Why don't you own a gun?

Why don't you own a gun?

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I do.

Getting one in the Netherlands is a pain in the ass.

I has no money

implying I don't

I eat gangstas for breakfast and I do just fine without a gun.

because *A* gun is far too few. I have lots.

For the price of a gun you can literally see the world. Only an idiot would choose a useless toy over a ticket to see Salar de Uyuni.
But yeah, I own an over-under 12-gauge.

i would accidentally or on purpose shoot myself

I do

Because I really don't care

Any one here please can try to or help identify this Raptor?

Because i spend too much money on trap cams

>For the price of a gun you can literally see the world.

What in the shit gun are you buying? Or what travel company are you using?
>Only an idiot would choose a useless toy over a ticket to see Salar de Uyuni.

>Only an idiot would buy something that will last you the rest of your life which you can enjoy daily over going places which will be over in a matter of hours/days with nothing to show for it

Looks like a regular hawk

Because if someone kills me, they're doing me a favor.

Because I'm a dumb fuck and I'll end up shooting myself with it

because im too unstable.


Because there is just a gun store un my country

I thought most able-bodied civilians there were in some sort of compulsory, two-year minimum military service in which you are assigned your own rifle. How is being given a rifle a pain in the ass?

Red tailed velociraptor hawk.

I don't own a gun, but I'm strongly considering buying a handgun with my tax return. Recommendations?

Thuggin' love...
You too young to understand, little man.

>I thought most able-bodied civilians there were in some sort of compulsory, two-year minimum military service in which you are assigned your own rifle.


That's Switzerland, not the Netherlands, you fucking idiot.

But i do

Because i'm British

I own exactly 14 and am in the process of adding at least 3 more, most likely about 5 more, hopefully within the next couple years.

Timestamp or it's a google image.

Also, nice get.


/k/unt here what are you looking for? caliber,size?
whats the intended use?

Y tho

You don't have that many arms. And you won't have the ability to swap between all of them quickly in combat.

at work so cant timestamp sadly have others in the same position though

I would just assume in general .357 with guns of this size.

yes sir in 357


cause i own multiple


I have all the basics necessary for any general firefight. Need to get some body armor, probably III-a, since I want rifle protection.

Caliber doesn't matter as long as it can kill a human or an animal if I need it to.

I have no idea of manufacturers, but I've shot 9 mm semi, .22 revolver, .45 magnum, and a glock .45 (I remember this one because of the whole trigger safety thing)

Here ya go! Sucks I'm in California though

nice m1 do you have the grenade launcher?


Because im not an americuck

ohhh noooooo an assault rifle

last thing i need, got everything else for it

Then clearly OP wasn't talking to you, you retarded fucking faggot. Jesus Christ.


I was just talking about getting a Mosin today. Should be able to find one for about $150-200. Would prefer an M1 Garand, though.

you better be a woman

>1 because I don't live my life constantly worried that someone wants to kill me. (See Jim Jefferies bit on guns)

>2 because I'm suicidal and don't need any temptation.

>3 because if I beat the odds greater than winning the lottery and someone breaks into my home just to murder me, then frankly they're doing me a favor.

I painted mah glock fawty the color of money fam

You're all just branches of difference Germanic tribes. What's the difference?

Only faggots in the closet care about that shit. Real men wear pink.

My nigger. I have this configuration, also in .357

garands are a little more pricey, i got mine all fucked up and fixed it, cheaper that way. im in the process of un fucking this ar build i got cheap

Aunt Flo is visiting huh?

I understand that you're prepared, but I can't help but imagine you as the overweight zombie enthusiast.

.22 with shot placment will fuck up most things
a .45 will leave a nice hole in every thing but the recoil may fuck up fallow up shots i would go for .45 personally

Because I have a big penis.

>I don't live my life constantly worried that someone wants to kill me

>I don't want a gun because I'm suicidal


>All those hairs and tiny pieces of shit on that white bed spread

shoot yourself, my man

those are all great reasons except number one
cuz owning a gun is arguably the most fun hobby to have

actually thats the wifes

This is the one I have.

I'm pretty sure those two statements go hand in hand.

Getting license shortly, money for one will be the problem though

why not buy the actual money gun?

licenses are a excuse for the govt to sell you your rights

I don't have a use for one, I'm too lazy to go out hunting.

They're alot of fun to shoot, though.

Cause i'd probably literally kill myself with it. AKA Suicide.

never said i was a clean man im a disgusting fat sack of shit

cuz my country doesn't allow it

I'm a convicted felon

because I have a kitchen where I can get a knife
also cuz I'm too young

I only have a 12 gauge shot gun with nothing but dangerous russian Mayer Bullets but...

The .45 Glock I shot was a friend who's a self defense teacher. He adamantly advised Glock because of shooter's shock (I just made up that term. (Forgetting to turn off the safety)). Advise?

The Money shot

Overweight? Yes, but not rotund. 6'1", 225 lbs.
Zombie Enthusiast? Does liking a few zombie games and Walking Dead count? Don't like all zombie movies, most suck, and I know exactly why they cannot exist.
Do I believe in possible apocalypse? Yeah, it is possible, though unlikely. I live on West Coast, and we are due for a major earthquake here, so if shit goes bad and government is out for a few days, I could hold out for national guard.

next on the shopping list

You can fix that you know. It's not that hard to be clean.

I have no idea why people shit on this gun. I had one in a .380 and for the price you can't beat it.

>never jammed
>shot every brand of ammo I could put through it

Only complaints are its a little top heavy and not the prettiest, then again glocks are dog dick ugly but are 4x the price

Mossburg persuader?

And just for arguments sake, the trigger was a bit on the stiff side.. all in all great pistol

I'm 6'1" and 195 and I could stand to lose some weight. Pretty sure you're fatter than you think you are, nigga.

i have never actually got to fingerfuck one in person so i dont really know what to think of them

I know I will sound like the Glock nut, though I am not, but I watched a man run over a Glock with an F-1 or 250 and it still shot afterward. It's a fucking beast, and it is reliable. That is why, at least where I am, the G19 is worth the ~$550.

the remington r 51 (pictured above but dont get it) has a safety on the grip that weird button on the back it wont fire unless you hold it tight you may want a saftey like that but glock is a good brand to go with just avoid the fan boys

You're prepared. Which is better than 99% of people. You are already more likely to survive in any survival situation because of your ability to hunt/defend.

But. What happens when that week passes and you're out of water? AND food?

The government has a lot more tools than firepower.

Because I don't need one.

It actually matters quite a bit. Most states require a minimum caliber for large game. Also a minimum barrel length.
Also. If you're going to use the gun in a self-defense situation, you'll want something that's going to prevent that human from any further action. Period.

dems sum triked out gats


I don't need one and I have three. What you mean is you don't want one. Which, of course, is totally okay.

Because I don't need one to get my dick hard

the shot was rushed and i dont really care

I don't A gun.

I own MULTIPLE guns.


Because the socialist government banned them in my third world country.

>glocks are dog dick ugly

Maybe you should buy one, put it in your mouth and pull the trigger you piece of shit kike nigger faggot with your cheap ass hi point. Guns like that are the reason why nogs have them and why this country needed our lord and savior Donald J TRUMP.