He doesnt watch it in low quality to mimic 80's tv

>He doesnt watch it in low quality to mimic 80's tv.
Then why even bother?

Other urls found in this thread:


b-but i bought a 4k tv

>he doesn't record the rips through VHS
Why even?

The ending pretty much guarantees a second season right?

This hit the comfy nostalgia spot in so many crevices.

absolutely shit in every way

it's popularity guarantees a second season

Netflix Shills, fuck off.

>low quality

Dude, every thing I watch is on a CRT.
You don't need "low quality"

that would honestly be pretty comfy

I watched it on a CRT, streaming from my PS3 which is hooked up to the TV via RF adapter. You'd be hard pressed to watch it in lower quality than I did.

The netflix shilling will determine if a second season gets made. And by the looks of it the shills have been doing their jobs well.


Is this Kino guys?

>Duffer brothers

Anyone else bothered by this? Who do they think they are?

I haven't lurked in awhile, but can't shows be kino?

A pair of brothers sharing the Duffer surname?

Yeah, have they done anything else? Google just has stupid blog sites that I don't want to read. I've never heard of them until this show.

15 years later Duffer sister amirite?

Stop liking stuff that I don't like: the post.

I don't know what's with all the hype. That acting is mediocre, the plot is too predictable, and the whole muh 80's vibe is played out. 6.5/10

This show is like a stretched Spielberg movie. The fact they have to stretch it though makes it much less tense cause everything changes so slowly and we always have the time to ponder over whats going.

What are some shows you like?

The Wachowski Sisters of our generation.

The Affair, Bloodline, Rectify, series that actually respect the (adult) viewer's intellect

Not a lot to be honest. The last show I watched was freaks and geeks.

When I searched Stranger Things in the archive i expected to see truly autistic comments trying to shit on the threads because the show is "popular on reddit"


>tfw no it bald psycho loli

>The Affair

The shittiest "popular on TV" show since Hannibal.


Soap opera, you probably own Dawson's Creek on DVD



Sure thing, kid.

>The Affair,
>At once deeply observed and intriguingly elusive, The Affair explores the emotional effects of an extramarital relationship. Noah is a New York City....


>"Bloodline" is a dramatic thriller that explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family. The Rayburns are hard-work..



I'll allow it.

>series that actually respect the (adult) viewer's intellect

You sound like you're 16. You should feel embarrassed if you aren't.



>>tfw no it bald psycho loli

My 12yo sister isn't a "loli" (eww) or a psycho but she is bald (she has cancer) and she's pretty demanding. She's been down about not having a boyfriend, so she had me take her on a mock-date, flowers, dinner, violin serenades, the works, it was pretty embarrassing for me, but my parents and I want her to be happy.

really makes u think

The pregnancy thing made me scared, will anyone hold me?

Good brother

that's cute if true

But what about Barbara?
Why didn't they bring her body back? What about her parents? Why did it serum like Nancy forgot about her?

i feel like the 80's synth score or whatever it was, was very out of place. On its own, I actually like the music and think its pretty cool. But attached to this series, it just felt like it didnt fit.

I want to punch that curly-haired kid in the fucking mouth just something about him annoys me I just want to punch him. Maybe it's his mouth I don't like.

Shut up faget, nodoby cate about a fat ugly nerd, you pussy

did you mock-fuck her in a hotel room after the date?

the what

Stick his dick in your mouth, that'll each him.

The monster was conjured by El's subconcious. It was her repressed masculinity, it lashed out at bull dykes and queers (barbara and will). And it liked to hunt animals (the deer, hunting was referenced as masculine by Johnathon).

El was more than likely born intersex as part of the complications with her birth. When she went into the sensory deprivation tank it wasn't some other being she contacted, it was another part of herself.

The ending was her coming to terms with her masculinity and embracing the monster as apart of herself.

This is one of the most clever LGBTIP+ pieces of media to date.

That makes sense actual

i feel like a lot of the dialogue wasnt scripted. i think the kids were just making shit up and improving as they went along. it seems like whenever Mike couldnt think of something to say, he would yell "what is wrong with you!" . i count at least 5 times he said that line.

>stick a dick in my mouth that'll teach me
Fixed it for ya, faggot.

Is this new copypasta?

she wants the d

Ok niggers, give me the new plot of the second season using everything showed in the last episode, but only if can come up something good

The monster knocked up poor will.

police man goes into shadow realm to find his daughter

Post based characters who btfo creeps and deservedly get the girl in the end. Ill start

Why is he so perfect bros?

He looks inbred and retarded

How is he supposed to be the good looking chad?

I burnt mine to laserdisc like a true patrician, you stream-tier pleb

Being chad is just having rich parents and an inflated ego since thats all a high school girl likes, he has both

>implying Sup Forums affects the real world business decisions in any way

have a (you)

>be Swedish
>Sup Forums tells me to watch this

>Where you from exactly?
>Bad plac... Sweden!
>She hates it there!


Anyone else think Nancy has a fucking ugly ass Jew nose looking bitch

>Shadow monster world has devoured anyone coming close previously
>Fat girl dies the moment she's pulled in
>little kid has somehow managed to survive in their for a week


El is really qt in that wig

reminds me of Veronica Maggio
>dkn no sotpaj

It's not like he's been sent back to fuck everything up with his slug filled lungs.


>El is really qt in that wig

>tfw Veronica looks like shit nowadays
Nice song though

I like that song

im not Swedish but I translated some of her lyrics and discovered she was absolute SJW crap, shame


like dis if u cry everytime

Really doesn't look anything like her.

It also was drawn to blood, as in menstrual bleeding.


Chad and John reconciling is evidence of them both becoming men, it was actually pretty touching.

does anyone have a good hi def pic of El in her white body suit. ? plz share.

>never noticed SJW themes cause I don't care about pop music lyrics

>Look at lyrics for Vi mot Världen
>Will always dream about us against the world
>Want black, want white, want to have all colours

What the fuck is with all the warnings. Tapes in the 80s didn't have shit on them.

Her hair giver her away, no need for translation.
What is it with blue hair and SJWs? I mean is it like an agreed upon sign of theirs?

Ugly feminist memed pretty girls into cutting their hair short colouring it in shitty colours and getting shitty bull piercings. It's crap mentality "If I can't be pretty no ones gonna be pretty"

*crab mentality

It really is a beautiful song user.

I liked it. But I'm 30 so it touched my nostalgia pretty good.

>tfw Benny died before his time
would have loved to see more of him ;_;

I just hope Will doesn't die.
It would seem all so in vain if he ends up dying at some point

Will's shadow walking will become apparent to his mother and brother, who will then probably seek out Hopper for help
Hopper will probably use what he knows from working with the gubment to try and save Eleven on their own with the help of Will's new ability, so that she can live a free life and not be held by the government (Joyce will probably insist on this)
the baby that Will puked out will probably be sneaky and end up multiplying instead of just being a singular monster

it doesn't seem like she died from being eaten, but that she went through the same process that Will was being put through but didn't make it.
The bigger question is how the creature brings them to the upside down world but then loses and has to find them again.

Not just blue hair user, dyed hair is a clear sign of aposmetism

How did will control the lights? Does he have powers too?

Did the doctor die in the school? I dont think they ecplicitly show but its his last scene

spoiler please

Is this bitch anorexic? She's so fucking tiny

she's clearly not a girl

just like bears

Have you not watched the entire show? She's a girl.

girls look weird without hair

eleven dies, the doctors die, will is infected, barbara dies

I thought it was a boy untill based Benny said EY GURL!

Btw way was Ban Psycic? How could he know it was a girl when she look like a boy

He looks like the guy from Risky Business

>would have loved to see more of him ;_;

Me too. He was a cool big guy.
I smiled when the woman that killed him got BTFO by El.

>I thought it was a boy untill based Benny said EY GURL!
thanks faggot

HAHA, look at this faggot, he actualy has a netflix sub.
oh god, there really are people like you out there, poor souls.

not so sure about that

>he has netflix

are you ill or just have lots of money

>are you ill
no im chill

>he doesn't have netflix


Her bowed jaw implies that she had pretty bad nutrition as a kid, she also has pretty bad skin.