Yo white boy which one?

Yo white boy which one?

Dark souls 3

Dark souls

Since when was Shovel Knight on fucking disc

Dark souls.

burn yourself nigger....

how did you steal all that

Once again, shitposter, "you" are a nigger because you don't have Bloodborne

>black weeb
Jiggaboos are fucking hilarious.

Dark souls you fucking retard

A while ago. And it's still like 40 bucks

Even more dark souls



Yo white bwoy ...gimmie yo pud pud

fallout 4

Blood Bourne was ok but was shit compared to DS3, the bloodbourbe universe just felt half arsed, I didn't get the same Emerson as I got with ds3, also BB was way to fucking easy.

The one you didn't steal, black boy :)


Dark Souls 3. As if there was even a choice.


bloodborne is the best PS4 exclusive and you have not even got it. disgusting

Why do you want me to kiss myself ?

Oh man. You're so original.

dark souls

Glad to see my taxes went to good use...

that game is too long and faggy


Fallout 4

I know this i old and stale, but seriosly, those titles are 90% overhyped shit, the rest is just pure shit.

>which one
It doesn't matter, you are going to steal all of them.

You need to steal Gta 5, so we can play and I could call you a nigger through the mic

Stick a finger in the plug socket.