I love you guys

I love you guys.


Thank you. That made me smile.

i love nothing and no one

That's your choice, user. I hope, in the very least, you love yourself.

fuck that guy

I love you too, faggot.

You don't even know who I am. I might be the refugee who raped your sister.

Uhm, well... sorry b-but, I don't think it can happen between us user. I am really sorry but, but... I can't do it... we should be just friends.

We love you too.

You're a human being, and that's good enough for me. There's good in everyone, even SJWs.

Thank you. I appreciate that very much.

I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight

I have not heard that in a long time...but I heard it a lot in my twenties. I'm married, so it's probably best if we remain friends, anyway. But friends can jerk off together, right?

Ahhh, quit crowding me!

Thank you.

Aw...that is very sweet. I wish the same for anyone else who read those words.

anytime, stranger ^w^

Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know how I feel.

Fuck you

OK. I can accept your hatred, too. Loving someone means having warm feelings about them even when they do things that could upset you.