Short hair girls thread

Short hair girls thread

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God damn

dat SJW face.

You mean boys thread you fucking faggots.


>Fucking faggots
>Its a woman
How brain damaged are you?



they have vaginas


Almost none of the fags in the picture are romanian you retard



Can someone explain the fetish to me?
Why do you like short haired girls?

Something about the hair style


Does she have more pics

its just a cute style for certain girls. It doesnt work for everyone though






>Update] [Auto] 9



more of her tied up pls

I can see that you draw, do you have any gallery? DA, VCL art?

She has long hair now, and most of the pictures I've taken are more recent



That's all from that set

pls show all pics where she is in bondage
its so hot

does she do spanking btw?




Like I said, that was all I had


does she do spanking?



Not really




would like to see her ass getting toyed or fucked


>short hair means guy

Full retard





It's cute. I also think it shows confidence. Like they don't need/want to hide behind their hair


She's a fucking goddess omg...







Never noticed that if you zoom in on her eye you can actually see the photographer taking the picture.

Did you save the thumbnail?








Anyone know who this actually is? Like, professional name, or if she kept modeling? Never bothered to look her up before, but I've never seen this much of her set.





No idea. Check out this album I posted. here


And thanks for not being a dick and answering a simple questions, user. Rarer and rarer on Sup Forums.

damn she's cute

No prob user. I can be dick when something is common Sup Forumstard knowledge, but cassie isn't. She's just some one off model.





sandu is there, thats enough







