Who knows the awesome that is sounding?

Who knows the awesome that is sounding?

Want to try it but worried about doing damage. I'm very heavy handed.

I tried to sound and I passed out... I'm not sure why.

You accidently hit the reset button.

lmao, i wish i hadn't it felt so good

how are you with seeing your own blood or injections?

with plenty of lube, there is not a huge risk I don't think. first important to know the anatomy of your urethra, also not to force and let gravity do the work. I've gone pretty brutal with it (weed/boooze/poppers influenced) and never had any issues other than maybe the normal slight pain when pissing immediately after.

See this makes me want to try it despite my fears.

Do you have to be soft?

anytime i see my own blood during like a bad cut and getting my blood drawn i pass out

apparently, but I never am. maybe for the first few times to help you get more comfortable. it's difficult to stay soft when it feels so good!!

I've forgotten the name for that "condition", but that is most likely why you passed out. could possibly be a way of getting over it though?

damn.. I need to find a way to get over it. lol sounding felt so good

Does it feel good the second you start putting it in or is there a specific area you're trying to reach? Like the prostate.

w e a k


worth it, but don't risk a situation where you could cause damage if you pass out. UTIs are meant to be nasty!

Hard to say. Some aim to reach the bladder which is supposed to feel phenomenal, but I've never had the balls to go that far. Sometimes it feels a bit odd going in the first time, but then gets good. Moving it in and out feels incredible at almost any length.

yeah, probably should have a disclaimer! make sure you research thoroughly beforehand if you decide to try it.

but it ain't a meme, it does feel awesome. especially if someone else is in control

Do you use a proper glass or steel rod?

started with glass but that was stupid and should not have used (far too risky). now, polished metal sounds.

This is all very interesting I might have to try. Definitely not with a glass one.

I hook up a tens machine to my probe for the ultimate rush

same. it's evilly awesome! with something to pass current in your ass as well, shit be crazy. you can also get vibrating sounds which are decent, but electricity wins, hands down.

yet to reach a HFO though :(

It fucking stings and hurt when i even try to touch my peehole

how the fuck u degenerates manage to put something inside it, ffs

You have to start small....and sterile lube is a good idea.

thought it was cool until I gave myself a horrible urinary infection
the sound was sterilized, but I think the lube was contaminated

used a steel hex key last week and it was brutal
really want to get a vibrating sound, but can't find a good supplier

>I gave myself a horrible urinary infection
>used a steel hex key last week and it was brutal
>really want to get a vibrating sound
do u wanna fuck ur shit up til the point it goes black and falls? or what

This is one of the dumbest things you can do to yourself.

yyyyeah not the greatest idea... generally you can tell straight away if something is not sterile. it stings a bit. if so, stop until you can be sure everything is sterile! and don't use things with square edges, for fucks sake!!

>hex key
>square edges

but yes, I should be more carefull

but top and bottom :-)

are you saying it only stings if something is not sterile? I talked to people who had catheter put in and they said it was nasty, I assumed it burned when being put in, if you claim reaching bladder is so good, the doctors/nurses use sterile things, so it should feel awesome having catheter put in?

I tried it on multiple ocassions, but it would always burn when I put it in and obviously later when I peed after sounding, but would go away after a few days

in my experience the only stinging has come from when I haven't cleaned the alcohol off the sound properly, or the lube is not 100% sterile. no idea with catheters, but I'm assuming the tubes are either wider or they are maybe less generous with lube than they could be.

not claiming that bladder reaching is awesome from personal experience by the way, just from forums, etc.

I think back now and I believe the sensation is from stretching, not from actually inserting sound, but if I fuck my urethra it just gets irritated, maybe not enough lube like you say

what king of fagotness is it???

who said anything about faggotry? I like my gf to do to it to me, and she enjoys it also. it's a medical fetish, biatch!