Eternal /got/ general

In Loving Memory edition

far from any road to the last thread:


Azor Bran

Azor Ahaissac

Narratively, Renly had to get blown the fuck out of the story because he was too powerful, his character seemed almost invincible in the war with his fuck-huge army. The story needed more conflict so Renly needed to die.

Now, we are approaching something similar. Daenerys has come to Westeros, with an even greater army than Renly had. Narratively, she could just roll over all of her enemies, take the Iron Throne, defeat the Others, EASILY.

But that isn't GRRM's style. Not sure about D&D's style, but I hope not either.

Something bad is gonna happen to Dany. I doubt she'll be killed off shockingly early, but her army is gonna be severely crippled or severed somehow.

After all, the ending needs to feel DESPERATE for the protagonists.

Unless of course, Dany is an antagonist, and not a protagonist.

This is the type treatment he deserves.

superior thread, all hail dusty mesa


i am a branfag and i have no part in this at all and even im annoyed.

stop false flagging

who /hurtbran/ here?

>it's about to be another thread full of branfags

some of them are definitely false flagging and baiting, maybe all of them

Still has the same effect. This isn't a /got/ general anymore, it's /bran/.

this is where they're filming greywater watch

Does anyone else feel that Isaac Hempstead Wright is the strongest actor out of the original Stark kids? It's a shame that he's thinking about quitting acting to pursue a doctorate after Game of Thrones wraps up.

There you go friendo, report away. This post does not violate a single global, Sup Forums exclusive rule.

retards trying to get the general banned, we see you

I always imagined Greywater in a wooden area, hidden by the trees and shrubbery.

Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread
even though it's full of heartless people who enjoy her suffering or think she loves being tortured and raped

i do, senpai


You have the wrong name, OP.

This is /bran/ from now on.


maybe theyll shop in some trees

...No part in what? Why would anyone assume /absolutemadman/ was a Branfag?

Preston is my waifu.

>Second to last chapter

>King Jon the Wise walks into the Grand Maester's tower and looks around the room
>Samwell carefully finishes writing a word and looks up
>"Ah, your grace."
>Jon smiles "Please Sam, not this again. It's Jon to you. Still writing?"
>Sam grins sheepishly. "It's done."
>"You've finished? Show me!"
>Sam brings him the heavy tome, freshly finished
>"I finally decided on a title."
>Sam looks at Jon, grinning
>"A Song of Ice and Fire, a Maester's tale, by Samwell Tarly.

i dont think any of you are branfags tbqh

>no bran in the story
you must be new to this thread

I love sci fi too

>King Jon the Wise


Guys, important question here. How do silent sisters communicate with each other if they make a vow of silence?

secret handshakes

I've asked this question before, and I'm sure all ask it again before the night is through, but if you are so averse to branfags, why do you come to the only forum on the Internet where Branfags congregate? There are dozens if not hundreds of GoT/ASOIAF forums online, and yet only Sup Forums has Branfags. Not even other Chans seem to have a significant amount. Got to reddit,, ocho... literally anywhere, and you will find aproximately no Branfags.

Christ, it's like moving to China and complaining about all the gooks.

>It's a Preston posts a video where he innocently says "some fans believe [completely retarded theory that only he and his fan boys are stupid enough to fall for]" episode

Ours is the fewer

Stannisfags BTFO

>hasn't gotten the point of this thread yet
Through the 3ER

>still trying this hard to get the general banned


Make way for the best scene in season 6.

Banned for fucking WHAT?

I love her voice

Boy the costume department really just stopped giving a shit, didn't they

Check the last 5 to 6 threads through the backlinks.

Then look yourself in the eye and say it's not /bran/

u wot?

>that chapter where Petyr brings Sansa to the Fingers

fucking hell, what a shithole

Keep crying, user. It will all get better if you just keep crying.

If you hate it so much here, why the fuck do you stay?

I am every poster in this thread

Id love to bring Sansa to the fingers

>tfw i am OP of this post and the last 7 posts in a row


Why is GRRM so shit at writing?


Daily reminder less than 365 days until the release of TWoW.

Stop it brad

When did Brandon appear?

They probably do, but the budget is the budget and they aren't the ones setting it. I'm sure the costumers would love to deck out every extra in something that looks incredible, they didn't go into the business because the WANTED to make shit, but HBO only gives them x amount of money.


who else knew this would all turn into /bran/ here?

rest in peppers, rickens

lol i thought they just used ned twice

I like how the Children look desu.

But why not Sansa? She has the most sigils, she should win.

HBO actually gives them a fucking shitload of money, significantly more than the first season which had every other knight in authentic medieval plate.

The thing is the money was all funneled towards that one scene with the dragons burning down a boat.

I seriously hope this isn't in the books. Ambiguity is always better than whatever bullshit answer the author dreams up.

The series should just end with Jaime narrating The Other's approach a King's Landing buried in snow.

He's not. His wording is clumsy and almost terrible, but that's not shit at writing. GRRM tells a charming little story about sex and death in the Middle Ages, and the story is good.

thats some good bait

I like the a lot better in season 6 than in season 4, but it still seems odd that if they were going to do such a drastic redesign, they didn't go a little closer to the books.

>if they were going to do such a drastic redesign, they didn't go a little closer to the books
>Implying Ding and Dingus have read the books

Yeah, sorry. I shouldn't have said HBO. It's not an issue of funding, it's how D&D decide to allocate the funds.

you could say the same about the white walkers

There was a brief clip of him being executed in an early promo video for season 1

To their coke and hooker habit I suspect. Plus those shitty actors keep asking for more money like they mean anything to anybody.

Fucking stop it. Jon is not Lyanna's son.

>Rhaegar and Lyanna fuck and she gives birth to Dany
>Lyanna makes Ned promise to keep her safe which is why he goes full rage mode the few times Robert says he wants to kill her
>Ned takes baby Dany with him to Starfall to return the sword and fucks Ashara Dayne
>Ashara gives birth to Jon and they swap babies, Jon going to Winterfell and Dany stays in Dorne
>hurr lemon trees in Braavos, no motherfucker, lemon trees in Dorne

Did the show ever even explain Children living in Westeros->First Men come over from the arm of Dorne->War->Peace?

Yeah, I agree with that too. I think with the White Walkers, GRRM was just a bit too vague in the way he described them. Granted, either way it was nothing at all like what we ended up with. But I would prefer a weird, eerily beautiful White Walker design as opposed to spoopy old demon men.

Remember all that shit in season 2 north of the wall where it's a frozen wasteland with no plants? That was a forest in the books.

the faith aren't even homophobic in the books. sure there's no gay marriage and homosexuality is kept on the down-low, but there's no textual evidence of persecution and discrimination of homos

fucking d&d forcing their "church is evil" narrative

It's pretty much confirmed and is probably one of the more obvious "mysteries" in the books you autist.
Side note, Viserys was literally there when Dany was born.

>>Rhaegar and Lyanna fuck and she gives birth to Dany
Go to be bed Preston.

>Shitty actors
>like they mean anything to anybody.
Some of them do.

according to who? Viserys?

Viserys is a liar.

>picking the absolute shittiest scene

good job

>pretty much confirmed

Hahahaha, okay. Cause GRRM isn't known for misdirects, right?

He pretty much described them as best he could without mentioning the size of their dicks.
D&D just wanted muh scurry villain.


Not really.
Actually I can't think of one time when the guy succeeded in misdirecting me.

>>hurr lemon trees in Braavos, no motherfucker, lemon trees in Dorne

It sounds stupid enough for Gurm, but I personally believe R + L = J wherein...

(R)obert + (L)yanna = (J)on.

There is no evidence that Rhaegar would've betrayed Elia, it doesn't fit his character. Stealing away Lyanna to protect her? That makes sense, especially since Bobby raped her. Then again, Neddard isn't exactly the honor-bound lord we're constantly introduced to by every character still living from Robert's Rebellion, so who knows.

Bran has the answer to every question, but his revelations are only for the reader. I wonder when he'll meet The Writer.

>Implying that GRRM has any idea where the story is going, and that he did not tie himself up in a hopelessly tangled knot of side plots and unnecessary character arcs and is currently praying for death

Rhaegar would betray Elia if it meant trying to fulfill a prophecy and creating the Song(Dany) of Ice (Lyanna) and Fire (Rhaegar).

ASOIAF is full of characters trying to fulfill prophecies which may or may not even be real.

how do i acquire the bad pussy

What about when it turned out Missandei was a faceless man, Bran was a Lannister and black people were a myth?

If you were to lock:

>Aerys the Mad
>Maegor the Cruel
>Baelor the Blessed
>Aerion Brightflame

in one small room, what would happen?

>But I would prefer a weird, eerily beautiful White Walker design as opposed to spoopy old demon men.
This, they would have been 10x scarier.

>black people were a myth?
That wasn't in the books, that was IRL.

>>Implying that GRRM has any idea where the story is going

That's a good thing. If ASIOAF is one thing, it's a history book, akin to The Silmarillion. There is no One Ring, no journey, just characters living out their lives.

The story shouldn't "end" because it's just about people's lives. If The Others really are just some generic evil, and R'hllor saves everybody, then what? The world doesn't cease because the pages stop being written.

ASOIAF is one of the few books I could see being picked up by many authors and expanded into an entire mythos, moreso than it already is. Ambiguity and theories are what intrigue us, and the answers are never satisfying because we crave mystery.

Every book I've read in the series I read like it's the last one, because it may as well be.

I can't wait until you branfags start making your own threads.

Maegor kills them all and rapes their corpses like he did to the high septon.

Holy fuck I hope this doesn't end up being the case

Prophecies are the gayest shit. No author will ever succeed Macbeth, and even Macbeth couldn't do it without the goddamn Birnam Wood hiccup.

George pls

She needs to go to fucking Asshai

That's the whole point, though. Prophecies are 100% bullshit and only exist because people TRY to make them come true. That's the point of ASOIAF (along with hurr war is bad)

>Azor Ahai

>yfw Dany's child would have literally fulfilled every prophesy, but he died and now no one can stop the White Walkers
Pottery baby.