
Other urls found in this thread:

whos the qt

fugly slut



he's been dead.

Wy r u ded I wated a hawg

We're better off without useless faggots anyways

Her death was tragic because her parents did not care for her and gave her love

Who's that?

Poor baby The cancer expired your life

No. Fuck you faggot.

Just a small town girl

Living in a lonely world?

who is?

Does that explain why you won't be here for long/

She does look like someone you would meet watching Heavy Metal.

Only if I'm lucky

took the midnight train

Anonymous 2017-02-03 (Fri) 12:54:50 Well. 21710
>> 21628
I have some backlash for having the patreon up when I removed my videos, I just needed it up for the 1st of Feb so I can get the payments. It is now taken down.

I'm not posting on / R 9k /. The threads about me, believe it or not, are not made by me. I will not be posting on YouTube anymore. I would like to be forgotten. (I Know That The Internet never forgets mistakes we deserve to be public forever, blah blah blah)

Going anywhere

Idk about that, she was a whore

Or after consuming water filled with heavy metals...

You talk gay
So badly

When she got gang raped by a random rape gang that was taking the train to the rape convention?

Just why?

jesus christ, kids born in 2000 are 17 now. that is crazy to me.

Any 1 know or to help for identify the raptor??

it's 2000-2017 faggot

you guys are fags.

I'll shove my fucking cock up your ass faggot. Do you hear?


Best guess for this image: tropical rainforest tertiary consumers

I guess you're right

so is someone going to explain who the fuck this is and whats going on or can i leave.


She's ded


too soon!

But she isn't

What I miss?

She died too young

So I find this

You just made that.
Date of death 2016

Nop I got it from here:

Well its still not real is it.
Why do people keep posting she's dead.
Seems pointless.


Never said that was real I just said that I found that. That's all

Eliza fan club if anyone is interested:

Come mourn her passing and share pics of her

So matter of fact thanks user


She's a smoker, fucking dumb

Oooo give a fuck user
Why don't you fuck off

heres her facebook

>www facebook com / rareciara

Just leave her alone you creeps

no u

It makes her look cool

Theres been an Eliza thread every fucking day. I bet she posts these herself. Quit getting pity from losers

I really hate you
If we were in the same room
Everything standing
I would Fookin kill u

What are you trying to say?
>R(est) I(n) P(eace) In Peace
>Rest In Peace In Peace
>How many peace do you need to rest

Hold o n 1 sec.
What is actually going on here.

I can't. Im in love with her.



fuck, I tried to get quads.

Good group. Lots of nice rares

> rares
you must be new here.
heres an actually rare one.

> I have alot of Eliza

>Details involving text are typed, whereas check boxes are badly faked

Nice meme, faggot

Ahh rolling
For what?



make a vola or something



Sharing is caring.


did it!

alright, ill make a vola cause spamming is gonna suck


Omg it's RIP in peace since forever you newfag like wtf learn more about the rituals and read a bunch o threads man and dont come here all blaming

I always get dubs

so where are the pics?

tis a vola

Nice 1st dubs now trips

Who's this sexy Lil thang


fucking nigger

Trolled softly

OP is a fag
she just did a video yesterday, and uploaded another today.


same fag party van

i just watched that vid and goddamnit fuck u Sup Forums u fucked up another thing that didnt deserve it

Rich in Paradise?

This I agree with.
Shes a nice girl.
I hope she does move on and be happy.

dear Sup Forums
please stop making threads about me, if you like me or care about me, please stop.

i don't understand the rumors of me using people solely for money/attention or using people period. so many things got blown out of proportion. i have been asked by orbiters to make an amazon wishlist or a patreon, and then when i finally do i'm using people who willingly gave me things? i closed my patreon/amazon wishlist because my reputation and how people saw me was more important than that. i can get money my own way, people were willingly giving it to me. i never used people i talked to for anything.

i do want it all to end and just when i do, like last time, people kept making threads about me on Sup Forums over and over again. i don't know how to reach out to whoever's making the threads, but i've found that /r9k/ users were a lot more compassionate than Sup Forums users.

i do wish to be left alone. i gave up making youtube videos which i loved so i could hopefully get people to quiet down. i am not posting on /r9k/ anymore either.

i do not wish to be associated with your board rampant of child porn and threads of people sharing pictures that their wives/girlfriends sent them with trust. i am not the same naive edgy 15 year old that i was in july of 2015.

yuck. i despise you.

Youre not her. And even if you were the flood gates are already opened. Better to just an hero

what did she mean by this?

Just for that Im making a thread when this one dies.

She means she actually loves the attention, thats why she's still on Sup Forums. Trust me I know, I speak womaneese

Make more threads.