Mr. Robot Cringe

>mrw people watch Mr. Robot and then go to codecademy and w3schools to learn basic html.

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fuck, this cunt gif gives me the fucking shits, I want to slam my size 14 boot against the side of that cunt's head and say "GET A FUCKING HOLD OF YOURSELF, YOU CUNT"

quit using stale overused reaction image shills

>mfw people think Mr. Robot is a good show

Sup Forums here

we consider it a good comedy


/k/ here

Imagine how I feel watching ANYTHING with a gun.

If it can make programming a less autistic field, sure

>more people are getting into coding
>somehow this is a BAD thing

Aww, what's the matter? Afraid you actually might have to compete with your meme CS degree?

/o/ here

Imagine how I feel watching ANYTHING with a car

>mfw you don't know how to hack without a trojan horse or a exploit

What, you mean Drive wasn't accurate with Ryan Gosling's Mustang that could do 45 in reverse?

I like you two.

>mfw people make threads titled "Mr. Robot cringe"

and there was gear switching sound too

watched the first episode of S2
what the fuck is this bullshit? why am I still watching after the last half of S1?

who the fuck still wants to program for a living? pajeets took over the programming market

That's why they hate it. Normies who can learn code then get a job as a coder will perform much better than some anti-social brony. They will get promoted to manager within two years. Also the show is lauded by computer professionals as nearly accurate on their portray of hackers. One of the consultants of the show was teh former head of the FBI cyber division and a few hackers turned cyber security consultants. Hacking is a board term and something it doesn't require coding. It requires a lot of backend stuff like networks. Cracking requires some advanced math knowledge. If it get more people into coding then I support it. We need more people in that world because it filled with weird fucking assholes. If it inspires more women then I'm all for it because there is way too much wieners in that industry.

why do autistic faggots get so triggered by this show?

It's like a fucking phenomenon

Like how I went into programming in highschool to be an epic game dev before I realized I'm braindead and videogames aren't that great.

/gif/ here imagine how i feel watching anything with boobs

Dude you're a massive cuck.

>The all-new special LeMan's Edition 2016 Mustang with 2 reverse gears!


Using the word cuck unironically. Son, you have some latent cuck feeling don't ya'? You mad that I believe women should code? Stay triggered basement dweller.

I wish I could learn how to hack...

>You mad that I believe women should code?
Yes, because women fundamentally aren't smart enough to handle coding or computer engineering or anything that's more complicated then spending other people's money and childrearing, and they often manage to fuck that up too.

Once the industry is flooded with them, it will suffer, and when the industry suffers from this affirmative action, then do to this massive inflation of unqualified people, it will be harder for qualified professionals to get jobs, and the people who need those jobs done will regularly have them done more poorly.

>muh virgin misogynist
>wow! just wow!
Why don't you actually read a scientific study, you mong.


>female average intelligence

What do you think the average intelligence is of people who use the word cuck? The average intelligence of people who think affirmative action would ever cause a capitalistic, booming industry to become overrun with unqualified people? You're retarded kiddo.

>book literally has an entire section explaining what distribution, standard deviation, correlation, and regression mean
This is beyond some lowest common denominator shit. This is straight-up indoctrinating simpletons.