WHY was Al so grossed out by sex with Peggy???

Was he secretly gay?

I would have been crushing that pussy on the daily if I had the chance.

Other urls found in this thread:


"No matter how hot she is, somewhere, a man is tired of her bullshit." - Confucius

he's been banging her since high school

When you hit 40 your libido crashes like a slef-driving car.

Meanwhile, women get horn as fuck.

All men who watch football are secretly gay

I've only been married 5 years and I literally wanna fuck any woman over my wife...

Once you get married, they get boring as fuck...

Either that, or I'm bored of the same tits 365...

same diff

Al smashed so much pussy back in Polk High that Peggy just didn't do anything for him.

>stealing jokes from your dad


Who else was /jerking off to Peggy at 10 years old/ here?

I am 40 and this is true lol.

I'm telling your wife

It's a cliche because its fucking time tested & true.

jokes on you because she's your mom

It was funnier that way

How many gallons of semen do you reckon were produced by Peggy and Kelly?

>When you hit 40 your libido crashes like a slef-driving car.
But self-driving cars are safer.

that's also why it's totally banal though

I think Al wanted to fuck his daughter. I know I did. Peg is pretty hot also.

He was smashing in the first season, then he just gave up.

Elon Musk please go



If you wanna get the truth, that's what we do. If you want to be entertained, go back to R.eddit.

anyone else find this show aggressively terrible?

Kelly BTFO

your a pleb this is one of the best sitcoms ever

but it really isnt though, it's so one-note. and look at the fanbase's standard for humour

>Aaaaal, let's have sex!

apparently, not to OP

Wrong. Womens libido drops first and way further. The majority of the time women are the reason sex stops in the marriage and have reported its because they desire a 'change', essentially, another partner. To sum, women are sluts who woll either cuck you or just withhold sex altogether and bitter your life. Don't get married, fuck young stupid whores instead, you'll save money, time amf heartache.

>but it really isnt though
It fucking is, especially in the mid seasons. It became a live action cartoon & was completely self aware.


itt virgin thinks everyone is desperate for sex like he is every single night after long day of work when youre middle aged and youre wife does literally nothing all day and wastes all your money

is television. she was supposed to be and ugly worned up whore, even if the actress was an objective 8/10

>and i should know! i am 20 whole years old, and i totally had a gurlfriend once

what's the best episode?

I am 30 and this is true

>young stupid whores
>less money
>less headache


Because he's Married, With Children.

That's pretty much it.

obviously you've never been married

What was the best part of the show and why was it the times when Al would beat people up for disrespecting his family?


im 18 and this is true


of course you don't like it mohammed

im white and canadian but whatever you say lol

I'm 22 and this is true though I'm a virgin too.

>dadcore the show

shit show, broseph.

sorry you had to find out here.

I'm 28 and Caspere knew this.

>dadcore the show
Lad, have you ever tried not thinking in memes? It makes life a lot better.

I'm 42 and you're full of shit.

He likes if, but he knows she's just using sex to get something from him of get him to do something and he doesn't like that.

>we'll never get a show like MWC again in this politically correct world

I usually dont think in memes but that show is pretty much a meme show.


You misunderstand. I literally mean whores, as in prostitutes.

>Calling anything a meme_____
I'm so sorry you have to live your life like this.

>politically correct world
>IASIP still exists
Sup Forums has melted your brain man.

I'm so sorry you have to live your life liking shit shows like Married With Children.

I would much rather use the term meme ____ once in a while than think such utter trash was funny.

>less pathetic then The Cuckdom of Sweden

pick one

Al was overworked and underfed. His wife was a lazy cunt, his daughter a slut and his son was on /r9k/ all day.

I'm embarrassed for you. I can't tell if I'm more embarrassed that you type like someone from 9gag or if I'm more embarrassed by the fact that you're still going.

Because in his own words "A man is a man all his life, but a woman is only sexy until she becomes your wife"

Wise words.

Hey, you're still going too.

I guess we are both pretty embarrassing.

Only difference is I dont have shit taste. lol

>Sup Forums memes
ooh, scathing lol
married with children was memes before internet memes were memes

I'm sad for you.

inb4 a reply where you copy what I say, again.

>memes memes memes memes memes
What a sad existence you must lead.

i'm talking about fans of the show like this guy that's like the oldtimey version of memespouting, shitty unfunny folksy "wisdom" that people pass around

>I'm sad for you

oh I guess that means I lost, huh? :(

Her hair and costumes were always a turn-off for me... no to mention the voice she'd do.

If I close my eyes and think of Leela from Futurama, I could probably bust a nut in her.

I miss the thrill of seeing someone's tits for the first time

He's just quoting a show m8. You need to take a break from the internet if you consider any quote from any TV show to be a meme. Seriously.

>actually believing there are winners and losers in discussions about television
This is how I know you lead a sad, lonely existence. You also gave yourself away as "le epik trole" with that post. Good job. Give me another (You) while I go to talk about the TV show now.

It's a tragedy what happened to her. She's no longer hot.

good thing that's seriously not what i said you barely literate douche lol

my libido is fucked but it's mostly because of meds

it really fucks with my self-esteem and makes it hard to get it up when it's time to fuck girls. even when i'm with a super hot girl, it's limp as fuck

It's literally true though. Only 2 reported crashes with self-driving cars, and only one was the self-driving car's fault.

Peg was TV ugly. Notice how no other men came on to her in the show's history? Plus, Al had hit it thousands of times, he was getting old, and she killed his boner with her constant nagging and emasculating him. It makes perfect sense really.

He quoted a show and said the quote was wise. Apparently this is "oldtimey memespouting". You need help. Go ahead and reply though. Give me another (You) while putting the finishing touches on that grave of yours you've been digging. Put yourself out of your misery and save us all the hassle of having to know you still lead such a sad life.

Literally this, fuck.

I distinctly remember Al beating up two men for looking at a big poster of Peg lustfully.

Im 12 and not sure if this is true

>You need help.
lol you seem to have a good handle on how seriously to take Sup Forums

He blames peggy for ruining his life.



What meds? I was on opiates for pain after surgery a month ago, and my libido dropped immensely. Two days after stopping, I was so horny that I jerked off like three times in 16 hours.

A lot of good that did him.

Because it's absurd, therefore funny.

i stand by what i said, i was actually saying you should climb down out of your own ass but i can see how you'd be too dumb to glean that


there's actually an episode where Al gets his libido back (can't remember why) and crushes that pussy over and over and over.

>people think this show is sexist
>it's actually satirical and self aware as fuck
>yfw a lesbian wrote and directed half of the episodes
this show is fuckin god tier

If you want to spice up life a bit, I can highly recommend fucking your wife's son in the boypussy


>it's actually satirical and self aware as fuck
the show itself begs to differ

god I fucking hate summer


You thinking of that one?

this clip proves my point you dumb ass

>Based Marcy

Do you aware of russian version?

the episode where she gets turned on during speeches is hilarious

Go OD on heroin or something.
