Hello ,i´m autistic girl who need get attention

hello ,i´m autistic girl who need get attention


Fuck off retard.

just say hi

Tit the fuck put or gets


If you want attention you could post a picture of your boos if you were comfortable, it will definitely get more people on this thread. Also you are cute :)

Kill yourself retard

Whats name her?

Tits and time stamp then we will give u attention

Timestamp or gtfo

You need get grammar lesson idiot

the thumbnail looked like a cocked pic at first


Me too lady me too

hehe autist

Sorry attention ain't free here

I'd be happy to give you attention. I'll talk with you about anything you like.


uhmmm show your soles den...

>I'll talk with you about anything you like.
Want to discuss my op? I'll be off hormones soon.

itt retards actually thinking a girl is posting these pics.

tits and timestamp or fuck off and kill yourself


>fags don't know who Eliza is

work on your english first

show tits or go be an autism somewhere else

the queen has died , her name have been forgot

This made me smile, thx nigr

Howd she die?

An user killed her

/r9k/ get off my Sup Forums

She committed suicide

don't troll the newfags, they'll believe you.

Enough with this bullshit
She grew up, that's why she died from Sup Forums

here you can see your death certificate

I can give you attention sure. Help a person and they be happy

Tits and timestamp
