/bb/ big brother 18

Miss Me Yet?

Previous thread: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway. Have your parents buy them for, you plebs.

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Tiff
Veto: Corey

HoH Nominations: Tiffany and Natalie
Roadkill Nomination: Day

CANNOT BE NOMINATED THIS WEEK: The Tank, Top QT, Reddit (Michelle)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for harambe

everyone knows the eating meme by now
i see it in the chat every day
i see it posted on reddit

CBS Insider needs to shill hard so we get a short episode during one of the cbs episodes about her constant eating


caramel ice cream scoop in a waffle cone
with strawberries, whipcream, and and hot fudge ontop!
I love it.


She just finished a big omelette, and now she's eating a bunch more shit.



omg it's ice cream

Has Z done anything petty and catty? i want to seethe with anger right now.



>talks about omelet
>slides a bunch of shit on it from a plate
>folds it so you can't see what's inside and the omelet is on the outside
>eats all the cookie dough straight after

what will be her desert though?

ohhh, I panicked for a second there



today is the day her jaw unhinges and she eats bridgette whole.

I don't mind it's spread. It's nice to know that we helped start it.

tfw 5 of my reddit eating pics are in the newest collage

Should I link them, or just post the picture as a preview.

Michelle told the other girls today that she doesn't eat yogurt because it's too sugary.

Said eating Bridgette's cooking is bad for your health. Said all rapists and child molesters should die aka supports genocide in the middleeast. Yet changed her name to an arabian one because she is a special snowflake.

>gender studies and african history degrees
>70K student loan debt
>fake tits
>yeast infection
>threatens other girls with violence behind their backs
>says chinky eyes
>throws a birthday party in for a stuffed animal
>mean as shit to my waifu

>pouring a sugar pack into her water bottle


>Laughed when Tiff was crying
>Said she wanted to break Bridgette's ankle
>Threw Bridgette's cookies in the trash several times and brags about it

Wait until her, Reddit, Paulie, and Paul hang in the HoH room every night. Where they talk shit about Tiff and Bri for the rest of the night but will never say shit to their face.

NO! God damn! NO!

I have 7. its just you and me bud keep it up. I'm not even the guy making the collage

>to send to her when she makes an ama

how do you write a comment like that and click on post

Did Reddit do this?


Michelle being a little bitch


i can't say what it was but she opened a little silver looking satchel by ripping the end and then the camera moved away for a second so i'm assuming it went in the cup

Oh and
>Threw a birthday party for an animal, to make Bridgette feel like shit because no one celebrated her birthday, and she even used the cake mix meant for her birthday.
>Reminder that Bridgette made sure Zakiyah's team was invited to the outback, because it was Zakiyah's birthday.

Nicole why are you so autistic.


I dont understand your post


How does reddit manage to avoid biting the tips off her fingers while she shovels food into her face? It's truly impressive

Mean girls in the HoH room.

that post says the sole purpose of making the eating compilation is so we can post it on reddit when moochelle makes a reddit AMA

Does this mean Reddit is here right now?

her name is Lisa. everything about her is fake

>glenn 4th
>frank 5th
>reddit at 11 for her 3rd day total in the season, never has been lower than 11th

>I never use reddit but take these screens anyways

Kinda, admitedly, I browse reddit, but literally only really niche things like Big Brother that have no other decent place to discuss it. Reddit is good for porn and niche subjects. But even those niche boards the people generally browse all of reddit, so they are massive faggots. I don't browse any mainstream reddits. Sorry, I am Sup Forums at heart.

Michelle is so un self-aware, and stupid. I hate her so fucking much.

>Paul, Reddit, and Day incharge of nose bombs

I vote to evict harambe

How paranoid is Davonne right now?

>sorry i have morals
food morals :')

please stop posting here so much. please stop trying to explain your faggotry everyday.

just post the funny things, don't link it, and shut the fuck up

Mean Girls HoH cam
Natalie virtue signaling to a bored James cam

Great season huh?

there should be a dedicated frank cam 2bh

Should we compile all the shitty things she said and done? She is pretty much a more thirsty not married Christine.

Beauty of Sup Forums is you don't know who I am when I post anonymously. Also I'm not defending reddit, I know its a terrible website, where the fuck else am I supposed to talk about Niche video games. Like The Last of Us Multiplayer. They are like the only active community.

what a fucking child

Dicks out

I just looked at how many words you wrote to describe your faggotry again and ignored it. I said please stop trying to explain it

Please user, I'm trying to think we are all cool here. I love you guys, I looke forward to the threads more than the show every summer.

Tiff/Bridge cam when?

>tfw no one will ever treat you like Natalie treats James

reddit: "I'm doing lo carb today because I slept so much"

>final five in the HoH room

dont worry about him
youre cool in my book

i hope bridge and frank stay up late again but tiff joins them tonight.

>tfw no one will ever love you as much as Michelle loves food.

Michelle tells the girls she's full from her huge omelette. Doesn't mention the ice cream. Z asks if it was an egg white omelette and Reddit says yes. It was not. Says she is "doing low carb today"

They ask her if she is losing any weight because she sleeps so much. She dodges the question.

Is Z getting mad at Nicole just now?

>It's all about me me me me me me moo moo mooooooo

Cry me a fucking river. I don't know how James could stand that.

stop trying to explain why you use both, nobody cares about your snowflake status. post screenshots if you want but don't link and don't talk about this much

you said it yourself, its anonymous here so just stop defending it because it doesn't matter altinat :^)

is she ever not eating

Its ok, Im bulking - Michelle's next excuse.

yes when she's sleeping

60% type thing

i was worried for this to happen
my stomach turned reading the first sentence of this

I hope Tiff and Bridge build a pillow fort like they were talking about

>tfw no qt Bri to rub your back after a stressful week in the house


this is so sickening
needs to be saved for the future

>daily reminder that Ian won BB four years ago despite posting here every single night in the months prior.
>daily reminder that Ian lived it up in Vegas post-show and had a fulfilling social life for a while.
>daily reminder that he's now back and posting here every night
>daily reminder that, at this point, his best option romantically is likely waiting another 2 months for Moochelle to get off the show.
>daily reminder that this is how far he's fallen
>daily reminder that no matter what, you can't escape

>DAILY REMINDER: you're here forever.

>tfw no qt nurse to come in at night and milk us for semen

what if you meet your waifu on here
does it mean we can both leave?




you are here forever but you and your waifu should be happy since you are not alone.

I like it here though

Miss me yet?

Why hasn't any fa/tv/irgin tried to get on since Ian and constantly banepost and spew all other of our fresh memes? what if we got two on?

Why is Corey on this show? He doesn't care about winning it and he's not using it to try and promote himself. I don't know why he decided to do it.


Ian btfo

if there were two they would get too comfortable and one would be spouting racist nonsense to the feeders alone in the backyard

I'm considering applying now but fuck it seems like so much work and they only accepted 2 people this year. its bullshit now but I would do nothing but call out /bb/ stuff

I'll apply after this season, user.

I thought about applying but I don't think I'd fit into any of the stereotypes their looking for.

Who were the two picked?

he's a big fan, he's ridiculously attractive, he knows past guests, and he knows famous people

moochelle and corey. I have no idea how moochelle got on unless she bragged about her reddit posts and they wanted to get reddit to watch

the rest were recruits/ returnees obviously.

Franks awake
