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God fucking damnit OP.

You gotta do better than this. Post more. contribute to the success of your own thread

If you build it, Sup Forums will come








Keep going OP

This is fucking cringe

lmao not even OP, saving his thread tho


Let's all find the guy in the pic and type "CRAAAWWWLIIING IN MYYY SKIIIIN" on the posts. anyone else down?


This make me mad

sure, do it, I'll follow

this isn't cringe. This is gold.

you just cringed so hard you died

I've always wondered if those are representative of British schoolgirls, because they are just shit-looking. I'd probably end up hanging with the weirdo and the punjab.

is that liz vicious?


I operate on another level.

They don't age too well either.

This isn't cringe dumbass, this is funny shit.

Yes, yes they are. And those are representative of British men, too. The only thing that changes is they get fatter as they age. Same haircut, same clothes, same FAS face.



Good lord. And what the hell are they eating? Looks like some sort of falafel or something, but then I have no idea what that thing on the left is putting in its mouth.

Part of a pita I think. They get drunk and go to kebab places. Some Indian shit.


Saw this today.

Saw this today

I'd bone him...stop being a fag user

Sorry. Too lit...

Saw this today










what the actual fuck?


I kind of want to punch this guy.
Can't even begin to imagine how that poor girl feels.


This is a job for

best cringe i have ever experienced

jesus don't fucking ever post that picture again !

I just feel bad for this girl. She's so painfully aware of how she looks yet people still lie to her face and pretend to be doing a nice thing

some people try to be kind



The cringiest thing about that is the fucking battery percentage

10/10 post.

Jesus Christ I had a teacher like this. Fucking idiot.

Can any please in try for help identify the raptor?

A young man amount those below his worthiness. His presents is a kindness.

it might be cringe, but at least it's not islam

I cring every time on "tounge". Seems like the most misspelled word online.

My god you're autistic.

have you guys seen what happened to phil collins?

Is that Mr burns?

Cringed hard at those losers on the right who came unprepared.


I don't know what her face is meant to signify.

who dat raptor?








God damn, she's perfect.

obviously acting


proof blonde hair white men once again on top fuck niggers n kikes

This whole thread is cringe. Everyone posting cringe is cringe.


Thats not cringe, that's hilarious

where did the days go he asked


holy shit what a piece of work




>going into dental hygiene at college
this kike will surely kill himself, but give it up to him his teeth are polished to the gumline


Of all the cringey post this isn't all that cringey.

What a bitch


But now it's the opposite because of MAGA right? Cheers up white Anglo Saxon protestant male!

i hope this user got paid for that shit...i mean thats deserving of a monetary compensation

dat tooth that cant be contained by da braces

