"Those who want respect, give respect"

"Those who want respect, give respect"

Favorite line of the show.

"old people die"

he never had the makings of a varsity athlete

If you gotta Gabba, you must gool.



I like some pulp.

"They say there's no two people on earth exactly the same. No two faces. No two sets of fingerprints. But do they know that for sure? 'Cause they would have to get everybody together in one huge space. And obviously, that's not possible, even with computers. Not only that, they'd have to get all the people who ever lived, not just the ones now. So, they got no proof. They got nothing."

Chrissy cracks me up

Bullshit. A respectable person gives no fuck about anyone because he's aware how above them he is, and people fall to his feet because they're afraid of offending him. Only a beta cuck who's got nothing to offer but their boot-licking is eager to respect people.

Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while a great wind carries me across the sky


You're a completely worthless faggot with who no one respects?


thanks for the tip, beta cuck

One of my favorite Tony quotes is actually from the first episode. It really does a good job at framing what the whole show will really be about.

"The morning of the day I got sick, I've been thinking... It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that, I know. But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over."

Miss thin Tony

Can someone post Tony's drug trip copypasta? Loved that so much and haven't seen it in ages.

Though he did look better when he was thin, I didn't really mind him being fat. It was a good way of showing how his lifestyle took a toll on his health slowly. It might have been unintentional, but it worked.

"Fucking niggers!"


I am not a nigger, I am from Somalia!

I have no idea why I find that so funny.

will hbo succumb to the SJW agenda and never have a white character say nigger again?
Sopranos did it and curb did it too

Said it a shitload on boardwalk empire

I only remember it when they referred to Chalky. I'd finish watching that show but no Valentine's Day Massacre ruins it slightly for me.

You know, one thing I learned in recovery: other people’s definitions of you sometimes they’re more about making themselves feel better , you gotta define yourself keep your eye on the tiger, man

Based Chrissy

What episode was that again? I barely remember that.

Chrissy is my favorite character on Sopranos. How many episodes were focused on him again? Don't get me wrong Tony is the main man but Chrissy had something so watchable about him.

"sometimes you just gotta take it slow"

deep & meaningful, fuck what a tv show bros

>started watching this cause of wanting more gabagoolkino
>its basically "don't trust anyone not even yourself" the show
Is the Italian version of the mob really like this? They just kill people out in the open for no reason other than starting turf wars in apartment complexes like your average nigger while stabbing eachother in the back?

The one where Tony goes to Italy, the niggers steal the guy's car so Tony can sell it overseas.

"The fundamental question is, will I be effective as a boss like my dad was, and I will be, even more so, but until iam, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I can be more effective"
The fucking words that come out of carmine jr

This one


Mine too senpai. I remember watching Kennedy and Hiedi live when I was a kid and shedding some tears.


I watched it on A&E even if it was censored as fuck and I still enjoyed it.

I genuinely enjoy HBO they produce good content and even if people don't like Thrones/whatever I enjoy it no matter what. Sure some things irritate me in Thrones like Dany being shit in show but she's shit in books too and Snakes are pants on head retarded in show.

>"Those who want respect, give respect"
>Is a fucking mobster


"Depression is anger turned inwards."


I still wonder if it was just Tony killed. Carmela,AJ,and Meadow could still be alive.

Would have been kickass if they could've gotten any of the main stars from Goodfellas & Casino as cameos/recurring roles

"I remember my mother and my father arguing about something and she kept talking about my father's feeble minded brother and I always thought she meant you."
