Alright Sup Forums, it's that time again, whats your opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement?

Alright Sup Forums, it's that time again, whats your opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement?

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my life matters more.

Your life is dogshit.

dumb niggers

But they do matter.


Black guy here. I don't really care to be honest.

Apperently black lives only matter when a white dude kills a nigger, cuz i don't see riots when niggers kill eachother.

Just rich Jews trying to divide the middle/lower class so we'll wipe ourselves out, same agenda as "PC" culture.

It's another reason for people to head out into the street and make a lot of noise without really solving anything.

And why try to solve anything? That's not the goal in America anymore. It's more important for everyone to know where you stand on an issue. All the histrionics from these guys, just like He Will Not Divide Us and the asshats that carried AK-47s into their local Texas Chipotle, it's all so everyone can see you and know where you stand. None of it solves a fucking thing.

So yeah.

>MFW his retard strength, if he knew how to harness it, could have saved him.

What time again? BLM is a racist organization that has become more violent than the KKK.

dont really give a fuck, get out of the road

since most black people are murdered by other black people if you want my sympathy go protest gangs and drug dealers and stop fucking with other peoples lives

I don't think black lives matter at all.

>Black guy
>I don't really care

I don't believe it. Please post a pic of your hand in front of the screen or something

They aren't any more annoying than any other person trying to act like a special victim that wants everyone to go out of their way for them. Black people deal with a lot of bullshit for being black, and not just the asshole ones. I feel sorry for those ones, especially. And they are supposed to envy the rich white pussies? What a shitty situation that must be

They're really fucked now

It's a joke.

One white cop kills a black felon, and they lose their shit.

Meanwhile nationwide 20 black people are murdered by other black people.

BLM doesn't say shit, and neither does anyone else.

so his life does matter more

>mfw people can't see though this shit for what it really is.

domestic terrorists.
they use violence and fear of violence to push their political agenda, part of which is to push law enforcement out of their communities (which are riddled with crime). I'm sure there are ulterior motives (as they are funded by Soros), but that's what the grunts want: push the whites out of their communities through fear and violence. Terrorism.

BLM is so 2016, get in 2017 faggot


They never do in the
>u mad wite boi cuck lowlowlow threads.

Alright, have a shitty sideways pic from my phone.


Can we please look at the other side of the coin?

White people push black people out of their communities by making the streets safer, stimulating the economy for the small business owner, fixing proverbial broken windows....

Why are they mad at us again?

They're based.

An organization that will never accomplish anything other than turning people even further away from the Democrats that cow to them.

They were extremely effective at getting votes for republicans the past election.



>BLM doesn't want you to see
>more of a Blue Lives Matter video instead of focusing on black crimes only....

Still powerful though.

I agree it's an obnoxious title.

It's counter productive to their cause. I used to not care what color you were. Now I see them for the filthy niggers they are

They are mad at us because politicians have tricked them into thinking white people and businesses are the bad guys.

It was the politicians who destroyed economies that forced people to abandon the cities (black chose not to leave) which forced those that stayed (blacks) to survive by other means, like selling drugs.

Then it was politicians who pushed the unconstitutional drug laws that incarcerated shitloads of people ("disproportionately" black men).

Then the politicians convince blacks that the cop who is told to do his job is the racist... because he profiles what he sees as the type of person who commits the most crimes--crimes that again are only crimes because of unconstitutional laws.

During prohibition, politicians had to amend the constitution. Why do our drug laws not require the same for them to be federal?

This all stems from politicians killing business. In Detroit, businesses that pop up that don't pay the required money for their insane regulations are immediately shut down by the dipshits in charge.

When people have jobs and money that they earned (i.e. worked for), they commit less crime. It's not a black or a white thing,

Politicians don't want anyone to fight the cause, they just want us to fight the symptoms. The symptoms of their meddling in the economy are more poor people which leads to more crime, which leads to more police, which leads to more police interactions, which leads to more killing. Politicians choose the best spot here that fits their narrative and keeps them elected. It's not your fault for committing more crime, it's racist white Americans fault for joining the police force and murdering you.

>Hands up, don't shoot!

Here's $2000 to protest and burn down cities.

Pro tip: They don't.

Clearly systemic racism and gentrification have a role to play, but so do people's actions and belief systems.

I'm a proletariat but I don't commit any crimes.

>Aside from speeding and using my phone while driving.

they have a right to their opinion like everyone else, as well as the right to assemble. They must not damage public or private property, and cannot block roads, entryways to public spaces, or otherwise interfere with the lives of people who find better ways to communicate to society than bigotry.

they are a bunch of coddled and stupid niggers who think they dont have to do what cops say because their ancestors were slaves. earth to black idiots: feel free to go to any other country where blacks have it better. also stfu.

They're shooting their own cause in the foot when they take over speeches of people saying things they don't like, or calling shit racism when race has nothing to do with anything. If you want us to be upset about the racial divide, stop releasing videos calling for "cracker killing season" and expecting us to interpret that differently than hearing a klansmen say "nigger killing season". They are the same thing.

At this point, they're trying to fight racism with even more racism and they're stuck wondering why nothings getting done. I also have a gigantic problem with afrocentrism in regards to Ancient Egypt but that's a whole other culturally appropriated ball of wax. Another thread, another time perhaps.

black people speed way more often than the other races, which leads to more police interactions because there are more police.

Stop your buzzwords. What systemic racism. Show us exactly where it is in our system.

Interestingly, abortion rights were a push to shrink the black population.

>using your phone while driving
you piece of shit.

The movement is absolutely correct in spirit, but as always with large scale protest groups, executed terribly and has attracted some thugs who just want to smash and steal.

it's absolutely incorrect in spirit. it demonizes the wrong people.

it's not the cops who are the cause of the problems, it's the politicians who destroy the free market.

Not good. Ive only heard of them on edgy youtubers claiming to spread ceitical thinking on current events when in reality its fucking common sense and they probably get their news and views from plebbit. Anyway, if they want people to take them seriously them they need to engage in conversations while actually listening to the opposing side and not shouting them down with being a bigot or nigger lyncher.

Utter shit. It's a borderline terrorist movement that distracts from the real issues, like making anime real.

>systemic racism
My fucking problem with this entire line of reasoning is that black people have purposefully bred a culture that preachers gang violence to get out of the hood, and then they marvel at cops taking those claims seriously. You cannot advocate for "shooting niggas", and then get pissed when someone takes you seriously. There are other ways to get ahead in life, ways that don't involve teaching your kids to sell drugs and shoot each other for wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood. Cops are out there everyday and they see black offenders cop an attitude MORE than white offenders. Half of this "resisting arrest" bullshit is just from some asshole getting pulled over and trying to pull a gun on a cop for a traffic violation. For fucks sake lads, at some point you have to take responsibility for your own fucking actions and stop blaming them on everyone else.

Top kek.

I love it. I'm all for it. I didn't like it at first because I was a racist but it helped me to see what a piece of shit I am. It has worked to change me into a better person. Overall it's a good thing. Would recommend to a friend.

Is any one can pls help for or try identify this Raptor??

>Stop your buzzwords. What systemic racism. Show us exactly where it is in our system.


>black people speed way more often than the other races, which leads to more police interactions because there are more police.

You mean
>black people get caught, cited, and prosecuted for speeding more often.

Gentrification is basically systemic racism, and so is the school funding system, gerrymandering, prison system, etc.

That's not to say it's solely The Man's fault, as I previously said, their personal belief systems (black culture) sure as hell isn't helping.

>Interestingly, abortion rights were a push to shrink the black population.

It's ironic that the right don't support abortion and other types of "family planning"

Fuck off with your BLM propaganda







Filthy terrorists and thugs who found excuse for their violent unacceptable behavior. They are embarrassment to black people.


Only problem with black lives matter, is that everyone including black people know that is a false statement.

I'm a monster, I know.

That's stupid.

Domestic Terrorism
funded by a White MALE name Soros, who is an actual Ex Nazi

it so funny a white male is the power behind BLM lol

If the KKK had less order and more melanin.

its a fact

I believe it is creating more division and only creating an environment that big brother wants to come in with the vans.

>free market.

wut, nigger?

>why is she walking around backwards?

That's not what the word fact means. What you stated is an opinion. If you don't know the difference, you are stupid. It's ok. Ignorance is forgivable if it isn't intentional. You are like a special needs kid, who doesn't understand thinking. We all love you.


show me in the constitution where it says drugs are legal

Just because it is dumb doesn't mean it is is unconstitutional

this is now a cringe thread.
whew lads.

I agree, hence my "people's actions and belief systems"

It can't be all "whitey holden us down", that's utterly myopic.

this. just this. OP


Literally domestic terrorists

i mean the statement is correct.

>now a cringe thread
wasnt it always?

It's ok.
Don't be scared.
We love you.

I too, good sir, have seen the bright white light.

he means the war on drugs, faggot. and Nixons aides are on tape saying that he started the war on drugs knowing it'd affect black people (and hippies) more than white people. inb4 source,

>black people get caught, cited, and prosecuted for speeding more often

maybe. my point is that this is a symptom of the real problem; blacks committing more crimes AND/OR blacks getting profiled and arrested more because they are black.

they are both because of a failed economy that politicians tried to control and become rich from.

school funding system is a failure because of politicians and government, not because of possibly racist white people or cops. prison system is again because of politicians. all the shit you mentioned is a symptom, not the cause.

I believe that black culture (crime and hating the man and not working) is SOLELY because of the man. Yes, their attitudes are disgusting, but it's not because they are black and they have shitty culture that they act like this, it's because politicians have realized that they can stay in power by offering these people free money. Whether they take it or not is irrelevant... what matters if that the politicians have pushed for an us-vs-them narrative. As a member of your black community, you might feel better voting one way over the other because while you aren't taking handouts, your fellow black community members might just need them.

And why do they need them? Again, because the politicians have destroyed the economy in those cities and have at the same time offered them free shit and told them that they aren't part of the rest of America because of racist white people.

>ironic that the right don't support abortion

are you suggesting that the right are racist? If yes, you need to open your eyes. The people on the right that you think are racist are either responding to being called privileged or are offering their two cents at to where the problems lie...

yes, it's true that blacks commit more crimes.

but they never delve into why that is (or i guess arguably is) true.

Terrorist organization with the race card to protect it.

>you're yelling.

>"too" was the omitted word.

>true facts, can't argue the those.

look at places like detroit

uh, it doesn't mention drugs, which means it falls back to the states to make laws, dickhead you even know what "free market" means?

>secure in their person and effects...

This is their culture of gang rule, theft, and destruction that they want to freely commit against all other cultures in the USA without taking responsibility and without anyone fighting back in self defense.
The answer is gun control; finger on the trigger and aim for their heads at close range.

yes, do you?



I don't see why people always have to see the negativity of things, I mean, right now blacks are being treated better than they have ever been treated in America. I don't see why now, all of the sudden, they think they are being targeted by police or whatever. If they stop being niggers and follow directions, then there would be no problem.

My opinion?

It does not matter if you are black or white.

Only rich people matter

I have yet to see any pictures of BLM members lynching white folks from trees

Do you have any links?

Focusing on niggers crimes ONLY? If niggers were all deported, the vast majority of ALL CRIME would end. you fucking niggers ruin everything, where ever you go

Hanging takes too long, they attack in large groups and kill the white guy (and anyone with a a camera) immediately then run away.


there are plenty of groups that condemn and campaign against black on black killings.

Maybe it's perhaps a little bit outside your bubble though, which is cool. I am sure you have your own shit to deal with. Live and let live and all that jazz.

Just don't take all that you hear on FoxNews as canon, is all I'm saying.

agree, but what do you think his motives are?

They needed a different spin on it than the one they have now.
If they preached the whole "why are we gunning each other down in the streets." even for a moment it would look better for them. If they were to go to the ghetto areas and offer those guys that can only hussle/sling drugs for money some sort of rays of hope it would look so much better.

Theres so many things fucked with our system but right now they only pop up when a cop shoots someone, sometimes with good reason and sometimes bad.

All they want to do is point fingers but they dont realise that three fingers are pointing back at them.
If it was non profit that turned into protest without getting ridiculous like peta i honestly think it would work.

ya but you are on 4 chan you dont count you are a black guy not a filthy nigger

its not just him but the motive is to continue to divide people against each other, allowing soros and his ilk to focus on pushing forward their agenda with minimal resistance

not trying to defend jews but why would they want that?

i'll be happy when he dies