He is the worse thing in Breaking Bad

He is the worse thing in Breaking Bad.

There were so many autistic husbando threads about him when 5B was airing.

That's not Jesse.

but that image is from Fargo, Season 2, user

idk about you guys, but the nickname meth damon made me giggle loadsa times, not lyin no kiddin

no, that's Dexter's dad

hank's physical rehab arc was so fucking dumb

>they're not tocks, they're minerals

yo nigge 2013 called they want their shit pleb show back LMAO



I really thought that was Matt Damon's brother. They aren't even related

But that's Ed from Fargo, one of the best things about the show.

more like fatt damon lmao

>hey this is Jesse's girlfriend's son his name is Brock
>Jesus Christ, Marie. It's a Bmineral

In Fargo he is ok, probably because Fargo is a piece of crap of a show. In Breaking Bad he stinks.

that's not skylar, the son, the sister in law, the... i could go on forever, this show barely has likeable characters

overrated piece of shit

Breaking Bad kept going on cliff hangers, going back and watching it again it has a pretty steep drop off in quality.

you have horrendous taste

He was pure, impulsive evil with no restraint. It contrasted nicely with the calculating and pragmatic evil of Walt.

Probably the only well-thought and intelligent thing about 5B, in retrospect.

how can you now like meth damon?

His whole storyline, along with the storyline of those white supremacist and that woman were totally unnecessary.

Everything after S1 was shit.

You mean S2.

No pal. Sup Forums has horrendous taste. Fuck Fargo!


The whole fucking point of the show was to have a fish out of water story about a hopeless failure and subpar family man to break into the meth production business in order to pay for his cancer treatment, which complicated things even more.

The show turned into shit once he got tuco's business. It shouldn't have even gotten that far.

It wasn't for paying for the cancer treatment. It was for his sons.