Artistic/Romantic coming of age movies

I just watched Moonrise Kingdom for the 3rd time in a row. In my opinion this is the most artistic movie I've ever seen. Everything about it was extremely original, appealed to nostalgia and very well made. Brilliant on Wes Anderson's part. Are there any other movies that depict a relationship that is something similar to the innocent (or loss of innocence) and grown up, yet still during early teen years that Sam and Suzy have in moonrise?

>In my opinion this is the most artistic movie I've ever seen.
Literally kill yourself

It's great yeah. Perfect tone, comfy/nostalgic, young awkward love, adult malaise, nails the kids/scouting stuff.

I'm trying to think of a similar dynamic but coming up short...

>thousands of good films to choose from
>Criterion puts EVERY Wes Anderson film in their collection and is releasing Boyhood soon

I knew they were plebs, but sometimes it surprises me, Cannon Criterion releases when?

m8 they put out Armageddon years ago
inb4 "but bay iz kino"

Yeah, I knew that already, wasn't that one of their first releases?

I just assumed that was because they were scrambling to get shit right off the bat.

What's up your ass user? That movie had a pretty good taste for 1960s youth life.
Also, OP is on tren. Don't make him rage.

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

>What's up your ass user?
The fact that you watch adolescent garbage and think it's art.

soo patrician #wow


Better tell him to get back to his capeshit.

>3rd time in a row

nigga u gay


Idk man. Teenage love is a beautiful thing. You probably just missed out like most people

minus the romantic stuff i guess, the kids aren't gay. it still appeals to everything else you are interested in and if you pass it up you're missing out.

They release films that normalfags can buy in order to make money and so you get your oscure chinese kino

I'm always for discussion about coming of age stories film but dont we already have a thread about this.

I guess that makes sense, no one else I know was as excited as me when I got Sword of Doom...;__;

There are plenty of better movies on teenage love than Wes Anderson's quirky dioramas. For example just last year (or this year in the US) there was a very powerful and nuanced movie about memory and young love called My Golden Days.

>quirky dioramas

>muh superior flick pick

impressive sir

Is it possible for you to not communicate in memes?