
This is important.
Who would win in a one on one fight?
Samurai Jack or Rick Sanchez?

jack :^)

Probably jack, just because his sword is bullshit

how much prep time does rick have?

jack has a sword where rick has laser pistols, portal guns, or what ever fucking gadget at his disposal potentially just sitting in his pocket. how would that be a contest lol

Jack... everyone knows this

None, it's a random encounter.

Jack has fought enemies with lasers, guns, etc.

Considering this, Jack wins 6/10

Rick cuz weebs suck ass

alright does rick just have his standard shit? lab coat,portal gun?

I guess it depends on what Rick had in his pockets at the time. And how fast his reflexes are. Cuz if he can get jack in a portal he could basically cut him in half.

Jack can move faster than a drop of water falling a few feet. Jack wins.


Why does Rick just turn him into a snake?

Or just send him to like a world of liquid methane or some shit.

Rick could probably send Jack back... to the past.

"Turn into a snake"

obviously rick wins, he was able to remove curses from objects obtained from the devil, therefore he can make jacks sword just a sword and send him to random fucking dimension

Nah. Jack wins. Rick is too sloppy

alright if there at least 20 m apart at the start rick teleports to his garage and jack builds some insane weapon comes back ten minutes later and destroys him in a 10/10 landslide


basically this he can just vaporize him with the thing attached to his wrist

Shit, Jack lost to a portal, and Rick has that shit in spades.

Literally this.

If im not mistaken jack fell into a portal not once but twice with both fights with aku.

Not to mention throughout the show ther has to be at least one time where he did.

Also underrated post.

Jack would probably beat him up, but before the final blow is struck, he'd open a portal in time and fling him into the future, where his evil is law.