How long will it take to add 13 more levels?

How long will it take to add 13 more levels?

much, MUCH longer than it took to get get 86 levels. why? Because fuck you thats why.

Half of 99 is 92.

Probably 4 months if you're like me and find killing the same monster over and over and over absolutely boring.


I might quit lol

Why did they make it so tedious

In RS3 it takes me about half as much total range exp that I already have to get from 94 to 99 sucks.

used to play this stupid shit like 10 years ago then some guy made that rs calculator thing where it tells you how many of x you need to make

i quit once i found out i needed to make like a million bows to get 99. games more autistic than minecraft

Maybe not everyone is meant to get 99s?
Are they really necessary for anything?

99 is 13,034,431 experience if I remember correctly.

So you do the math.

my only 99 is in HP and i vowed to keep it like that


First person to find me in w385 Lumbridge gets 100k.

>tfw quit 6 months ago and gave 17m away in a drop party and now you're playing again

I think I'm going to buy bonds

grinded ogres for a month from 90 to 99 with 42 def, torso/b gloves

totally worth it

Well this is what made rs so fun back in the real old days. Only zezfag Had maxed stats, then theoldnite and no one was even really close behind that. 99 strength is considered one of the easiest 99s to get

miss osrs

completely broke spent the bank at tokenbets

any rich scapes wanna gimme a ags so i can pk again?

92 is halfway to 99

lol asking for a 50 mil item to pk

clearly you lost one

why do ou pk shitter

i gambled the ags lol not lost is pvp i have gambling problem enable my addiction

94 is

94 is correct

I haven't played for 5 years probably and still would give anything to start fresh again



and it always felt like everyone was waaay ahead of you

currently doing bandits as 1 def pure. xp if flying by and it's afk as fuck. 99 str will be achieved probably in another 3 weeks of casual play. I did 85-88 in 2 days and I just clicked prayer pots and watched community

Thinking about making a def pure but they are pretty much exclusively pvp right?

94 to 99 bitch

ags is 30m

Dont do a 1def pure. Make a zerker pure or something else.There are way better builds honestly and I'm probably going to end up raising def levels eventually. only real purpose now is 1v1 against other pures or gang up on noobs in the wildy

92 is

However long it takes you to buy 227 more treasure hunter keys. Runescape is just pay to win at this point.
You disgust me. Runescape was always about the grind. I remember grinding out 10mil slayer xp back in the day. attack, strength and defence are basically freebie 99s. Especially in 2017.

>Free 99 with your purchase of 50 treasure hunter keys (BUY NOW, LIMITED TIME OFFER [until next "second chance Tuesday"])
God, runescape is disgusting now.

did you see the guy that literally bought all of his 99s on rs3 for about 13gs?

Honestly i don't know what the appeal of rs3 is anymore. All it is when I go on is endless amounts of cosmetic autism, max accs in virtual hipster glasses just standing around for attention, and people firemaking. Anyone who plays rs3 please explain to me why, last time i went on I got 300k fm xp in literally 15 minutes. what is the point


What's stopping you?

I actually used to like the rs3 combat system. The only reason I even played after the rs3 update was to duel people. Rs3 isn't that bad, as long as you already have billions of GP and all 99s. If you aren't already at the top of the food chain, or willing to spend 10+k on the game, nothing about it is fun, the grind isn't even fun anymore. I used to kind of like the 2005 grind. Grinding out 20 million construction XP to see myself on the front page of the highscores was fun, but now that there is 15 pages of people with 200m XP, why even bother?

6 hours for every level to 90. 8 hours every level to 96. 10 hours for every level to 99. Assuming 75k exp an hour from slayer tasks. Download and buy the fruity nmz script for $6. Easy

Won't get banned?

you will 100% get banned

training str individually is gay

train controlled with a whip to 99 nerds