Is this the most nonedgy-still-gritty character in the recent years?

Is this the most nonedgy-still-gritty character in the recent years?

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Yes. Hes a completely fucked up piece of shit

But he isn't an autistic emo faggot

Hes got no faggy world view, and doesn't think about how shitty life is and how nobody understands his suffering like a damn Nietzsche, Hunter S. Thomson fucktard.

He drinks alcohol and kills people and doesn't complain about it. Who would have known you wouldn't need to write in a bunch of bullshi about
>muh emotions! Im a broken man!

Rest of the film industry, get on board!

What a fucking grin I had when he came back

Even if he doesn't ever do anything meaningful for the rest of the show I'll always be happy to see him

This. I was hype

He's the only character in GoT I care about

He's seems like someone who genuinely has a good conscious, but situations in his life has made him fucked up.

If Arya ends up killing him I'm gonna be mightily pissed

Yeah, but that's the way he's written.

Also, as much as he likes to shit on knights he's the one that comes closest to it I think, of all characters

>tfw D&D can't even leave dead characters unsoiled

Everybody still left by S6 has to suffer having no character and instead be a tool to shuffle around intensely staring into the sunset or flinging exposition for imaginary plotlines. The writers know they have limited time to tell whatever half ass tale they have left to tell.

No show in history will fall as hard as GoT, and I guarantee they'll blame it on fans or expectations rather than their own incompetence.

Suffice it to say I was disappointed to see The Hound back, and was devastated to see the piss poor quality of the five minutes he got.

It won't ever fall, normies lap up this fan fiction tier crap

hbo knows this that's why next season is the last full, and s8 is gonna be 5 ep

>Suffice it to say I was disappointed to see The Hound back,
how naive are you?
he was established as a character who was meant for something big who doesnt want any part of it.

he is basically the anti-thesis of rob stark

I don't mind that he is back, I mind that his episode and screen time in S6 was of the shittiest quality found outside of network television.

Same as the rest of the season. Should've let good things die, since this adaption in no way can capture every character for what they are.

>mfw they had source material for Jaime this season and they fucking ruined it

I can't even comprehend what's going through their minds.

He has always been one of my favorite characters. Since the Mountain is now just plot armor monster I doubt cleganebowl will ever happen but I think that Sandor has a purpose that we have not seen yet.

Or he could just chill and have bants with the brotherhood of no banners, idgaf

>Or he could just chill and have bants with the brotherhood of no banners, idgaf

You're going to care when the BWB gets BTFO for serving a false idol.

Bring Yer Own Banners

He outright denies the divine power invested in royalty and knighthood, how is he not a fedora faggot?

Because he isn't on a crusade to end them, he just places no stock in them.

>wow he doesn't believe in the seven what a fedoracore

He has reason to, though.
His brother is a fucked up piece of shit who murders children and burned him when he was younger, and he saw his brother got a knighthood, so he went 'Nah, that clearly means nothing'.

You seem like a submissive dick-sucker.

>redd!t the youtube


Yeah I went back and looked at the old hound scenes and I have to say, best fucking character.
The simplicity of his world view and its honesty is the key.

>cleganebowl is reddit



Getting a little emotional there, Mary. You should take a Midol and go lie down for a bit.

>he thinks cleganebowl isn't going to happen

it is known user

Kek, pure delusion. The Hound is going North, to the wall. Far away from Gregor. D&D heard the cries of the internet, and laughed.

Anyone else ship him with Sansa?


jjabrahams is known as big beauty and beast nerd

If GoT were to only center around 3-4 characters instead of 12-15, I think the Hound should be one of them. He's the tragic hero of the series

It only takes 10 minutes to get from meereen to dorne and back.

A trip from the wall to kings landing can be done in much less

I think it's bullshit that he's till alive, but I'm glad he is.
One of the last good characters in this shitty show

He looks like an Oberyn type of guy in this pic

no, sansa is a dirty little whore

I thought Winterfell to Kingslanding was like a thousand miles. The wall is even further.

Sounds like a question for the GoT general, faggot.

Doesn't matter. They can teleport. Haven't you been paying attention ?

Nah, Season 7 is only 7 episodes. Season 8 will probably be episodes.

It's not teleporting. It's fasttravel like in an rpg. The final episode is some neet on a computer finishing the endgame.

"Every man has a code." Roose wasn't an edgelord, but didn't have the grit. I'm glad the hound is back but without Sansa or Arya around him he's not as fun to watch.

His position is really the best in the show.
He was one of the best knights in the guard, when he saw Joffrey being a little bitch he said "fuck this shit" and went to be a wanderer with a bounty on his head.

>Not edgy
>Calls everyone a cunt
>Acts like a massive cunt
>"Fuck the king"

He's edgy as fuck.

Not like the other edgelords who like torturing. He's no Ramsay, Poliver, his brother, etc. Hey may like killing, but so does Bronn, and Bronn is definitely not edgy.

> killing is the sweetest thing in the world
>not edgy

He killed micah

A lot of the characters in GoT are edgy. It's full of fucking edge.

Yet he still worked for them because it was a good paying job and he gets all the chicken he wants.

Since when is loving your job edgy?

Hey now, my name is jennifer

Maybe as a father and daughter thing, but not romantically.


>I mind that his episode and screen time in S6 was of the shittiest quality found outside of network television.
You aren't being sincere are you? Though I'd rather see someone too hard on a show like this than too easy.

Old hound loved killing more than this nu-hound, but yeah, if your job is to torture peasants for info they don't know or stop young Ladies of the court from getting raped, your job is a little edgy.