans will tell you Taco Bell is not real Mexican food and will never go there
>Mexicans pick up Coronas by the bulk at your local convenience store errday (including the Flips)
>Mexicans think just because Coronas come from Mexico that's it's Mexican so it's good because it's real Mexican beer

pick one

>Drink your shit beer I don't care.

I think i found a photo of you.

In San Antonio all the mexicans drink is dos equis with salt and lime.

Do you keep pictures of hipsters saved on your computer to jerk off to later?

>Physics in fast and furious

no he furiously googles them because he got triggered by people calling budpisswater shit

Nice pic man, enjoy your burnt lemon rind flavored motor oil

>tfw have to cans of sue in my fridge rn

God Corona is so horrible. I don't think I've ever drank one that wasn't skunked before it was even open.

haha i always find it hilarious when plebs cant into good beer

you shut your whore mouth.
best mexican beer, pic related.

corona really isnt that bad if you put a lime wedge in it

HAHAHA did they seriously say that? HAHA that's hilarious it must be a reference to the Bane meme (your a big guy) HAHAHA

Anything lower 6% is wrong



>I'm ashamed 'certain' people still buy it
>I'm ashamed because I'll get mixed in with them by default

All hipsters drink is super light Amstel and Michelob ultra lighter than air shit.

Trust me I worked at a bar for 5 years.


you probably work somewhere that doesnt serve the superior craft beer

We used to sell all sorts of international craft beer as well as domestic stuff like Lagunitas and that one super hipster looking bet with the duck logo, island something.
And textbook hipsters would always go for extremely light shit.
Young Chads would order the Mexican and American pisswater and 30-50 males would go for the craft beer.
Older people would only drink hard alcohol.
Females would just mimic the males at the table.

He meant that's all he had.

Do you suffer from autism? This shit isn't hard to understand

>>what is craft beer

Drinkable fedora

>Old Rasputin

Good taste.

wew projection

Lmao are people actually defending Budweiser and Coors ITT? Look man if that's what you drink more power to ya, nobody gives a shit but don't pretend it isn't the lowest common denominator of alcoholic beverages and you're basically depriving yourself of better experiences

fedora faggot

He was mourning the death of D Boon.

it isnt projection if what hes saying is correct

> He's a Messican Pisswater guy

What is wrong with looking like that?


>tfw you finally get the joke 15 years later

>holding a beer long enough that it gets warm and not just fucking drinking it

Post tits and timestamp

>$0.25 has been deposited to your account, mr Diesel

Carona tastes like piss

It means Toretto has shitty taste in beer.

>not drinking Pearl in a can and Jack Daniels black

its an acquired taste

>used to drink scotch because it's the only thing my dad wouldn't touch
>literally all I drink now
>maximum comfy buzz
>never feel the need to drink too much for some reason
>beer or any other liquor I have trouble controlling myself and not getting completely shit faced

Scotch is the best drink in the world... and a good friend.

What's wrong with marathoning Lord of the Rings every weekend?