Where did it all go wrong?

Where did it all go wrong?

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For me personally I gave up about 6 months after Ant left. I was fine with Opie and Jim for a bit. And then Opie did his cry baby act on the air and I was done. Such a talent-less hack he is. I love Jimmy but I don't wanna hear his rants anymore either. Its morning zoo shit now.

Even though he's a huge creep who may or may not have hit his crackhead girlfriend and I often disagree with him on many things....I do still like Ant and listen to his show.

When Opester dragged that shitskin wop tin knocker and gave him delusions of grandeur

Opie becoming a bitch and Jimmy morphing from one of the funniest people to ever be on radio to a sniveling parody of what he was and stood for. Anthony was the balance that kept Jimmy funny and overshadowed Opie.

Opie was never funny and was always a bit of a girl, but he would at least kickstart ideas for Jimmy and Ant to jump off, and would even contribute at times. By 2008 he became a bit of a hole, then every year became that much whinier, more arrogant, and just overall bitchy. He couldn't handle criticism and jokes, and acted like he was somehow superior to everyone else.

Jimmy in his prime was god tier funny, but as he's aged he's become everything he hated plus half as funny. You know he still has some of his humor still in him, but it's overshadowed now by muh politics and muh serious talk.

anthony cheated on his wife
anthony insulted opie's wife
opie held a grudge
patrice died
anthony got fired
opie held that grudge instead of helping
jimmy needed the money
louis ck is too big for the show
jimmy isn't funny when he has to be the main guy and is resorting to being serious liberal jimmy
opie cut ties with half of the regulars after the split
as a result, no bobo

you forgot
>jim rimjobbing everyone he can and going full hypocrite to line up the possibility of more work when the show ends

TACS retains some of that old o&a feel. the east side dave show is great, I just started watching it.

he really is a worm anymore
i still can't believe he'd side with lena dunham over patrice just so he can do lousy guest spots on her comedy central show

>still no ron and anthony show 7 days a week because ron is secretly disgusted by anthony's living conditions and would rather spend 3 hours a day with his lifesized poster of fez

or defending amy schumer for crumbling and apologising straight away for some joke people didn't like after spending close to a decade tearing anyone who apologises for that stuff apart

When Patrice died

my bad, i was thinking of schumer

>that moment when you realize patrice would have ether moved on to the cumia show 5 days a weeks or taken cumia's spot on the radio show had he lived

Are you suggesting we try and raise superkids?

>implying Anthony ever would have gone off the deep end with Patrice around

patrice would have found the hooker and fucked her

when Patrice died

anthony going off the deepend was probably bought on by patrices death in part.

all of them JUST'd their lives up when he died. opie went full softcock "le family man". jim became much more activist and concerned with how people will remember him. anthony drank himself stupid and went unchecked for too long.

>joe derosa without patrice guidance

>it's an Anthony hits on some girl in studio episode

I love the guy but he's such a ghoul

>joe derosa at all

even when he was a regular, he was fucking awful. he is the only person to have been a regular on the show where i would turn it off. i didn't think he was a comedian at first. i thought he was some guy they were friends with and invited in. no-one can be that unfunny and so delicate and call themselves a comedian.

>it's the bbbbbboys boss around some intern like they're made men in the goodfellas episode

>tfw you are intern Adam irl

the only funny bossing around of an intern was intern david

>tfw you're a combination of fez and pepper with none of the success either has had

he was like the chunk of that crew, everyone had a little role to fill. patrice being the heart.

that crater faced creep got a date with Taylor Vixen from doing that it's amazing what money and fame can do for a person

After Patrice died, Anthony had no connection to black people at all, which in turn led to more and more race-fueled and political rants because there was no one to talk him down from it. Opie would always steer him in that direction and while Ant ranted Opie would play Candy Crush.

Eventually all of them stopped caring and Sam became more and more involved with the show. Then they would just sit around and watch YouTube videos all day.

Lady Di internship was the last good bit.

When you think about it, the most upstanding members of the O&A Universe would have to be Colin and Bobby Kelly.

Pretty much everyone else has fucked up in one way or another in relation to the shows.

lady di is totally fucked now, like legit. she's developed full blown wernicke-korsakoff syndrome

Yeah, Di was the last good bit, and even that became a tiring one. It was funny when she interacted with famous guests.


>ywn fuck prime di in her ass in the back of your car

Porn stars are literally whores. Turns out whores like money.


Their "fear factor/jackass" phase was pretty cringy


Yeah that's the exact exchange I remembered

>How much do you get for someone peeing on you? I did it for free a long time ago.

>Do you really want to know where I lost my virginity? It was in an abandoned building on a door.

I wish Opie croaks soon and Jimmy inherits the channel.

around 2006 when they were on XM and national radio. This is the time they were doing the walk overs and Opie yelled in the guy's face and jumped on the homeless guys cake and jimmy got arrested.

Still holding out for the reunion

>tfw you get just a little taste... just a taste

Bill burr?

The end of 2008 is when ant became a racist douche. Now Jim is pathetic with the whole cartoon ordeal. Opie is just immature. Reddit rules!


Patrice died, Louis CK blew up and stopped doing the show (and devolved into LITTLE WHITE DICKS), Bill Burr blew up and stopped doing the show, Ant's antisocial craziness finally boiled over, Jimmy seems to be struggling with trying to reach the next phase of his career or something, and obviously an Ant-less show is pointless because Jimmy and Opie have zero chemistry.

I've never heard Ant's new show but he's basically solo isn't he? That sounds like it would be too much like conservative talk radio.

The thing about Bill is that its pretty clear he won't have anything to do with Ant anymore. Which kinda takes him out of the current "universe". His (black) wife was the reason Ant wasn't allowed at Patrice's benefit this year, and that's just fucked because Patrice would've wanted him there. Bill has never done Ant's show either, most everyone else has...

Sue has such a manly body

If you ask me rock bottom was when Ant ran over all those people in France

Niggers are where it went wrong

ant's network has some of the buddy vibe where they do each other's shows and it's laid back. I like it.

They hated each other for some reason. Probably because Opie was insane. They'd both be doing just fine if they weren't such dicks to each other

After Anthony left it was garbage.

Opie and jimmy have real great chemistuhreeee brothaman

kek hey Dani

>ant became a racist
Nothing wrong with that



*seinfeld bass riff*

I won't show you my the bruise on my tit.. YOUD BE SO LUCKY heheh

Erock, comment?

And not to mention that Colin Quinn became a Hollywood superstar overnight! Am I right, gang?

You're right it's more like his racism is just annoying.

You mean Scorch #pff #actorlife #la

feel bad for little yimmy watching all his old friends blow up while he has a more consistent platform.

He's got a face for radio.

when patrice died

When Opie started to constantly bitch about management and Anthony constantly started to bitch about politics and black people.

When Patrice died.

Well hey, know what I say? No matter what, ya gotta have fun. Especially with everything thats gonig on these days. Haha!

It's just angle I'd still fickle it more so than than the regular leftist woman

East Side Dave, Gavin, and High Society Radio are the only parts of the O&A Universe I still care about

Shock jock is dead. Does Stern do anything besides interviewing celebrities anymore?

patrice dying, obama being elected again, and the george zimmerman trial really sealed the deal

You don't like Ronnie B?

>Shock jock is dead

That's a good thing

Ron went to shit after Fez left

that faggot and his #proudboys shit gave me the biggest douche chill of my life

Hilariously enough, it's gotten a revival in the form of blatantly racist (like, full-on Sup Forums-level "gas the kikes race war now" kind of racist) podcasts.

I love the hell out of ronnie b clips.

but there's something about his show where I can't listen to it day to day. there's something simultaneously harsh, smarmy, and phony about ron's on air persona. at his best, he is one of the funniest men who ever lived, but I always have trouble sitting through a show.

especially because I can get my Pepper fix with HSR.

>tfw you will never get roasted by ant norton and patrice as sam sarcastically defends you

The good thing about O&A dying is that I started listening to Ron & Fez instead and found it's actually much funnier. ESD rules.

>opie bitching about management.

He's been doing that since AAF bruddaman.

Shock jockery was a strange product of its time. Think 90s/00s XTREME! humor battling with the FCC on terrestrial and trying to create content on the relatively boundry free satallite format.

It all got replaced by the internet. Shit, I'm old enough to remember when the simpsons was "edgy"

something went very wrong in her life

>tfw you leave the O&A show playing as background noise just to feel like you're not alone

Anthony loves trannies

>side with lena dunham over patrice
That's some revisionist history you got there.

I only got into them a year before Savage-gate.
I'm listening to the show from January 2009 and it's so fucking good compared to the dreck that is O&J right now.
The last fucking straw for me was when Eester Ku was there and Opie broke down and shat on Jimmy for 30 minutes.
I hope he leaves come October, but The Worm will most likely cling on to life to keep that windtunnel of an apartment he has.
hi O&A subreddit

>Opie and Jim discussing Pokemon Go
>Jimmy HATES it while Opie is nonplussed as usual
>Jimmy then lays up the perfect joke field goal for Opie when he whines about collecting useless shit
>Opie could have shat on him for trying to 'Catch 'em all' with his dumbass celeb photos
>resorts to slothing away as usual

>anthony's living conditions
I haven't listened to TACS since the Danny Beatdown and Ant going to rehab.
Did he lose the compound and lives in Jimmy's old leaky, mold covered apartment?

It's sad because Opie tried to keep it going while jim and ant learned to evolve. Being a shock jock hack is all he knows how to do.

>Christmas 2008
>Ant drank from the day they got off until they started up again the next year
>Got pulled over for "speeding"
>was so hung over he missed his entire Christmas party
>can't remember most of what happened
It's so fucking depressing to listen to.


i just listen to bill burrs podcast once in a while now and even he's a bit of a cuck. patrice wouldnt have allowed any of this.

Was it ever any good?

you're not the only one, user...

very good.

Those guys look like real losers.

>caring about Patrice more than anything else

just dont claim you ever liked the show

>liberal jimmy

I still don't get this meme.