ITT: Movies with Horrible remakes

ITT: Movies with Horrible remakes

(only post the original movie)

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Isn't it Robocop 3 though on your pic.



i really liked robocop 2014.

Yeah, it was watchable. Still shouldn't of been made.


(yes I know this based off the "7 Samurai" but i just found out they're making a remake of the magnificent 7 and it's boiling my blood)

>3 whites
>2 blacks
>1 asian
>1 Indian.

cause ya know, "muh diversity" back then.

I didn't watch it because I couldn't imagine it being better than the first.

Then I saw clips of him just killing robots and then he had a retractable mask and I was so put off by it.

please tell me you're lying.....for the love of christ, please be trolling.

nope....i can't wait for Sup Forumss take on this.

that was a prequel to the 80s movie though. so it really wasn't a remake.




The only ones there that are good choices are, D'Onofrio, Hawke, and Denzel despite his routine getting dull.


isn't one mexican i thought

It was the same story, beat for beat, covered as a prequel. And it was fucking shit.


It wasn't bad

shouldn't have



Not even the strongest Carpenter film yet they still fucked it up royally

Why do they even bother?

fuck this gay earth.

I liked most of Fuqua's films
>training day
>tears of the sun
>replacement killers

I'd love to see Lee Byung-hun in more shit, he's been amazing in everything he's done. And this is the 2nd classic western remake he's doing.

>written by pizzolato
I don't know how to feel about this.



It was an inferior remake already which played on a cast that will never be matched in the history of anything. Remake might be good tho, I ain't writing this shit off yet.

>the good the bad the weird

what a fucking thing this was.

>muh diversity
the only problem is the asian but the rest are definitely plausible. nothing to do with your alt right politics here matey

Robocop remake was by no means a "horrible one". Kill yourself or go back to TFAg OP.

The most apt description possible. The finale was fucking crazy

>mongorian brigands with fucking maces
>japanese army
>the good and the wird
>chink gangsters

Loved it to bits. The best remake/homage/parody I've ever seen.

>muh whats wrong in being a lefty cuck

cmon, the MCU ones are soulless boring flicks but that's completely awful, look at those rubber ears ffs


>your alt right politics
>not realizing hollywood is pushing race as a marketing tool
>not calling out hollywoods shitty practices.

get fucked faggot.

The problem is they're gonna make him Chinese, probably descendant of one of the guys building the railroads when he's Worst Korea's finest actor.


nice meme words you angry teenager but all the characters are historically plausible except for the asian

Mate, there were a shit ton of Chinese in the Old West, extremely more plausible than a free black man

Still can't understand why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this, looks decent enough.

>except for the asian


>Worst Korea's finest actor.
that's not song kang ho

bro asians were in the west.

who built the fucking rail roads. the Mick and the Chinks you dumb asshole.

Be more culturally aware you faggot piece of shit.


please be nice to my friend choi min sik

you be more culturally aware and suck my fucking dick you little bitch

congrats on being part of the problem.

It's a tie between them two and Choi Min Sikh.

lol, look at the manlet try to be all tough with his talk.

14 year old detected.

The Winter Soldier was soulless? Eh?

oldboy is literally the only time he has been good

>you be more culturally aware and suck my fucking dick you little bitch

If I wanted my own come back, I'd wipe it off your Mom's face.

lol at the 13 year old taking Sup Forums too seriously
go outside for 5 minutes

Fantastic score, too. It really set the tone of the whole thing.

>new world
>i saw the devil
>sympathy for lady vengeance
>the tiger
>leafy a hen into the wild
>that yii sun shin film

He's God-tier

does it

ok, already calling it.

One of the white guy is going to be over the top racist to either the black dude of the indian (no one gives a shit about the chink)

but at the end, they are friends

fuck this predictable gay shit.

the "problem" being "something i personally take offense to"


i'll give you i saw the devil but he was decent at best in the others. nothing special

the robocop remake was great.

I bet you're one of those le comfy faggots.

>Sup Forums has a hissy fit
>gives the SJWcucks more ammunition

You are fucking retarded. If you'd at least be smart about your spazzes you might achieve something, but you're not so you won't.

this is you

what does le comfy have to do with that film

You're boring and soulless

or that's how every period piece is in America.

The racist white guy who isn't racist at the end.

it's literally a meme in hollywood now and lazy film writing.


fuck that

did you even watch the original? Those guys were barely friends when they were mostly white.

yeah they should make it historically accurate and have all the white people not racist and incredibly liberal

>the tiger

Where did you see that? I can't find it anywhere and I fucking love hunter movies.

yes yes we've seen that shitty meme, we know you're from reddit, fag.

>muh remake has no leftist sarcasm like the first one, I can't feel morally superior watching it

>Robocop remake has Rorschach
>squanders him as an Original Character Donut Steel instead of casting him as Boddicker or a similar character

That was one of the worst parts of the whole stupid thing.

but they didn't hjave some over the top "racist who isn't racist anymore message.


Name 10.

And also, there won't be a film about a racist fag doing racist shit and getting away with it unless he's a villain. Not in US, not anywhere else. Get over it and stop bitching.

>over the top

So a bunch of white Americans and a Brit go to fight and die for a Mexican village. I'm gonna let you ponder for a while.

for money. they were mercs so if you're considering their acts sage like then I'm afraid your view of the world may not be in sync with the rest.

calling it.

The new RoboCop isn't that horrible.

SO you haven't seen the film, nor have you seen 7 Samurai. I'm glad we had this discussion.

>tfw the movie starts with Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen picking a fight with locals to deliver a dead Indian to a cemetery

You forgot about that too, didn't you? Or, as I suspect, you didn't even watch it.

but was that a driving plot for the film. No, it proves they'd do anything for money. They were paid to do that.

jesus no one can be this dense?

This Thread started out ok but then became shit.

TYPICAL Sup Forums thread.

but they had tons of other opportunities for money, it's obvious they wanted to do it for the good of the people and not just for the money

>At first he agrees only to help them find men, but later he decides to recruit six other men to help him defend the village, despite the poor pay offered.

Are you retarded? The point was they were doing it because it was the right thing to do, not because of the $$$. Now I am 100% you haven't watched it.
They don't get paid for burying the dead Indian. You can't twist your narrative this time, because you haven't seen it. Fuck off.


about the soulless marvel movies, I strongly advise people who would be, by any chance, truly interested in Cinéma, to watch this technical analysis of Kurosawa, very funny when he compares the Master to that horrible Avengers :

(sorry to post something actually talking about cinema on Sup Forums)

Bumping with based kiwi film

mad bro?

The original was the best.

I love captains ability to hijack cars.

>Sup Forums giving anyone shit about taste

Jon Carpenter's Thing was a remake itself you dolts

Not here to debate Sup Forums being hyperbleb and weirdos but how do you figure he's Sup Forums?

Nice comeback, you sure got him.

Readaptation more like. You don't count last year's Macbeth as a remake of the Polanski one or 3:10 to Yuma as a remake of the first one.



