What is your honest opinion about this Sup Forums? I recently watched the add and it was really depressing...

What is your honest opinion about this Sup Forums? I recently watched the add and it was really depressing. I think I would rather kill myself than buying this.

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As a personal assistant? A step up from Alexa. It's nice to put a face on something like this, it sort of makes it feel more... special.

Personally, I have no need for such things because I'm not a sniveling retard, but I can see why others may want it.

what is that? i haven't watched it

Hell on earth.
Don't watch it.

good lord that's fucking sad. Makes me want to call my girlfriend

Right now there is a crippling roneriness gripping Japanese salary workers that is leading them to suicide due to the long work hours they have to endure. This is to ensure that they don't an hero. To have a face and voice to come home to. I think it's fine but may lead to some kinky shit one day and that's fine too. Personally I wouldn't want one cause I'm a lazy American that makes a decent amount of money in a regular 40 hour work week and I have a regular asian hole with boobies to put my peen inside whenever I feel necessary. I don't need a virtual companion.

the way it's presented is sad, but as a personal organizer that made sure you don't forget things and does useful things would be great, much more personality than an alarm or notes on my phone

I mean, I guess it is an ok idea.

Made me want to almost stop shit posting and go to bed next to gf
>the need for chemo is too great
>I must shitpost on

Fucking jpg

Oh my God this is depressing.


You may all say it's sad, but when you can have people like Snoop Dogg and Bill Nye The Science as the AI instead of an anime girl, you'll buy one.

id buy it.

maybe, but not for the same reason japs do

What the shit are you talking about?
We chemo'd the cancer away in 2010-2011.
>Do you even remember the spam we just fucking lived with because moot was losing money on this site and he didn't give a fuck?
Turns out the real problem was full-blown autism, all along.

I'd buy one if it didn't have some Japanese anime character, but swap her out with like a hologram of Darth Vader or some shit and I'm on board.

darth vader texting you and waiting for you to come from work would be amazing

What about Hitler?

"ACHTUNG! DAS JUDEN EST DIE RATTEN! Mein friend, how was your day at work?"

Actually I bet it would sell good in the west if it have some fitness motivational guy. Makes you wake up do some push ups and tells you what food is good for you to get fit, not some childish weaboo shit.

Man, I think it's really cute and sweet.
I also have a so too though so.

Did you just an autismo stroke or something?

i would definetly buy hitler

He meant SO, significant other.
Gender neutral term for boyfriend or girlfriend, generally applies to more serious relationships

Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry for confusing you user.

>Gender neutral term

not any sadder than watching four friends laugh and share memories over a greasy cheap hamburger

I use it because we've been together almost 4 years now and "boyfriend" sounds cheap and "partner" sounds gay.

"Things" like you are the reason why I wish this site were monitored by some agency who puts ones like you in a list to make you "disappear". The idea that someone like you exist is scary.

kinda want one
since i know it the closest thing to a girl i will ever have in my life

Japan already has a problem with fertility rates. This isn't going to help. Especially if they figure out how to attach an onahole.

Why? Because it's just as fucked up to project emotions onto an inanimate anime hologram as it is cheap shitty food that slowly kills you? You're probably a cuck that eats at McDonalds daily and just can't face himself.

I'm pretty sure it costs about $1000 or so, maybe more.I might be mistaken

This is why I support polygamy. The top men breed with +5-10 and leave the weaboos to rot or better to be euthanized.
>projects emotions onto an inanimate anime
>uses his favorite buzzword to try to insult normal people
Kill yourself

Except it's funny that you say a cuckold statement in the next post. By the way, you aren't one of those top men by even your own standards.

i thought it was around 250$

Yeah I don't remember what the actual market value was for it, and realy don't feel like digging to find out what it actually is,either way it's not cheap

Stop projecting, you human misery. Not everyone here is a lonely loser who has problems getting women.

yeah it kinda expensive anyway for a thing that might be nice for a couple of hours before the cat jump on it and fuck it up

>leave the weaboos to rot or better to be euthanized

It costs $2,500. you probably end up in some list of potential mass shooters when you buy that shit tho.

I bet this could be modified to be a fluffy pony who does everything wrong so that you have an excuse to skin it alive when you get home.

Or I suppose a sterile couple could use it as a surrogate slave child.

would buy that



fuck that then. at that price im gonna buy myself a doll that give bj and make breakfast

Yeah I don't see myself dropping even a fraction of that amount for something like that, but I mean I've never had to worry about human interaction so I guess I'm a little Biased

You just lost the game.


Jesus Christ it's depressing af

Still waiting for a proper A.I. I can talk to, but yeah, unless there is nothing similar I would buy it.

>It costs $2,500. you probably end up in some list of potential mass shooters when you buy that shit tho.
Yeah and I think it was another grand on top for additional/other characters

What i would do if i had $$$
buy one for home
rent a flat, buy another one for that
use flatbot to cheat on home bot

>when are you coming home?
Errr.... i am working late

Even better if customizable. Imagine cheating on Darth Vader with Hitler

I'm gonna need one

Don't forget it's just a ~2500$ flat projection inside a blender

>use flatbot to cheat on home bot
>when are you coming home?
>Errr.... i am working late
But it uses location services, they'd knew where you are.

Can I make it racist for laughs?

Will it tell me when someone's robbing me?

If I catch it textin someone on the side, can I just reset it?

I have questions.

DAMN! now i want to buy two
i will cheat on Stalin with Hitler

I have a wife, but id buy the shit outta this thing. Give it the ability to order pizza and turn my ac on, and id throw my wallet at that bitch.

This is what i want in a home unit. Not some faggy ass console on my wall to turn on the lights and the heat. A fucking ai that i can boss around. Doesnt even have to be an anime girl, just make it that sad fucking robot from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, or even just a generic butler

It makes me think that perhaps they didn't get all of the brain altering radiation out after Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Throw Yoda into the mix for the fuck of it

That shit will get old, real fucking quick

>Old real fucking quick, that shit will get

Can anyone please help for to try identify this Raptor

oh no, i predict very high sales among weebs

Who cares about you

Why would you argue for your own removal from the gene pool?

Man you cucks are weird as fuck


I'll wait till the nude mods come out.

I am more depressed now. I never tought it would be possibru.

I want a pet hitler now.

Part of me kinda wants one just for the hologram part, but I don't really know what I'd do with it. It doesn't really seem like you'd get any companionship out of it just from talking to it, and I'm not lazy enough to need something to turn on the lights in my house for me.
I can come on here and fight with you assholes if I need to talk to actual human beings.

I agree with this at face value but the ad makes it so fucking creepy and "Her"-like

I want one with Morgan Freeman, but only if he behaves exactly like her

This leads me to believe this might be from a video.

Only if Bill Nye uses cutesy nicknames for me.

exactly this. Also having actual human interaction isn't that hard

very cool idea. I would use it if it knew how to cook.

>having actual human interaction isn't that hard

Id buy that.

This. I would buy it if it has this guy's personality just because what I need it's some life coach that helps me become alpha.

You cant even fuck it. What is the point?

The utility of it seems perfectly fine; but those Japs... Those meddling fucking Japs... They're always toying with the uncanny valley and the personification of technology. Losing a World War and getting two nukes dropped on them made them autistic. You brought this on yourself, America.

I guarantee you that even if you found a video of that it would be the exact same clip for the same length. If anything you'd like the gif more because it would loop better.

Yep... You managed to gracefully avoid looking autistic there.

We should give japs some more time
In 20-30 years they have cute squishy sex robots
>You dont even need a gf
>She loves you back

"She" can never really love you back; but then neither can a real woman. Either way you are doomed.

I'd rather have a tiny Alan Rickman constantly telling my how worthless I am.




i lold and sighed. need a flesh lite with a robot arm attached

yeah, if there was polygamy, then you can have even more girls turn you down man.

Thats the point.
At least some basement people would finally find love...gimme
hm...sad..for the android owners tbh


what do you mean? why can't it love you back?


Even better if I can take a photo of my body and give it to the thing so that every morning it insults/motivates me to work out because im a fat ass

I was going to give you shit until I went back and revisited the majesty of Carl:

Watched the video. My first impression is that it can't possibly be real ... can it?

I find it creepy for the same reason that I find most anime and weeaboo shit creepy. You have a man designing a perfect woman to appeal to other men. By one stage of removal, you've actually fallen in love with a man.