

Wait, it got beat by a movie that has been out a week longer?

top fucking kek


secret life of pets wasnt even good
makes it that much more painful

Plus Star Trek and Ice Age are coming out. Fembusters is doomed.


>That drop

Damn that's a big drop.

Ordinary, hardworking people in the entertainment industry are going to lose their jobs and livelihoods over this movie. Think about that before you start celebrating.

Jesus Christ.


after the way the cast and crew have been acting, they deserve it

They deserve it for being involved in this film

Pascal failed them, we didn't.


I feel bad for Leslie Jones. The twitter abuse is totally fucked up

>Internet trouble.




Well it is Monday

>he visits reddit

Time to leave

No matter what you think of her, the stuff sent to her was pretty fucked up

Frieg on suicide watch

Well hello your favorite site

Leslie "if its white it aint right" jones needs to grow thicker skin. I mean shes an "actress" for petes sake.

well i do browse Sup Forums so it makes sense

Hate Pascal, hate Feig, hate the cast members, that's fine.. but you think the camermen, the special effects team, the lighting and other crew had a choice on which movie to shoot?

Once again, the rich get richer, the people at the top get away scot free, and the little people at the bottom get shafted.

wait, she said that?

there will always been more movies for them to work on, brah

Like what? I need a laugh

Pascal is proof that when you get to a certain point in a Hollywood career, you fail upwards.

Just like Jon Peters.

Movie people aren't salarymen they don't get "fired" you colossal retard.


The only people who will lose their jobs is the screenwriter and maybe the actresses will lose some face but Feig and McCarthy will probably stay strong.

This sort of shit is expected: a studio funds 5 movies and expects 4/5 to fail but the fifth one will be popular enough to reimburse the other 4, rinse and repeat

The crew doesn't give a shit about the quality of the flick as long as they get paid.

Do u think a grip is still ashamed he worked on Gigli? Or does he says he saw prime jlo bending over to show that ass?

How big is this drop for a Monday?

>Star Trek Beyond: 22 July
>Ice Age Collision Course: 22 July

Post yfw Ghostboosters 2016 won't even make $100 million theatrically.

Those motherfuckers don't care, they're all unionized and working something else

Not just 2nd place, but Pets made 38% more! LAWL

The crew were all integral in starting this gender bullshit. Straight back to the picture of all the female crew members saying GRRRRRLLLL POWER

Fuck all of them.

>Ordinary, hardworking people in the entertainment industry are going to lose their jobs and livelihoods over this movie. Think about that before you start celebrating.
>they made a shit movie but they tried!

I hate this attitude, effort means nothing, results are everything



I chuckled