Last thread died

Last thread died
Im an Australian comedian, ask me anything

>titties thread also


Do Australians hate americans

Everyone hates Americans

That girls name?

I have no fucking idea

What year is it when you posted this?

You're an idiot and this thread sucks

1965. Everything is white here.

why do you Ausfags hate us SouthAfricaFags? and its not only because we butfuck you in rugby on a regular basis

Suck my balls, weirdo.

i listened to your thing, it wasn't funny. You just set up a mic, talk shit and promote yourself as a comedian?

Sometimes when we and my mates chat, one of us might say something funny. The longer a conversation goes, the higher the odds are of this happening. But that doesn't make us comedians.

How about you just tell some jokes, instead of trying to be "funny" with your personality and shit stories?

pixie pillows i beleive or pixie lynn,only did softcore,i used to cum buckets to her

I don't hate south Africa and no one cares about rugby.

ausfag comedy fan reporting in

never heard of this faggot or his podcast. I'm assuming some shitbrick who got on raw comedy once, didn't quite make it past the first round, so they bought a yeti blue to seem 'professional' while they talk shit to their friends and call it a comedy podcast.

>no one cares about rugby

found the fgt from melbourne.

I do stand up regularly as well as several other pieces I've worked on including acting and voice work. I find it hard to believe you and your fat greasy nerd fag friends have ever uttered anything even remotely funny. Go suck a queef nark.

>comedy fan
> watches raw

Hahaha go fuck a goat, douche and maybe watch some real comedy before you judge and id love to see your works. Drink bleach you filthy cunt

racked up about 150 listens on there and a good 10 or so on youtube despite your attemps to spam it around the place I see

just gonna sage you now m8, no hard feelings but good luck getting that job at nandos when you finally figure out your lack of talent

Just point me towards your fans and ill sit down...

The only offensive thing about your insult is it's lack of creativity.

You're supposed to be a comdian and the best you can come up with is "hurr you're a fat nerd git fucked".

What is it like being an unfunny comedian? Kinda tragic i would think.

Like a fish that wants to be a bird. But the fish doesn't understand it can't fly, it's too stupid.

Knock knock

Kill yourself

I'm not a comedian, so I went and did something I was good at instead. You've actually spammed gumtree with links in an attempt to drum up some listeners and haven't managed to do that.

I hope you find out what you're good at one day, it helps get rid of that feeling at the back of your head that you're just shithouse and worthless and maybe you'll never do anything worthwhile in life.

I own a cafe dude hahaha
Im 25 I dont have a casual or part time shit kicker job unlike you dudes. I found what I loved and worked hard to get it and comedy also being a passion of mine, while I have spare time with the shop id work on my comedy and literally all you fucking twats can talk about is the views on my podcasts. It's no wonder all you fuckers are going to die alone.

thx for this prime example of your comedic skills

we'll die alone and you'll die unfunny comedian who owns a cafe.

Still better than carl barron



except Carl Barron is funny, and tells jokes. See the difference?

In all seriousness thanks guys. I basically post my shit to Sup Forums because you cunts give the harshest criticism and I use it to better my comedy. Thanks cunts x

you guys need to get better at spotting b8. nobody is actually that stupid, just sage

you have to have comedy before you can improve it

in conclusion, go fuck yourself you worthless faggot.

Carl barron is a retarded child

I know you are but what am I?

who is that girl my lord

But thanks for doubling my downloads you fucking dillweed assholes xoxo

>Im an Australian comedian
Then make me laugh you upside down faggot.