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Would you believe me if I said I was a femboy?

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if you femboyish pics

Nice, post moar

Here's me


Send pictures of your feet

Post your tiny dick with timestamp

Can someone please to try and to help for identify the raptor

Here's some feetsies

It's not tiny!

See? It's actually fairly average.

Where are you from? I'd buy you some luxurious lingerie and eat your ass for days

That's a big vein

Pic related me, fuck off faggot



Wow, can you fuck me, mister?

Maybe when I figure out if I'm gay or not until then you can follow me on snapchat at jazzsnazz1 if you want to see more gym pics

wowie youre a big guy

>an Australian trap
I'm not sure how I feel about this

Oh wow, cool! I don't have a Snapchat tho

What's wrong with that, mister?

cute butt and nice thighs. moar

for you

Here you go!

Damn, you look so soft and sexy.

Now suck your finger

I don't really have any pics of me sucking my finger. I'm in the middle of studying too.

Take a quick pic

more military stuff?

You're very pretty! I'm envious

Unfortunately I really need to get this homework done. Feel free to add me on my KiK though if you really wanna chat.

It's ZanzibarLand. See yous!

Gl with your hw cutie!


pppost more!

Show us your nipples.


fuck, you're cute. could you show us your butthole?

what a beautiful cock. want to suck and ride it. you're gorgeous.

How did you get tits?

damn, those are great!
what do you think about nipple playing?

You can still save yourself.


B-but I wear a cross. Isn't that enough?

It's pretty freaking good.

Magic pills

Thanks, dude!

RCIA is coming up. Realize the truth.

behind blacks never relax

It's a start. You don't need drugs to be beautiful. You were created in God's perfect image. You are beautiful already. I am happy you carry the Lord with you, His divine light will guide you.

You don't need the affirmation of the Internet, there is someone out there for you. Or perhaps you are called to the monastic life. God's plan will reveal itself, but you must make yourself open to Him and change your ways.

cute tum, love your beauty mark

Can I please see your butthole?

Pretty please?

Thank you, user. Maybe I'll find my way back to God with this advice you've given. Thank you so much.

Thank you! Nobody has ever commented on it before.

I don't have any pictures of it at the ready and I need to sleep. Sorry my dude.

>Nobody has ever commented on it before.
Ah, really?
I love finding them on peeps, very sweet.

Sleep tight

I am glad you see the truth now. If you must post pictures, pure pictures like that one are preferable. Do not debase yourself with unholiness or allow yourself to be objectified. Sin leads to sin.

You're absolutely right, user. I doubt I'll be posting here any longer as I now feel like I have a greater purpose. Thanks for showing me the light.

But one more for the road

Do you think you can show you playing with your nipples then?



I'm completely pure now! It's all out of my system. Don't worry.

Good night user. I hope you sleep well.


You too, user.